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  1. Hi guys, have a couple questions regarding my old dog, I have a old Jack Russell dog who is about 14, he was always with my old red heeler for the last 12 years there been together, my red dog passed away last week , and when we took the body away the Jack Russell was sniffing him and trying to get to him, since the old red dog has been gone my little dog , has a couple times cried and every time I go out the back it’s like his waiting for his old mate to come back , it really makes me sad, my questions are , should I try and find him another older dog mate for him , or could that be a bad idea , ? also if never got a dog from a shelter or rescue place before , would they let me get a dog if I only keep my dogs out side , ? My Jack Russell was one I got free as the owner was going to throw him in the pound, so I got. Him and then he had parvo and I managed to save him , I didn’t want to buy a dog of gumtree or private , as I don’t want to support people breeding backyard dogs, any help guys with suggestions would be appreciated thank you regards Jason
  2. thanks for the info guys, 1 last question, a mature ex show dog vs a puppy , what would be the better option ? , do you guys go for a pup more than a mature dog when buying a dog ?
  3. thanks guys for the help thanks juice for the pic, nice 1
  4. hi guys, would it be okay if members could post some pictures of there bull terriers so i could check them out and see what there dogs are like, as i love bullys , i am interested to see the different shape heads and colors , also i would love to hear about your dogs , regards jason
  5. hi guys, i am thinking of a inside dog ? but to be honest iv never owned a dog that has been inside the house , so asking a breeder sounds like it is a bit hard , ut that is the way i want to go , as i want a dog that has been bred for health and temperament , i have seen heaps of ads on trading post, are any of them beng sold from show breeders ? or would they never think of selling like that ? thanks for the replys guys, you have givin me plenty of advice ,
  6. so what are the show breeder people like to buy dogs from ,? iv heard some can be very funny about who they sell there dogs too ,? what sort of advice would you recommend , when dealing with show people ,? if looking for a mature dog ?
  7. thanks everyone, oh i have heard heaps of times about the lock jaw thing ,lol everyone says it, but now that i think of it i dont know 1 of them that even had the breed ,lol i am going to take my time and think about the breed i want, not rush into it, but it will be a bully or british bulldog, or staffordshire , oh and i live in the middle of no were at deniliquin , i havent ever heard of any breeders around here ?
  8. hi DAVERI , my wife hates them as her dad had a bully male when she was growing up , and she said he was always fighting other dogs , and i guess she has heard like the rest of us that bullys have lock jaws ? and once the start fighting another dog its impossible to get them to let go ? thats something iv heard but having never owned 1 i dont know , but there a breed i love the look of and a breed i have always wanted , but my wife loves british bulldogs, i guess ill have to sneak 1 into the house 1 day when she is not around ,
  9. wow thanks for the pics they are loverly dogs, i do like the color of bully, tri color ? and thanks bothof you for the info , i am going to wait a fair bit until i get a dog, and when i do i will be getting 1 from someone who shows and breeds them, i wont buy a backyard breeder dog, after owning 3 rescues , a retired show dog but 1 that the owners have done alot with mostly i want a dog that is use to strange dogs, and housetrained,
  10. hi guys, i hope im posting in the right place, i dont know if this sounds like a dumb question, but iv always wanted to ask about the shape of bullys heads , in my town there use to be this bully a tri black and white pied , and he had the most roman nose iv ever seen , he had a head like a Border Leicester sheep ,lol , to me he had a ripper head, then iv seen other dogs on tv that there heads are alot straighter ,? if you know what i mean , is there a difference , by bloodlines of by different countrys as to head shape ,? im planning on oneday getting a mature dog from a breeder , iv never brought from them before, only ever had a couple of rescue dogs , i keep asking my wife to let me get 1 , but she wont let me, she thinks that bullys kill every dog they see and are untrainable, she wants a british bulldog, or a staffordshire bullterrier , also if and when i do get another dog,? no rush , i keep thinking about buy a mature dog from a registed breeder , as i see a few mature dogs for sale on this site ,what are the pros and cons of buying a mature ex show dog from a show person so if and when i decide to get another dog ill know what to do , im looking for a dog that will live inside something iv never had before, and ill be home with it all the time, out of these breeds what are your thoughts, also are females more suited to live indoors or males better , iv been told males mark all over the place ?
  11. hi yes he was on the drip for 2 days, it was strange because he was healthy as , and seemed to go down hill once he was needled, i wonder why the people who had him before went and had him microchipped , and never bothered to needle him ,? maybe he was done before they had him, oh the vet said now my backyard will have the parvo virus in the ground , for about a year, so any dogs not needled will get parvo ? cbl , the italian greyhound is i am told around a year old, i asked if he was housetrained but they said he sleeps outside, iv heard that they are a house dog ? i was thinking he could sleep in the dog house during warm weather then move him into the laundry during winter ?
  12. hi guys ill try and get a picture of my new boy tomorrow, so you can check him out,
  13. hi guys, i thought i would do a update, its been a while since i last posted on here, well after thinking about getting another dog, i decided to find go with a dog needing rescue, well i heard of a dog in wagga the owners had little time for and were going to dump him at the local pound, so i decided to get him, he is a foxie x jack russel , about 9 months old, well i got him before xmas , so after i had him for less than a week i decided i would take him to the local vet, the only place he had been since i got him, well i got him needled , and about 1 to 2 days later he started to get sick ? so after another 2 visits to the vet we find out he has parvo , the only place we can work out he got it was from there ? well the fist think the vet wanted to do was put him down, ? well after loseing my old staffy i wasent about to see a young dog die , so $600 later i now own the dearest rescue dog in town ,lol , but since we have got him over the parvo he is now a happy and healthy dog, with a few years left in him to enjoy, i kow alot of people said i was mad spending that much on him , but i dont care, you should see him now enjoying life, he loves going for his walks with my daughter every day , i have also been offered a italian greyhound that the owner dosent want anymore, they are selling him for $250 , i thought he would be a good mate for my foxie boy , oh and i made shore that he is needled, lol , i am so amazed at the dog even in my town that are free and givin away , i have been asked by 2 people if i could get someone to rescue there dogs, 1 is a greyhound bitch , and the other is a blue heller bitch , i posted them on the rescue part of this forum but they have been deleted because they are not desexed ? so dont know were else to find them help, anyway thanks for your time, regards jason
  14. hi , yes iv been thinking long and hard about getting another dog, i said after loseing my old staffy mate i would never do it again, but then i also thought if i got another dog it would be 1 less ending up in a pound somewere , i try not to look at the rescue section as its unreal the amout of dogs going thrue those places , alot of good dogs going to waste , i know taking on the old basset girl will be a challenge im still not shore what i am going to do,? also the $25 jack russel pup im getting for my daughter will be 1 less wasted life, but im lucky as i have a great relasionshp with my local vet , i have had a account with them for years , they let me pay off any work i have had done with my past dogs , so just saving a couple of dogs will be something , i have been thinking about trying in the future to start some type of rescue here , but dont know were to start , i thought even if i could list the dogs taken into the local pound that would be a start ? the local ranger dosent seem to want to save any dogs around here for some reason ? i guess its just to much work ,? jakeyjangels thanks for the kind reply
  15. thanks for the help so far guys, i have to let the lady know if im taking the basset tomorrow night , so i have alot of thinking to do, i have always thought about helping unwanted dogs, as here i cant find anyone who rescues them, the local council and ranger dont even want to know , iv thought about trying to help small strays here but dont want to get in over my head, or even were to start,
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