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Everything posted by Alouk
I should add that she cares for him! we were walking in the bush one day when my mum came and collected him in the car so Stella and I could go for a fast run and she turned the other way and followed the car instead! It took a long time to convince her it was ok for us to go the other way!
Hi everyone, I have a 3 and a half year old border collie called Stella who has always loved children. If you had a group of 100 people and one child she would find the child in a second and want to lick them all over! She's been fine with them patting her, the only time I ever saw her become stressed was when a young girl- maybe 5 yrs old-kept chasing her (I put a stop to it don't worry!)- her reaction was to hide. I also have an 8 month old baby boy. She was very shy when he arrived home in April and has always been more stand-offish with him than any child- it is strange but I have thought it is probably because she hasn't been sure about the hierarchy with him around? Now he is getting curious and he wants to pat her if she is close (he isn't mobile yet but is getting there) but she does not want him to touch her. Today Stella put herself in between me and the baby to have a snuggle with me- he reached out and touched her side/back and she whipped around and snapped/growled! (no contact with him) Not really what I had hoped for in their relationship! I growled at her (how I do when I communicate something is not good to her) and she dropped to the ground in submission. She would look at me but kept her eyes away from the baby and kept her body turned away. I'm just wondering about what my best approach is from now on.... do I keep reacting in this way (baby can't really tell her off!) or do I do some reward training (but my baby will put the treats in his mouth rather than to her so...:) ) or?? I am not pressuring Stella at all to spend time with him or to be close to him. She has her own beds and kennel that I keep as her spaces and don't sit on them or anything. I don't leave them alone together. Your opinions are appreciated! Thank you!!
Thanks Piper- I've thought about it and have realised that she only comes to us in extreme cases (like after 'swim stalking' a seagull) and usually we call her over and make her come for a rest every few minutes. We'll stay aware of the rests while she builds more stamina Thanks!
I just remembered- when Stella was 15 weeks old, we went to a rally with 3000 people at it and it seemed like every person wanted to pat her, it took hours to go from one side of the crowd to another!!
Before I got Stella I started reading around and all the advice was so overwhelming and scary that I got nervous that I wouldn't raise her properly and I would be a terrible 'parent'! I remember being so nervous about it before picking her up! Then I realised a lot had to be off my gut feeling, I chilled out and used a bit of info from everywhere but stopped stressing out about following everything to a tee The socialisation thing though- I thought Stella had met people of all different types, my age, elderly, children but the other day some kids came around who were really high energy, they really wanted to talk to Stella and play with her and she freaked out! She has always loved kids, they are her favourite. I even started to think these kids had hit her or something from the way she acted with them- she kept hiding and lying low with her ears flat and frozen. Then I thought about all the kids she has spent time with- none of them had ever wanted to talk to her as much as these ones did! She was used to kids her were kind of shy around dogs and had never heard such excitement and high pitched squeal-y voices coming towards her. So it is something to think about a little bit, if you know loud/quiet, gentle/rough people- try and get a bit of everything!
Thanks so much- that's what I have been thinking- glad it is true! I can't believe how much she swims which is great as I am a water baby too- we were meant to be!!! Thanks again
Hi everyone, As summer warms up my 10month old Border Collie and I have been swimming at the beach heaps! She will swim for as long as I do, completely out of her depth, diving over and under waves as she goes! She swims to us for a rest sometimes, but never goes in to shore if we are out swimming- what a loyal soul! As I've been wondering about it I have kept my swims short. I wonder if at 10 months I can stop worrying about limiting her exercise or if I should be calling a stop to it as I have been?! Could I do long term damage or will the gentle movement of swimming just be helping to strengthen her joints? Thanks so much in advance!! Alouk :D
Thank you! This one is 90cm and just feels so much better! I think she is going to stay on the smaller side so it should last her too!
I returned it, luckily, and got a bigger one after she didn't want to go in last night! Thanks for your help though!
Hi all! I could keep searching but it is hard to find just what you want on here! I found a nice soft crate on sale (we all love a bargain) to use for my BCollie (7 months), and I bought it but now I have my doubts about its size... It is 76cm x 60cm x 58cm. At the moment she is 70cm from nose to tail base and 60cm when sitting from head to floor. She's a little girl really. Her old crate was 1m long though and the same otherwise, but it was cumbersome (an old play pen) and I wanted something more portable. I'm worried she'll be cramped even though she loved it last night and didn't want to get up this morning! What do you think? Should I try and exchange it? (or sell it on if it is not possible!) Have you noticed your dogs like lots of space in their crate or the comforts of a cosy home? Thanks! Alouk
Hi again! I agree that I shouldn't have picked up my pup but it was my first reaction! I immediately wondered what message I was putting across- to her and the other dog, not one of strong leadership but we all make mistakes- I'll act differently next time I hope! I have been in to the council and put in the complaint, they were really helpful which was nice, I hope it gets followed up on Thanks!
Funny- I don't know why I didn't think of the council! I will talk to them today. I tell you what- I nearly kicked it! I yelled 'Go away' and felt really pathetic I'll tell them because I want to walk that way more often but don't want to deal with it again. Thanks a lot- for the moral support!
Arrgghhh!! I have to say something to someone! I was walking around my neighbourhood with my 5 month old Border C this evening and she was walking so well! But then this awful racket started up and this tiny tiny little Chihuahua (I think, from what I saw) came charging out from the darkness and went straight for her feet- out of instinct I picked up Stella and this dog jumped up on me to try and get to her! It kept jumping and even bit me- I have a purple raised bruise on my leg! Then it charged after us up the road. I felt so harassed and annoyed with the whole situation...but what do I do? I'm not sure which house it came from which is a shame... Needed to tell someone as I am home alone!
I was advised similarly at my dog club about soft treats being more effective in training and I tell you what, with my girl it has been shown to be true! She couldn't have cared less about dry treats, it made me wonder how I would train her if she didn't care about food, but now she has changed her tune! She likes her kibble but it just didn't cut it to train her with, no matter how hungry she was! Thats why I just use steamed chicken, then I know it is just chicken and not tons of salt, flavours and preservatives. Especially as she will eat a lot in a training session! Then it complements her meal really. Cheese she also goes nuts for but I limit it as I am sure it leads to many an odd smell in our house! And it is fatty (but I get low fat). I have so many forms of chicken in my house- no one would believe I am a vegetarian!
I bought a whole lot of chicken breasts and steamed them in the oven in foil, then cut it all up and froze it, my girl eats it frozen and when it is soft- she goes a bit nuts over it!
My dogs have been sleeping on my bed from the moment they came home So much easier with toilet training when they were a pup during the night. The evening walks isn't so much for exercise for us. It's just a good time to get out and have a walk together while walking off our dinner. Also, the dogs have been at home most of the day.. it's good for them to get out of the house. The morning walk is very much an exercise (just 20 minute of power walking and no breaks). He he he, I had her in a crate, toilet trained like a dream really! She can sleep for 10 hours, her record is 14 though- after one HUGE day! Walk-wise, we are the opposite, mornings are what I call her 'scratch and sniff' while evenings are a nice walk, focussing on the walk part! She will be walking lots lots more as she grows- we've already changed since my last post- and she is only 4 months! Ha ha! Lovely girl :D
Thanks everyone! Am I the only one who thinks 'no way!' to my doggy in my bed?!! At the moment our routine is 610 I wake up and fall out of bed, I quickly get dressed and put the kettle on, start making Stella's breakfast. Then I wake up my girl and she goes outside for her business and an explore through the trees. By 635 we head out the door and walk till about 705. Then we come home, both eat breakfast, she plays, I get ready for work and realise I have thought of her lunch but not mine! Then at 720 we get her Kong ready and gather her toys (they are on a roster!). She takes herself out to her outside bed and waits for me to come with the goods! Then I head off to work...usually late! Depending on when I can get away from school, I get home about 5! Stella plays at my feet, if there is enough light we play frisbee then I get all confused about when to go walking (about 40mins)/cook our tea/plan for the next day of school/sit down cause I haven't all day/write reports/give Stella cuddles/train Stella/play with Stella/ oh and say hello and cuddle my partner!!!!!! Hence, I posted this question! ;) During school holidays Stella was so exhausted each day (cause we would do great things with mud in paddocks all the time!) that she conked out in the evenings on her own accord. Now we are back to school, she is back to her prior self who, at 8pm, is much like an over tired 3 year old! She starts being a destructo dog who wants to play tug with my hand, so she goes out for a pee and then she goes to bed in her crate. She might whinge a bit, but within 3mins she goes to sleep. I was worried that I was making her sleep too much-But it seems they are pretty sleepy creatures. I have spied on her outside during the day (in the holidays) and she seems to play quite a bit by herself, so I don't think she is asleep all day when I am at work. The different kinds of tired a the interesting/concerning part. Anyway-Thanks a lot for your help! These forums are so helpful for first-timers!
Hi everyone, I am curious about your evening routines with your dogs! I leave for work at 730am and get home around 5pm. I would love to know about your evening routine with your dogs as I am trying to figure out how best to work mine! Do you walk asap or play first? When do they eat and when is bed time? Do they conk out or do you put them to bed? If you have a similar work routine, what do you do with your dogs? If they have been alone all day how much time do they have in the evenings before they sleep? Thanks in advance! Alouk (and her 4month old Border Collie!)
Great idea about entering the house and wiping her paws- I might try that too, I am trying to up the anti on the grooming side of things too so this would help! :D She is a changed girl though now and really gets when it is time to settle, sometimes when I am later getting to the loungeroom (or I have other things I am doing!) she runs in and plonks down on her bed there and looks at me like 'come on then!', she still doesn't quite get that she can relax even if I am not yet!! It will come ;)
My 2 go for a 2 hour beach outing everyday. Absolutely love it & they swim/ run/ chase the ball the whole time. Maybe that is why Stella's behaviour has improved inside at night time cause she is too tied to get up to any mischief Cheese is a big fav in our house as well. Also smooth peanut butter inside our Kongs works. Glad to hear your Stella is improving inside, just takes a while, some behaviour shaping & heaps of praise as well, cause it is much more fun to run a muck, isn't it? Lucky dogs!! The beach will be much more frequently visited now she has finished her vaccinations! Yippee!! Back to the farm tomorrow- red mud here we come! If I were her I am sure being cheeky would be my favourite thing too!
Hello, It is all quite hard isn't it? I think so! When we got our border collie puppy (now nearly 4 months) we followed a friends method of toilet training and it seems to have worked a treat: Night one: Crate in your bedroom wake up for EVERY noise your pup makes and take him out to the toilet spot (choose a word to use as a command, ours is 'busy busy'). Night two: Crate in your room and when they make a noise wait a little bit and then take them out to the spot Night three: like magic they sleep right through the night! Ours from 8 till 630! Then each night we gradually moved her crate down the hall and into the kitchen. I couldn't bear to pay so much for a crate so found a baby play pen at a garage sale ($5) and cut down two of its sides so it was narrower and put in a door and it has worked a treat! You don't have to buy those ones for 100's of dollars! And we were just rigorous through the day in taking her outside, looking for her signs (sniffing floor, sniffing air, disinterest in toys, loss of focus and sometimes absolute craziness was due to need for the toilet!), if you just pop out of the house you can put your pup in the crate and he shouldn't soil it. Our girl only got really confused with her toileting when we made a new room available to her, it had carpet while the others had wood! And because she didn't think that it was part of her 'den', she thought it was another outside, she went to the loo in it! Oh no! Good luck!! :D
Hey thanks for this! I have created a bed in the lounge now after your post Stella Mamma! And I have recently found that she loves cheese so I have given her a Kong with a bit in it to work on (she really didn't care for Kongs before!) and she has calmed down and munched away and is now dozing at my feet- right where I would like her! :D Granted, she is totally exhausted after her first trip to the beach today! Thanks for your support!
I got a Bob-A-lot from littlefamilymembers.com for $16 but that doesn't include postage, I found that it was a cheap option though. I got it for my dog to use much later in life (I was buying up to save on postage! She's 14 weeks) but I have found that she loves to wrestle it now cause it is constantly on the move, I have put kibble in it to make it rattle but I closed the doors on it so she doesn't even play with it for the food!!! She loves how much it moves by itself- as someone said, the rounded bottom lets this happen!
Thanks everyone! I have been trying to stick to the routine but today in Hobart the weather was ridiculous! Not normal winter chill with bright skies, it was bucketing down with howling wind so I went soft and kept her in! When I did put her out she was standing around in the rain freaking out because we haven't had anything like it before! She also seems to be moving into her fear phase and is easily spooked. So in fear of her just getting soaked and freezing I brought her in again. We have been putting her in her crate when she goes like an over tired toddler and it works a treat. But the problem was more with her associating inside and particularly one room (not the room with her crate) with going bizerk! She isn't overtired cause I can walk out to another room and she will calm down again. Today I have been trying to play in the other room and when I am in my office (the one she goes crazy in) I have tethered her to a bid, and well so far it has been wonderful! She has munched on a Kong and just dozed. Here's hoping we are making progress She learnt to lie down today- hooray! Thanks a lot!
Oh My! Thank you for this thread- cheese has been my miracle partner today!