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Mrs D

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Everything posted by Mrs D

  1. We've got two dogs, one of which is a Tibetan Spaniel. I swear we have fourteen dogs in the house, with the amount of hair my Tibbie drops!!! A few years ago we invested in a Dyson barrel, and for performance, I can't fault it, it is fantastic!!! I know you can buy the pet hair brush, and the new one, dyson groom, but to honest, our rotating brush head does a fab job. I've also got an irobot roomba, and while it picks up a good deal of hair from the timber floors, on the rugs it doesn't really pick much up. The dyson brush head (can't remember what the exact name is) picks up everything and makes my rug look new again.
  2. I agree, they're great and so easy with hair. I have thrown 2 small ones in the washing machine and they survived...only just though. I wouldn't recommend it. I have wool rugs which I have had to hose. My smaller ones I've hosed off quite a few times. They do take a couple of days to fully dry, but they come up OK
  3. Is he squealing to rise above and through the collar sensor, or is he squealing as a result of the stimulation? If the latter, then the collar and/or the collar settings are not right for him. I actually think you'd do better with a trainer/behaviourist to come out to see you and your dog because I think there are potentially a number of things going on here. In essence : be calm, be assertive. Avoid inadvertently reinforcing your dog's barking by giving him attention. Work out WHY he is barking (attention? fear?) so that you can avoid meeting his goals. Try putting a blanket over the crate. However, use this in conjunction with leadership. Use it as a response cost. And/or use it as something which makes him feel more comfortable. There is so much more but it depends on the other of the interactions you and your dog share on a daily basis. Hi there, yes, he is barking as a result of the stimulation of the collar. It's not working, so I'm no longer using it, as he just squeals / yelps? every time it zaps him when he barks, but he's not making the connection between his barking and his being zapped!!! ARGH!!!! I have got the collar on the lowest setting. When visitors come to the house, I tell them to ignore him. When visitors he KNOWS come to the house, they KNOW to ignore him until he finishes his crazy antics and running and barking and jumping up. THEN they can say hello. Recently, I covered his crate because I knew some people were coming, and he still barked non stop until I let him out (he won that one because I could not talk to the people, I literally could not hear what they were saying!) It's been a very frustrating experience, but apart from the barking, he is a lovely dog and so wonderful with the kids. I just thank everyone so much for helping!!!
  4. Hi, We've got solid timber floorboards all through the house, with area rugs throughout - huge one in the lounge room, two in main bedroom, two in another bedroom and one in another. They are all good quality wool rugs, heavy and thick. I've got a Tibetan Spaniel who likes to come racing in from outside, do a lap around the lounge room, outside again, inside again....sometimes he has dirty feet, sometimes he doesn't I find that our lounge room rug (which, by the way is a light dusky purple colour) does get dirtier than the other ones (and because we are always on it, too). It gets carpet cleaned once every couple of months to freshen it up, although I must admit that with Harley in the house plus three kids and us, it doesn't take long to lose it's fresh look. That being said, I'm surprised I don't have to carpet clean it every week!!!! The colour is surprisingly 'durable', even with our red dirt. I too do a LOT of vacuuming, probably every second day, because of all Harley's hair That part, I DON'T love!!!! Overall, I'd say, go for a very good quality rug, and be prepared to hire a carpet cleaning machine from Woolies or get someone to do it once every couple of months.
  5. Good news is, that's why he squeals, cause it IS a zappy collar!!!!! Um, okay it was just a suggestion - you didn't say you are already using one. Oh sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude at all!! Sorry
  6. ESCS, thankyou, glad to hear it's not just me and I really don't think it's just your tibbie who takes a mile, mine's EXACTLY the same! I'm in FNQ but I'll definitely be trying some of the techniques that have been suggested, thanks again, everyone!
  7. This is very helpful, thankyou for taking the time to explain this to me
  8. What sort of basics do you mean? Like sit, stay? He does the sit part, not the stay part, and he knows how to wait for his dinner. If I try to get him to stay, he wiggles around and whines and wags his tail and looks like he's getting anxious/excited. How do I deal with that? I had people come over the other day and I knew they were coming, so I actually put him in his cage and covered it up. Well!! Should've heard the racket, we literally could not hear ourselves speak, so I had to (give in) and let him out. I'm not loving being told what to do by a dog Once he was out, he barked another few times, then stopped. Fixed the barking problem, but hello? Who's in charge here????? And Thanks, Christina for your advice!
  9. Good news is, that's why he squeals, cause it IS a zappy collar!!!!!
  10. Hi everyone, I'm new to join but have been a fan of browsing the forums for ages. I have a Tibetan Spaniel, male, desexed, and he is 22 months old. He is a livewire when he wants to be, and is fantastic with the kids. However......he barks. A lot. He used to bark constantly as soon as the front door was closed and I was on my way. He has since grown out of this, with some help from the barking collar I bought. He barks whenever he hears someone coming, which is kind of expected I guess, the problem is, if he doesn't know the person, he will not shut up! Despite telling him to be quiet and admonishing him (growly voice, low tone) he just completely ignores me. I decided to get a crate, because he was harassing the visitors and then would wee on them if they bent down to pat him. He now goes in the crate before I open the front door to greet a visitor. This works well to keep him off the visitors, but then he barks constantly! He has one of those annoying high pitched barks that cuts right through you, too! I have tried rousing on him, spraying him with water, upgraded to citronella, nothing has worked. He can cop a spray in the face and not even pause. The barking collar doesn't work anymore, because he just keeps barking. Bark, squeal, bark, squeal. I am at my wit's end trying to work out what to do with this little boy! I can't leave him outside for any extended period of time (in the dog run) because he stands up at the adjoining fence and goes ballistic at the neighbours dog if he even looks at him. Any suggestions???????? Please help!
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