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Everything posted by Fynesse
I only wanted a red/white border collie (the very pale ones) I ended up with a chocolate tri and I wouldnt change him for the world. I now would like another as a companion for Angus. I was originally aiming for the red/white I first wanted, but have swung towards a preference for a merle. Ill be happy to settle for any colour other than B/W as long as it is a female. I think colour preference is only natural and I must say I was a little insulted by a breeder when I was told that 'I would have what I was given'
Thats interresting dancinbcs. I obviously don't know a lot about genetics in BC's, just know that I like the look of the reds or merles! Is the deafness only a merle issue? I can understand breeders wanting to stay away from it. Im not completely set on colours, obviously temperament is vital as well, the puppy has to get along with other dogs, cats, rabbits, horses and people. If that means a B/W int eh end, then so be it. Thanks for the info guys
oh, don't get me wrong, I dont think 700 for a pure bred puppy is a crazy amount either, I think thats very reasonable, I was saying that I thought the 2000 was on the crazy side. The puppy we have was from a friend who had an accidental litter of puppies (not an ideal situation, but one less puppy that could have ended up at the pound) Obviously I would like our next puppy to be through the proper channels., though Im just unsure what should be a good price for what Im after. I think a lot of breeders see people like myself, who know very little about current prices, coming a mile away and up the price knowing that we don't know any better.
Quick question, we are thinking of getting another BC to keep my 10 month old BC company (he gets a ton of attention from us, but he just LOVES other dogs!) My only concern is being ripped off by breeders because of what we would like (merle or red/white). How do you know that the breeder is of a decent quality. We are only after a pet, not a show dog, maybe do a bit of agility for fun, but nothing major. Ive seen prices ranging from about 700-2000 (which I think is crazy for a pet!). From the breeders on here, what should I be looking for? Should different colours be costing a lot more than B/W, and should females be costing more than males, even though I have no interest in breeding and plan on desexing as soon as is ideal?????? Thanks in advance
The barking isn't boredom, we play gentle and we do some clicker training and he follows us around the house, he is always busy, there must be something he doesn't like behind that fence! I think i was a bit strict with no walks at all for a whole week but back to normal exercise the next day isn't right. Why isnt back to exercise the next day right. He was unaware that he had had surgery and to be honest, 2 stitches really shouldnt stop them from going for a walk!
OMG, I wish I could have kept my dog on bed rest! I thought he would have come home at least a little dozy the day of the op, but nope, he bounced up our steps and grabbed his ball even while still being a tad wonky on his back legs! we were back to our normal hour long walks the next day with him bouncing next to me the entire time! No reason why your boy cannot resume normal exercise. I would think the barking is boredom.
I run my own business, so can take my dog if I choose. I use to take my old girl, she came to work every day with me for 2 years. When she passed away, my customers cried with me every day for weeks afterwards. I got flowers and messages in the newspaper from my regulars sharing my grief (was very touching). Angus comes with me occasionally, but Im trying not to make it a habit, as I want him to know he can stay home by himself sometimes. I love having him at work though and 99% of my customers love him as well.
Can Anyone Point Me To How Much Barking
Fynesse replied to Trisven13's topic in General Dog Discussion
Was bugging me, so messaged a collegue, then we did some online research. As I stated earlier, there is only the bit in the CAA. I then looked up our noise regulations, but barking dogs isnt listed, so its def on a case by case basis. The neighbour will need to keep a barking diary of her own for any complaint to be followed up and neighbours will be interviewed to see who side they support (sounds like your sisters) Barking dogs can be annoying, but dogs will be dogs. If her neighbour would like to come and see what we live with, she will know the extent of REAL barking! Our neighbours have a cattle dog that hasnt been outside its yard in 2 years, it barks for at least 3 hours at night and is continuous through the day! Ive come to the conclusion that their entire family is deaf!! -
Can Anyone Point Me To How Much Barking
Fynesse replied to Trisven13's topic in General Dog Discussion
I should know this *embarrassed* considering I recently sat an exam which included it..... The link I posted in the other threat about the escaping dog has a bit about it on there (considered a nuisance when the barking interfers with the confort of anyone) but not sure on exact amount of time. If noone else comes up with it, Ill look it up tomorrow for you (and I really should know the answer anyway in case I get the same call!) -
Oh yes, council and the police know, only they expect that YOU don't! If you throw it in their face that you kow exactly what they should be doing, hopefully they will be more inclined to get off their butts!
Do some research so you know exactly what you can quote at the police Here is a hint: http://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/maintop/...+87+1998+cd+0+N Nothing worse than a loose dog who is like the one described. Very dangerous!
What exactly is LAT? From the very basics that I have read, its about a distraction to the trigger. So what do you do if your dog refuses to be distracted from your shaker bottle or whatever else you have and gets into that state??? The thing that I read said to put more distance between the dog and the target. To me that doesnt solve a problem, just avoids it? From what I can see of Cesar, he is basically doing the same thing, distracting the dog, only he leaves the dog in the situation so it learns to deal??
Leaving Puppy For A Weekend For The First Time.
Fynesse replied to kitkatswing's topic in General Dog Discussion
In 3 weeks I am going away to uni for 4 months!!!! Im dreading it as I havent been parted from my puppy before. My OH is a tad put out that I won't be missing him, but as I said, I can talk to him every night on the phone, I can't talk to my puppy! Ill be coming home every 2nd weekend or so, but not sure if that is going to make it even worse. At least you're only going for a few nights! lol -
Ill say I agree............ but that might just be cause I have a BC...
Why Do Dogs Go Crazy After Having A Bath?
Fynesse replied to jacqui835's topic in General Dog Discussion
My boy does it as well. He LOVES water to the point that puddles on our walk of a morning result in aerial acrobatics on the end of the lead! However, he definately does not like propert baths, UNLESS mum is trying to have a relaxing bath, in which case he bounds in with unbridled enthusiasm! (much to my horror, lol) Obviously the sight of mum enjoying water without him was too much to bear and he just had to join me! -
The problem is for people like me, that we have no real idea of what is really good and what isnt (who the decent/ethical breeders are). I would have thought that breeders registered on here would all have been decent, though Ive now discovered that isnt the case. Such a minefield!! Cheers
Benshiva, I was in shock when I asked the price and was told $1500. I contacted another breeder and was told litter prices varied between 1200 & 1500 (depending on colour). I know people are willing to pay for good breeding and to have a show dog, but I just wanted a BC cause I think they are an awesome dog who would fit in with my lifestyle an thought the very pale red was very pretty, however, not THAT pretty! (I now have a choc tri, didnt cost me anywhere near that amount and he is still an awesome dog!!!)
The wheaton are what Im assuming looking like a caramal (I call them caramel, though know they are just a pale red) I adore them and originally that was what I wanted as I think they are so pretty, however, on looking around at decent breeders and parents that I like, the cheapest was $1500. My OH said a very firm NO to paying that for a pet! My BC goes to puppy school with one, lovely dog, though can be a bit scatty, lol.
My pup came from a litter where he was the smallest, he had to fight for his food and the first week he was home, he inhaled his food. Im happy that he no longer needs to inhale his food to the point of choking and no long feels that he is going to miss out and starve. I wouldnt really think he is grazing. He doesnt have a constant, endless supply of food, he has his daily ration that he can eat when he feels the need to. I havent had any issues with maggots, mice etc. Each to their own ETA: Showdog, its not always 3 days, sometimes he eats as soon as I put it down, sometimes he eats it through the night or for breakfast the next morning after our run. He also gets bones to chew through the day while Im at work and small training treats when we are walking, so I guess sometimes he just isnt hungry. No skin off my nose. He gets alot of exercise, is healthy with a lovely shiny coat, so guess Im doing something right :D
why does picking matter???
I have no real knowledge when it comes to these things, I only speak from what i have seen. I personally don't like the idea of only leaving it for 10 minutes. Sometimes they just arent hungry and I don't like the idea that they have to gorge themselves in that 10 minutes or risk going hungry for the next 12 hours. My guy only gets dry food as well. I put it out and leave it. If he doesnt eat it that day, it stays there til the next day, or whenever he decides to eat it. The last lot sat there for 3 days before he finished it off. Obviously this wouldnt work if you're using canned food, but dry food is just that, dry food, so unless it gets wet, it will be fine.
perhaps we can set up a weekend playdate at horseshoe Roman for our furkids to meet up and have a romp :p
I have had the same issue with my BC pup. I used some of my zookeeping ideas to try and entertain him though. Through summer I made up iceblocks with all kinds of treats in them. He has chicken necks/wings for breakfast, so I wait until Im about to go to work before giving them to him, then I I hide them around the place (can be a bit icky if one doesnt get found right away though). I have provided a plastic shell full of water and another one with sand for digging. I occasionally scatter dry food around the place so he can search for it. uummmmm, empty toilet rolls or paper towel rolls get yummies put inside, then the ends covered in peanut butter (or canned food) I collect egg cartons and put some food in the little dips, then close it up so he can destroy the carton getting to the food. Im always after more ideas, so looking forward to what everyone else does. (my dog lost interest in kongs and treats balls very quickly)
Good on your boy!!!!!!! I was out jogging with my GSD one day along the fire trail that ran behind our property. He was THE friendliest dog on earth, however this day we came across a guy driving along in a 4wd. I rarely, if ever came across people out there, usually just motor bike riders, so seeing someone in a car was weird. The guy actually stopped beside and and started asking for directions (huh?, you're on a fire trail buddy, no roads...) I don't know that this guy had actually seen my dog, but Kip slowly walked up from behind his car and came and stood beside me. He didnt need to 'say' anything, just stood there with his hackles raised and 'smiling'. This guy took off like a rocket! First and only time I have ever seen this dog even look slightly threatening, but it made me feel VERY safe!!!!!!