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Everything posted by trinabean

  1. I'm with Petplan too, on the 'Standard' plan. Unfortunately my boxer pup was treated for diarrhoea (spelling?) at 9 weeks caused by coccidia. I was honest (foolish?) and disclosed this. Rather than paying a higher premium and being covered, Petplan have excluded any gastro-intestinal treatment for 24 months. After that, I can ask for that to be reviewed. Pity really, as he seems to have a sensitive stomach. Even if my dog were to swallow an object that needed surgical removal, that would be considered GI and it wouldn't be covered. I'm happy to have the insurance (you never know, he could need expensive treatment for something else!) I did seriously consider just setting aside the money I would have spent on premiums as a 'fighting fund' too. I just don't trust myself to be that disciplined! Petplan are underwritten by Allianz. I think most of the others are underwritten by Hollard. The small print is mind boggling! Good luck in your decision-making. An anonymous phone call to a few insurers to ask a few questions might be worthwhile.
  2. Such stunning puppies! I couldn't help but click on the 'more here' link, such beautiful photos.
  3. +1! Have been thinking about your situation all day and hoping all went well. Thanks for the update.
  4. A great explanation of the benefits of breed specific rescue Indigirl.
  5. Hope all goes smoothly for her (and you) today. Have yourself a nice stiff drink when she is all done and dusted!
  6. Not just you, I thought the exact same thing. Similar, but Bruno is leggier I think. He looks a little like Becandcharch's Asha too. Same mask. I haven't done a glamour shot of all four together yet, but here they are doing what they do best... hogging the heater What a gorgeous gang! Yep, that's exactly how my dog has spent the day thus far. Only leaving the heater reluctantly to pee. VERY reluctantly peeing in the icy rain, then straight back to his friend the heater
  7. I've been using 'Harvey Fresh lactose free' natural yoghurt. It is a W.A. brand though so maybe not available elsewhere. I think natural yoghurts generally have very little lactose anyway (mostly digested by the cultures?) I've been using lactose free simply because my dog seems to have a very sensitive stomach.
  8. Not sure if it helps Leopuppy04 but I have a 6 month old puppy with some ongoing digestive issues. Our vet put him onto Eukanuba Low Residue dry for 4 weeks to settle things down. It was apparently more easily available than some of the other prescription diets too (vet had 1 bag of RC intestinal left and supply was difficult). The ingredient list didn't impress me however it's apparently very easy to digest. I was surprised that it worked, he did the first 'normal ' poos in his life. For months we had been dealing with hideous liquid/ cowpat poos, often with blood and mucous. I have transitioned him off the Eukanuba food now (it's quite expensive and not a puppy food). Things are still a bit hit and miss for us but we are working out what suits him. Good luck with getting your girl healthy again...
  9. Hey Ruthless, it could just be me (and I am tired!) but Bruno looks very similar to Snook's dog Justice. I was just looking at pics in the Photos thread and did a double take!
  10. So glad you are keeping that gorgeous boy. A second chance and a great home for him, and more photos for us! I'm biased (I have a Bruno too) but the name really does suit him....
  11. You could say something along the lines of "The price is worth it for a clear conscience." :D Then educate them on the perils of BYB's and puppy farms!
  12. I joined because I was desperate for information on crate-training, toilet training etc.. Oh, and because I've become such a dog tragic...Non-doggy peoples' eyes glaze over when I talk too much about dogs!
  13. Zug Zug I'm sorry for the loss of your bichon, he sounded like a lovely little guy. I'm glad you got over your fear of boxers
  14. Aaaaawwwww! All the elements of cute at work there. Loving the wrinkles, velvet coats and big feet in this thread! edited because my child climbed on my lap and distracted me!
  15. All the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels I know are owned by families with young kids. Lovely patient and personable dogs...
  16. My pup was a rampant poo consumer too, his own and anyone else's. His breeder suggested sprinkling unsweetened pineapple juice onto his food rather than actual pineapple. It seemed to work on stopping him eating his own. Maybe it helped break it becoming a habit too? I have since forgotten to buy the juice and he hasn't returned to his poo-gobbling ways. Except at dog obedience, where the abundant rabbit poo is wildly distracting!
  17. Now that is some serious cute!How funny is the 4th pic doing the RARRR gonna get ya! Those velvetty Weims are so beautiful ......I had better get out of this thread. Can't have another puppy. Can't have another puppy...
  18. I LOVE the first photo of Hamish the most! He looks like such a cheeky character
  19. Ooh Shell, Hamish is stunning and very cute! It takes a lot for me to say that.... I normally gravitate towards short-coated breeds with jowls and wrinkles ( Boxers, Frenchies, Mastiffs, etc) Hamish may have turned me!
  20. My young Boxer was doing the air snap (we called it 'the crocodile' ) for a while. He seems to have grown out of it now. I did discourage it by stopping play or switching over to some sits, drops etc. to turn down the excitement level somewhat. It seems to have helped, though I'm no expert. That said, the air snap was always a part of play and teeth came nowhere near skin. I think it was just an expression of over-excitement? I was able to pre-empt it with my dog sometimes (his play style and a particular lunatic look in his eyes ) and would tone down the play. This may be hard to do with other excited dogs around though. I think you are doing a great job and she looks beautiful now by the way..
  21. A small amount of fresh blood can be from straining a bit too. But I agree with the others, a vet check would be good.
  22. Oooh she's beautiful I can't have one, but I love Great Danes!
  23. Sorry for your loss. Miss Ricky was lucky to be so well loved and cared for. The paintings are beautiful too...
  24. Smart girl, I bet she brags to the other dogs about how obedient you are
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