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Everything posted by Atanquin

  1. Is your daughter dog okay? Has she called the council
  2. No we have enough laws as it is do we really want more? Thy council has enough on it's plate as it and I'm sorry but this my view I would hate for someone to come to my property to inspect it just to see if it was suitable for a dog. What they need to do is focus on enforcing the laws they all ready have. It cost alot to own a dog and if a licensing policy came along I would expect tha cost to double if not triple for yearly registration. Also I don't think desexing should be made law all they dogs I have ever had have not been desexed no problem with temperament, and they have never gotten any bitch preggers because we made sure they didn't get to any no problem. I think we should focus on teach kids from a young age how to act around animals and how to treat them
  3. It has everything to do with how it is being raised! I'm not a pitbull fan not my favorite dog but its wrong to ban a breed because it attracts idiot owners that want a strong looking dog. My friend has a pit cross mastiff and it would never hurt a fly no aggression at all because she has put time into training him and he is part of her family she has him off lead around her horses and when people come over he loves to meet them. Now compared to the pitbull looking dog over the road ( might be a staffy cross pit) I would not go near it but I know it is chained up all day and never goes out for a walk and it just looks aggressive And acts aggressive when I asked the lady if she would like to walk with me and my pup one day she said she doesn't take him of the chain he is there to look after the property. I'm a big believer that we make aggressive dogs whether it's through the wrong people breeding them or the owners that don't look after their dog properly. Look at humans we are the same if a child is brought up with love and an education and taught how to treat others with respect he will be a good person now you get someone who has been brought up with bad parents that didn't give a rats arse and was never taught how to treat other people you get a nasty person.
  4. Should be okay was it just milk chocolate? If your not sure just give your vet a call and ask and thy will tell you what to look outfor
  5. I dont want to do that Then don't. I would help if had money to spare but need every penny ATM just wanted to say tho that I think it is a great idea I feel so bad for what has happened to that family and they should know that alot of people are there for support in this tragic time
  6. Poor pup, but the RSPCA are stupid he was going to be put down killed but no got a 2nd chance at life I know how dog in the English army are treated I'm sure it's the same here. They are treated so well they are loved by everyone get the food bedding vet care and they are heros
  7. Had a friend of mine come in to the shop she got a little staffy from te local RSPCA sweetest dog she is scared of what might happen so sad apparently her mum ran her telling her to be careful of her dog because it could be dangerous. Poor girl her dog wouldn't hurt a fly and she has no papers for her and she looks like a bull breed
  8. Omg that hotline will cause soooo many problems for innocent dog owners it's really becoming unpleasant to own a dog!! How many people will abuse it?
  9. Atanquin


    I know our gsd was apparently dangerous and got a call from the council saying that he attacked the post man my mum looked at the time and date and knew he didn't the postman was just scared. We kept our dog out back so people could come to our front door without being licked to death our mail was left out aide in English rain and was getting drenched so my dad set up cameras to show to the council that the post man was in idot and got fired for making up that story and leaving our post out in the rain next postie we had was great never a problem. But some dog breeds are judged so quickly
  10. Actually I'm a poodle and whippet owning female who's never owned and will never own an APBT and I live in one of the only places in Australia where it is still legal to own one. Matthew, you show me ONE place anywhere in the world where banning breeds has lead to a decrease in dog fatalities. I can tell you now that you won't find one. How is that a "futile" argument? Breed bans don't work. There are no simple solutions to the questions of what makes dangerous dogs. Until we as humans accept our responsiblity for creating such animals, children will continue to die. It's quite simple, even you should be able to understand it. Ban the breed and it ceases to be around to kill or maim people. Yes, the dog was bred to fight other dogs, but in the absence of another dog, it'll attack anything that moves if it's in the frame of mind to do some damage. Your argument is as dumb as that regarding guns. "Guns don't kill people, people do". Take the gun out of the equation and there'd be a massive drop in the homicide rate. Same thing applies to this vicious breed. Take it out and there won't be any pitbulls to attack people. But there will be other breeds to attack people with the Same idiot owners
  11. I don't think thy should put the dog down till after he has been look at and assessed if it was out of character for him and we don't know that it wasn't it needs to be looked into even if he was aggressive still needs to be looked into as it can help us find out more about why these attacks happen
  12. I can see both sides of your arguments YES pit-bulls are a fighting breed and yes they are responsible for more attacks BUT it is still how they are trained it comes down to that and people that own fighting breeds should be training them like a responsible owner should but they don't because some of them like them to be mean dogs, so the poor dog suffers because he doesn't know any better because no one has shown him how to behave.
  13. Unfortunately pitbulls or pit crosses are right on top of the bite and attack list by a long way some thing like 1100 next is a rottie at about 460 from memory it might be different now not sure but the problem is they are a fighting breed and are more prone to bad behavior if NOT trained or bred properly and thats the problem!! It's bot the dogs fault they just do what come natural. Putting a ban in place will not change the way they are trained or treated idiots will still find a way to own a DA next it will be the Dob's then the rotties which is the same thing they are not dangerous but if not trained properly they then can become dangerous. It's a trick spot and not something that can be solved but banning a breed
  14. Thanks guys I think the lady was passing through so I dont think I would be able to say sorry tho I would like to. Just had a call from the police apparently there is nothing they can do BUT because I know the people and have told them not to ride my horse as he is not suitable for them and I have told the police if some thing bad does happen they are at total fault so that had taken some pressure of but I think I will stick to just walking up the road for now but I'm sure j won't do it gain just human nature everyone has done something like that!! I'm sure I'm not the first
  15. The mop cant get him to like vacuum cleaner he is now fine with but the mop he does not like we tried changing the mop head even tho it was still sort of new only been use for 2 weeks buy no he will bark and bark and bark at it
  16. yer but it was via my email not pm on here but that could make it only a few people as i have only given out my email to a few people
  17. Once again sorry to everyone but last last comment wa about that pm the one in the pic Is the pup But that was The day he came home I will post a pic of the little angel oops forgot i changed my pic yes that is him once i find out which people sent me the emails i will report them
  18. I have seen young pups out as well but I alway start with saying hallo and asking if I could pat the puppy ten ask" how old is he or she" then when they tell me I say if thy are under 12 weeks" awww that why he/ she is being carried like a prince because other wise you might get ill" in the cute puppy voice he he or if older than 12 weeks " aww so first time out and about ay" and normally can tell by just being friendly
  19. He is baby looking he is a cocker spaniel loves everyone!! Think that why we get alot of attention
  20. I was referring to the PM I had tell me to give my dog to a rescue group that's why I post that last comment about being worse than me! Really was that needed. I had already had 4 people stop and ask if he was vacc but I had caught someone trying to ride my horse in his paddock that rent I think that's what started it they where riding him with out a helmet I ran over but they ran off and then I had to deal with the police ( I rang them as I was concerned ) I should have gone home but I thought a walk would do me good then when that lady ran over to me like there was an emergency of something terrible had happened and only to ask then u lost it to much in one day
  21. I had said that I felt bad about saying that? That's why I came on here to say that I had felt bad I never swear? I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced the same thing? you are All just as bad as me for your comments? I will be off this sight from now on I had just felt bad and need to talk to some about it but then I get abused? All I wanted was a chat about it and who ever it was that sent me a message saying I should give my dog to a shelter as I'm a bad owner for one bad thing I had said? Get a life! I'm sorry if it offended people I feel even worse now more so than when I came back from my walk! I was going to apologize to the lady but I was shocked and just kept walking! Like I said some of you are just as bad if not worse than me!! Some of you had a good point I know I was wrong and like I said before that's why I came on here good bye
  22. I do say but I have had enough so many people say it try don't use any tact at all thy could say " how old is the little one" and go from there start a friendly conversation but no its " hey you? Is he vaccinated" I just find it so rude? That why I lost it was sick of being polite to thos rude people who really had not right to ask that?
  23. Okay I lost it today everyday I take zorro for his walk on the beach he loves the beach!! But everyday al least 2-5 people stop me and say " is that pup vaccinated" now This bugs me why is their concern? Today I snapped one lady came almost running over to me saying "hey young lady, yes you?" now I turned around thinking maybe she need some help but what I got was " is that young pup vaccinated?? Do you know they can get Sick if their not?" and this was the last straw I said " FU!?k off you stupid BI$TCH it my dog not yours so leave me and any other poor dog owner you see alone" and walked off do you think i was wrong I feel bad but at the same time not I'm not a angry person but everyone has a breaking point? But anyone else have this problem? Btw he is vaccinated but Now I don't want to go to they beach for his walk because people can't keep to them self's and the walks just make me frustrated, I had tried to walk away but some people are just pests!!
  24. He skipped puppy school and went straight to obedience he was sto smart for puppy school so now I think about it that might be the problem he didn't get to Play with other pups so altho he was meeting dog he was learning to play I might take him 1 hr before his class starts when puppy school is on so he can maybe play with the others I will ask the lady if that's okay thanks guys
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