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Everything posted by kobblyness

  1. Hi Brian Newcastle Not sure what the differences are. I use frontline with my two. Good questions. I apply mine when I know my dogs wont be in contact with water ie a Monday. Your vet will let you know re vaccination. I would be inclined to do a heartworm test. I am not sure re dermatitis does your dog require weekly injections for dermadex. If this is the case then go with what your vet suggests. Good on you for caring I hope it all goes well. Ness
  2. Still think about her she was a staffy x kelpie and I have many fond memories. She lived a long life. I will never forget her. I was the last thing she saw as the green dream took its effect. I hope that she is happy and free running in fields with no pain. Miss you my LD (little doggie). :D
  3. Hugs to you WendyH. I understand how you must feel. I said goodbye to my best friend nearly a year ago 7th May 2004. Remember all the things that made you laugh and cry it's good to let it out. Thinking of you Ness
  4. I am so happy for you! That is really good news. Have been following the thread and hoping for the best. Can totally relate to bowel movements and the joy at seeing them. Give your puppy a big hug from me. Ness
  5. Thanks for the information Romanysky. I quite often give my dogs vegetables out of my garden without any thought. Will do some research now on what is ok. Thanks again :rolleyes: ;)
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