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  1. Have brought a good lot of meaty bones from local butcher this morn and have given him a bone this morning, am going to start to slowly introduce the Royal Cannin into his dry food next week, will add fortnightly pics on here to get help and advice and to show his progress.
  2. i get what ur saying about the meat needing to be added to his diet but he also needs variety in his diet which is also what i am looking for. all dogs need variety whether it be in the form of excerise and food. if u read the above thread you would see that there was meat added in with the vegetables.
  3. You lab looks great how much carrot+apple+mince are you putting in with the 1 cup of dries? just as a rough guide so i can add it into his diet.
  4. Luckily i work with horses so the lounge line easy to get for him, i been trying to find the long tracking dog leads but have not hadd any luck finding them. wouldn't have thought about using a lunge line on a dog before lol gd use for one though lol thanks :D
  5. yeh i had to put food down he very exciteable dog and wouldn't stand still even when i was trying to take photos while he was eating he was moving which made it hard to take a nice decent picture of him
  6. I used to take him down to the beach a lot with a friend and her dog but as she no longer has her dog i dont take mine down there anymore as he doesn't have good obedience i keep working on his obedience but he just likes to ignore me not sure what else to try he sits and drops fine, but come he not very good at he fine at home but when take him out all the training goes out the window
  7. is there any specific excerises i can do with him besides changing his diet to help build up his muscles mass?
  8. Ok thanks for the advice hadn't thought about giving him chicken carcass before he is getting an extra feed during the day now have noticed a little bit of improvement, but i wanting to put him onto royal cannin Labrardor dry's as the design of the kibble is designed to make the lab feel fuller for longer and also instead of just sucking the food down the design is made so that they have to chew which hoping will help him in his weight gain
  9. He is on supercoat atm but am going to change him onto Royal cannin Labrardor food, he is on a 1 cup food atm he not an overly active dog but am going to start doing more with him as i would like to do some agility work with him. So i know i will have to increase his food, a, just not sure what will be the right amount for him.
  10. Hi everyone, I have a 1 1/2yr old Labrardor Retriever before he went in to have his castration operation my vet told me he was overweight so i cut him down on his food intake he only on dries atm as well as a bone once a week, however he has been on this diet for a couple of months now and he has become really underweight, what is a good daily intake for him and what is a good weight and how do i go about putting some weight back on him? what sort of other foods can i give him so he has a varied diet? He fairly active dog.
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