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Everything posted by trinabean

  1. I agree with Clyde. I've had to firmly explain to visitors not to stir up my boxer, especially as a pup. I have children and the last thing I need is others encouraging my dog to be mouthy and rough. Boxers are excitable enough! Interestingly, my dog is good with women and children but has taken the longest time to be trained out of jumping up on men (especially those who had, in the past, razzed him up). I think it's related.
  2. What people haven't learnt from any of these incidents is why it happened. M-sass your clearly blaming everything on genetics and BYB's, but it isn't as simple as that. People aren't learning why attacks happen and how to avoid them. The plain truth is any dog can and will bite given the right situation, regardless of how incredible you or anyone thinks their dog is. I have never owned a dog not knowing exactly of what it is capable of and it's triggers, it's about knowing your dog, its traits, its signals, what it needs to be a happy dog and how to avoid putting your dog in situations that will invariably provoke unwanted reactions. Some dogs will never encounter a situation that may provoke a biting reaction, but that doesn't mean they're not capable. Well said Geo.
  3. I can't offer any great advice Booge as we bought our pup when my youngest child was 4 years old. My husband often works interstate, and long hours when he is home though. I do understand the juggle of trying to meet everyone's needs. A newborn baby and the accompanying sleepless nights can be downright exhausting. I suppose my dog has grown up having to slot into our family's varying school/ work routines. It may be a bit of an adjustment for your dogs to get used to the recent changes as you've had them for much longer? Are they used to being walked/ fed etc at certain times of day? That may need to change depending on what you can manage. Is it possible for you to hire a dog-walker for now, to take some of the pressure off you and your wife? Are you able to take the dogs to something such as obedience training one night a week, to keep their minds busy, maybe learning some new things? Providing there's not something bigger at play (like post-natal depression) I think it's an adjustment phase. Try not to make any decisions right now while you are both tired and under pressure. I do hope things settle down for your family. Congratulations on your new baby. :)
  4. trinabean


    So sorry to read this. Run free gorgeous Atlas.
  5. Glad you got a second opinion, sounds like the new vet is going to be able to help your dog. I hope the medication helps settle things down. Good luck. :)
  6. I have nothing to offer (as far as advice) but sympathy aplenty. I hope your recovery goes well and that your poor Dally settles down and stabilizes too.
  7. So sorry for your loss Esky. I'm glad Penny got to come home with you, and pass away peacefully. Hugs to you.
  8. Appollo Archie Arkhan Armand Arminius Asher Aussie x2 Axl Bailey x 4 Balou Bandit Banjo x2 Bardigrub Barkly Bart x 2 Barton Baxter Basil Bear x2 Benji Benny x2 Bennett Benson x2 Benz Beowulf Bert Bertie Billy Bing Bluey Bosch Boss Boxer Boyd Brady x 2 Brock x 2 Brockie Brody Bronson Bruce x 2 Bruno Brutus Bud Buddy Bundy Buster Caleb Cannon Caramel Carl Carter Cash Casper Cedar Champ Chance Charlie x 5 Chester Chester McNoggin Chevy Chip Chisel Coco x 2 Cobber Connor x2 Cooper x 4 Cowan x 2 Cruise Cuba D'Artagnan Dakota Dalton Damit Danny Darcy x 3 Dashx2 Deakin Deek Dean Declan Delgado Denver Denzal Dennys Dog Deputy Dexter Diablo Diesel Digby Digger Dinky Disco Doc Dog Douglas Dozer Dragon Drifter Drogo Dumas Dylan x2 Dyson Ebon Eddie EJ Elijah Elliott Elvis x 2 Edge Enuff Esky Fender Fergus FEZ Fido Fionneaghan (Fionn) FlashBazil Flash Harry Focus Fox Frank Franky J Holden Fred Gandor Gimmick Granger Gatto Greedy Griffin Gus x 3 Guiness McGuinness Gypsy Hail Hamish Harley Harrison Harry Hemi Henry x2 Hiram Hogan Hudson Hugo x 2 Ivan Jack x 3 Jackson Jacques Jake x 3 Jasper x 2 JayDee Jethro Jett Jingles Jock Joe Jonty Jordan x 2 Joshua Judd Juggie Kahn Kaiser Kasper Kaos Kiba Kei Kippy Kisho Kobe Kyle Kynan Kyojin Kyzer K9 Leo Leroy x2 Lestat Link Logan Louie Louis Luca Lucky Lughie Lukas MacKenzie Magnus Manny Mars Maui Maverick Max x 4 Maxey Maxie Mel Merlin x 2 Merlot Merry Micah Midge Milky Milosh Minook Mistral Mogwai Mocha Mokha Morrison Morris Moses Mr Darcy Mungo Murphy Murray Nammu Napoleon x2 Ned Nelson Nicky Nigel Nikolai Nipper Noah Nova Nudge Nugget Nutnut Oberon Obi Odin Ollie Oliver x 2 Onslow Oscar x 2 Oso Oz x 2 Payton Percy Piikki Porsha Porthos Punch Quick Rafe Raffy Ralph Rambo Randy Rasta Rauri Reeve Remy Rex x 2 Rhaegar Rhino Rico Riku Riley Ripley River Roary Rocks Rocky x 2 Rolly Rommi Rookie Rory Rove Rover Roy Jones Jnr Ruff Ryan Rupert Rusty x2 Sam Samurai (Sam) SARGE Scout Scrap Scratch Sebastion Shadow x2 Silas Skeeter Snitch Snoopy Sonny sox Speed Spencer x 2 Spike x 2 Sport Spud Stanley Steed Sterling Storm Sully Swanky Tama Tango TanninBazil Tazz x 2 Ted Teddy Tey Dog Theo Thunder Tiger Tirra Toby x 2 Toffee Tonka Trojan Trusty Tub Tusca Tye Tyrant Tyson Ulf Valentino Viserys Vulcan Wade Wags Walker Walter Watson x 2 Weave Will Willow Willy Winston Woody Wolf Xander Yelka Zac Zander Zedley Zep Zephyr Zero Zeus x 2 Ziggy Zontie
  9. This might be the Monash Uni. article you were referring to Mymatejack? My link
  10. Well that's good news, sounds like she will heal up in no time. :)
  11. Ho love it. my friend Colin's, Boxer can do the same without needing to carry a stick, his undocked tail is about the same weight and damage capacity as a baseball bat. I learned from experience. You seem to get the same sort of look when trying to explain. yes I've been kneecapped. how? the boxer did it. no not a boxing human. the dog. a boxer dog.. canine dog... his breed is boxer....... ummm dont think they believe me somehow.? how did it? with his tail. nope they think Im not going to admit hubby did it I suspect. maybe you should always take the doggy weapon of mass distruction with you perhaps Well, I believe you Asal. And here I would have popped a *winky man* Small consolation, but that kind of helicopter tail means Colin's boxer reeeeeaaally loves you. :)
  12. We have solid Marri floorboards and a boxer. Yes, not too bad.....but scratched. Mostly 'excitement skids' near the front door. I figure we'll just sand and re-polish before selling. edit: scratches aren't as frequent since I started dremelling his nails.
  13. :laugh: I love Neville's grumpy little face. The foster pups are gorgeous. My favourite photo is the snuggled on the couch one. I hope your daughter recovers quickly Clyde. :) My kids have hardly seen any school friends this holidays, everyone has been sick!
  14. And they're hyperactive apparently :) People used to be shocked that I would walk 3 boxers together :laugh: Yes, the 'hyperactive' tag cracks me up. Mine spends most of the day sleeping. :laugh:
  15. Lovely photos Ruthless. Such gorgeous munchkins and Bruno is so beautiful to watch too. He's a good 'foster mum.' :D
  16. I have used it for training before...no kidding...well, I know exaclty what's in it, and they will work for it!!! :laugh:
  17. We are all safe and sound Nic.B. I'm grateful for good neighbours (especially after reading about you awful ones). My neighbour was home sick yesterday, she normally would have been at work. I hate to think what would have happened had she not been home. i would have potentially arrived home with my two young sons to a burglary in progress. None of the other neighbours were home either. Aussie3 I was only joking in a thread not so long ago, that I should get a recording of your Anatolian barking as Bruno doesn't alert bark! And maybe I need a feisty ankle-biter Flying Furball? Tonka would have been a better guard dog than Bruno yesterday. :laugh: Melbomb at least Bomber alert barks initially. I think the young guys were probably in the yard before they realized there was a dog. Luckily for them, he is a big doofus family dog, he seems to think people are always awesome. I will let the other neighbours know to be extra vigilant though. Good idea.
  18. lol rabbit pez dispenser :laugh: :laugh: We did our first obedience course in a fenced grassy area at the local TAFE college. There was heaps of rabbit poo there. My dog would reject BBQ chicken and liver while snuffling madly for bunny poo. He was so distracted by it that at times, I wondered if rabbit poo would be a better bait!
  19. Alkhe I wish I could say Bruno chased them out of the yard. Apparently this boxer is 'a lover not a fighter' If they jumped the fence carrying cats he may have barked.... Good job little Maggie!
  20. Mumof4girls it was such a 'Murphy's Law' moment. Typically I leave him inside, but the weather was decent today. I also wasn't sure how long we'd be out, and didn't want him hanging out for toileting. And yes, Mr Mister I filed an incident report with police. Although nothing was stolen it was, apparently, trespass, and there have been a spike of burglaries in the area lately. I was surprised actually, they sent a police car straight over to look around the suburb. And yes LabTested they looked to be about 15-17 I think. Acne in full swing. It's school holidays here still. I can't think why they picked my house, there are much easier yards in the street to get into. Mine is one of the few houses where someone is home during the week too. edited to add: I thought they looked like adults as they were all so tall. My neighbour got a closer look at them though so yes, probably just bored teenagers, up to mischief...
  21. I've just arrived home to an unsettling incident. I had taken my kids to the movies and left Bruno outside as it was warm and sunny. As we returned home and pulled into our street, a bunch of guys were making a hasty exit from my driveway and took off down the street. My neighbour had confronted them after they climbed into my backyard and went down the side of my house. They apparently went around and jumped the locked gate into the carport/ front yard and left quickly. Bruno didn't even bark at them. Maybe they didn't realize there was a dog here? He looked a little agitated. I'm just glad he's ok and wasn't let out of the yard. Thank goodness for good neighbours!
  22. I've seen similar situations at parks/ playgrounds a few times. Funny how many people assume small, cute and fluffy = doesn't bite!
  23. Sorry to hear that you lost a dog so recently.
  24. To clarify, I think the idea of DeGas is to give it asap and get straight to a vet.
  25. I'm glad Oscar is ok. I keep some DeGas on hand just in case (it's available from supermarkets near the antacids etc. or from pharmacies). As Minxy mentioned, one of the main things is to not let him exercise for an hour or so either side of a meal. I think there have been arguments for and against raised feeding bowls, and that dry food may be riskier than food that has been moistened. Some of the Great Dane websites go into depth about the different ideas. Hopefully Oscar is all done with scaring you tonight. :)
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