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Everything posted by trinabean

  1. Poor Ziggy The areas that he is itchy are the same as Bruno's. I wonder if he is allergic to something in the air/ environment? There are so many problematic pollens/ grasses around in spring....
  2. A camera. Because we need to see photos. :D
  3. I'm not saying it's right in any way whatsoever, but the fact is they are probably still trading due to having customers sign release forms. That is, releasing the facility of any responsibility. I'm not sure if these release forms hold up under scrutiny so if this is the case it may be worth looking into. What a bloody heartbreaking, tragic & unacceptable situation. There is a PDF of terms and conditions on their website which is, indeed, a release form. Not one that I'd be happy to sign at all, especially in light of Dingbat's experience. Dingbat I'm so sorry for your loss, what an awful way to lose little Jack.
  4. I spent half of yesterday (and a small fortune) at a canine dermatologist's at Murdoch Uni and it looks like one of the symptoms I asked about. My boxer has been voraciously chewing his underside, flanks and paws and his muzzle has broken out into lumpy 'pimples' like Ziggy. The dermatologist said that it was probably irritation caused by the constant 'fleaing' he's been doing. She agreed with Erny's standby of calendula tea as being very soothing. Thanks Erny! My dog's test results so far confirmed that he is atopic to tons of grasses, dust mites, insects etc. so we have a long road ahead of us but some of the simpler treatments of the symptoms were: Ditch the Aloveen shampoo and use QV wash once a week. Calendula tea is excellent to rinse/ spray on the coat and soothe irritated skin. Make a dilution of QV bath oil and water up in a spray bottle and spray/ wipe onto skin. Apply a spot-on of 'Essential 6' oils onto the back of the neck and base of the tail once a week. Add fish oil to the diet. We have a heap of other things to do, but they probably apply to Bruno's particular allergies and might not be applicable to your dog. Good luck with Ziggy. :)
  5. The photos of Rolf (and your happy girl) are just beautiful. The previous ones of him being offended by food "How very dare you" are hilarious. :laugh: A Great Dane walk would be a sight to behold. :)
  6. And 7kgs more than my adult male boxer. Unfreakingbelievable!
  7. I really don't like to hand out advice as we are all different and individual situations vary so much. However, if it were me I would hold off on getting a puppy right now. Although you like this particular litter, there will be other litters. I don't want to scare you with terrible new baby stories but my first child was not one that slept much at all (he was quite sick with colic and then gastro-oesophogeal reflux for his first 10 months). I struggled through the days, had a bit of depression and had no family living on this side of the country to help/support me. There is no way I would have been able to manage training a puppy at the same time. Obviously my story is not everybody's story though. Things may be very different for you (and I hope they are). Good luck with your decision making. :)
  8. :laugh: Haha Stans mum, he is hilarious but gorgeous at the same time. Bruno has a weakness for cat crunchies. It's the only time he ignores 'leave it'....he just can't resist them it seems. One time out walking, he swooped on what looked like an old bit of floral fabric on the ground, but was actually a big ugly pair of knickers. I squawked "leave it" and thanked my lucky stars that he did. I didn't fancy playing ugly knicker tug-of-war!
  9. Hmmm, that was my concern. My boy had the 6 month implant, has had it for around 4-5 months now and it's showing no signs of wearing off just yet. actually, up until around 6 weeks ago his testicles were still shrinking. At this stage I'd like to continue with the Suprelorin rather than desex him but am not keen on giving him a double dose. I presume that if the vet put in a second implant before the first had completely worn off that the dog would be getting a higher dose of hormones? (or what-ever is in it)? I'm trying to get my head around it... Kei was the first dog that our vet had done so they have no experience with it either. My dog had the 6 month implant at the beginning of the year and I wondered how long it would remain effective. At about the 7 month mark, Bruno's testicles started to return to normal size and he started humping the furniture with a vengeance so I'd say the time guide is pretty accurate for him. He weighs about 28kg. My vets own dogs are less than 10kg and he finds that the implants last much longer in them. I've had no problems with Bruno having Suprelorin and have been happy with it. He has just had his second implant. We are dealing with some other health issues at the moment but I will probably wait until he needs a GA for something else, and have a vasectomy done then.
  10. My dog is more like the first dog in the video. He is especially evasive with strangers. He is happy and friendly in his body language but just not keen on pats from others, especially his head. Most people don't understand, they see his big squishy face and seem to instinctively want to pat him. The contact he seems to enjoy is chest/side pats, sleeping near me, and interacting through play. If a visitor offers him a toy, he's all theirs!
  11. How lovely that she has returned to you after all this time. She looks very much at home already! May she have many happy years with you. :)
  12. I just saw this update on ABC online: My link
  13. The Arnie Schwarzenegger of the pointer world? Nevafollo's video looks close.
  14. Hi Dogmad, I'm south of Perth. As ZA already mentioned, it would be good to know which suburb the homecheck is in? I'm also wondering if it's worth cross-posting in the 'Western Australian' thread (in 'General') in case someone lives/works close the area. :) I'm happy to mention it there, although not sure if you would rather someone with a rescue background to do the check?
  15. Hoping you get the results soon, and that things pick up for your little guy.
  16. I agree especially about boxers. Mine gets a bad response from many dogs out in public (particularly BC's) He even play-bowed a loose dog yesterday who initially rushed us and pinned my dog (owner was weeding front yard and not watching his dog).
  17. I agree. It was obviously a very difficult decision, albeit a responsible one. Thank you for trying so hard for him. RIp Ned.
  18. So sorry to read this bad news Kaffy Magee. Best wishes for your girl.
  19. I've used woolmix and water. After cleaning, put a folded towel on the wet patch and stand on it to soak up the excess water. Dogs. Gotta love how they don't pick the easy-to-clean surfaces to vomit on!
  20. These are the same reasons I have insurance. My dog was treated for coccidia as a 9 week old pup and Petplan put a 24 month exclusion on any gastro intestinal problems. Thus far I haven't ever made a claim (and it doesn't seem like good value) but I'll stick with it for peace of mind. At least if he needs expensive surgery/ treatment I won't have to redraw from the mortgage to cover it.
  21. Is that what you had in mind m-sass? I think not..... I hope the people recover from their injuries. It would have been terrifying for an adult. I too am glad they didn't attack a child.
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