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Everything posted by michelle&zoey
I'm very sorry you had to go through this. My German Shepherd pup got parvo at 8 1/2 weeks. When I found out she was likely to die I comforted her then trusted the Vets to do their best. It's hard. I would have put my pup down had there been no hope. Mine was lucky. You loved and comforted your pup to the end. I doubt those nasty people would have cared so much.
My pup is recovering from Parvo. The first puppy needle didn't protect her and she didn't go to any public places or come into contact with any unknown dogs. She played inside and only went outside to do her business. She was 8 1/2 weeks old when she got sick. You don't want your Pup to get Parvo. It's a horrible disease. My advice would be speak to a Vet. Had I known the risk to my pup I would have had a friend or family member look after her until she had more needles.
She had her 2nd puppy needle yesterday (18 Apr). The Vet said she is looking well and has stopped shedding the virus. She is now 8.1kg. She is underweight but they don't want her to gain it back too fast. The Vet reccomended Puppy classes. I thought she wasn't allowed but they say it's safe. They start on the 3rd of May (pups start attending on the 10th May). I put our name down. Zoey is 12 weeks old on Friday.
I love the picture Kerry. Zoey gets her nose dirty too. I wipe it clean like she's a child smile.gif Her next puppy needle tomorrow. She's stopped biting my hands as hard. She licks them and holds them in her mouth without hurting me. It's a start. She still bites my feet hard. My pup jumps on our glass doors when the blinds are open. I will try using a spray bottle. How dangerous are lizards? She chased a small lizard and caught it. I couldn’t get her to drop it and she ate it! This was on Friday. I'll have to make sure she doesn't chase cane toads. Edit: the Vet says lizards carry worms
I'm now at 2 days with no vomiting and she's stopped heaving. I picked her up yesterday for less than a minute she started yelping frantically. I put her down and she kept screaming none stop for what felt like a very long minute. It was awful. A couple minutes later she was fine and running around with her toys. This happened after she ate. She's gaining weight. She doesn't feel as bony. She's answering to her name! She didn't know it when she got sick. Kerry do you have any suggestions to stop a GS biting people? I've tried yelping like a dog and ignoring her. I distract her with toys. I tell her to sit and pat her for being good. I've told her in a harsh voice 'bag dog' and pulled away from her. I don't hit her or anything like that. If she's gets really worked up we put her on a lead and make her lay next to someone until she settles.
I found this site. They sell the prescription food in kibble. They also sell the canned version significantly cheaper than my vet and I can pickup from the warehouse. She's started getting my attention and showing me her plate. She climbs in the fridge every time someone opens the door. She eats her food so fast she gags for air. She whinges when she finishes and tosses her plate around wanting more. She started doing this yesterday. Normally she'll eat a bite or two then leave the rest. The vet said to feed her 1/3 of a can 3 times a day. She ate 1/2 a can for brekkie and the other 1/2 for lunch. She also ate a cup of Science Diet puppy large breed kibble. She had no problem chewing it. She hasn't vomited yet and seems happy. She played non stop from 5am to 1pm. She's now put herself to bed for a nap.
She got through the night without vomitting!!!!! It's the first time she's kept her dinner down since she got sick. I'm very excited. Edit: I'm thinking of buying some Science Diet Canine Puppy Cans. It's the same brand 'Hills' as the prescription diet canned food. I assume it's similar to what she's eating now. She's sick everytime she eats dry food.
The past two days she was sick at 2am. This afternoon I gave her a smacko and she vomited She is obsessed with chewing on grass and dirt. I'm taking her to the toilet on a lead in case this is making her vomit. She also steels food from our other dog. I believe she is over eating. We made sure this didn't happen tonight. I am doing respite care until I start full time foster care. I have a 4 yr old next weekend and a 2yr old over Easter. I have a child gate that divides the house in two. It keeps Zoey either in the lounge room or the family room. I'm going to keep her away from the kids until she learns not to bite or jump. I can't do preschool. Someone said she'll shed for 2 months. I hope I can start obedience training when she's old enough. I haven't decided where I'm going yet. I read wagtails allows dogs 5 months and up. Zoey is currently 10wks and will be 5 months old on 28th June. I haven't yet bathed her. I will try the powder. I allowed her to have 10 minutes playtime outside today. It's the first time I've allowed this since she got sick. She chased the ball a couple of times then laid down and started digging and chewing grass.
She vomited early morning the past two days. She snacks on dry food around 2am and 4-5am. I'm stopping this. I'm going to give her just tinned food and see if that helps. No more night-time snacks. I read somewhere dogs digest solid and wet foods at different rates. She's getting stronger. She has lots of energy. She wants to play day and night. She jumps up whilst I'm sleeping and pulls my hair so I'll wake up real fast! She whinges at my door so I'll take her outside to pee. She sulks when I put her back to bed. During the day she sleeps whilst I'm at work then wants to play until bed time. She's catching up on naughty puppy habits. Her favourite is biting everything. She's started rolling over for belly rubs. She didn't like been touched so this must mean she's feeling better. Is it safe to bath her? I last bathed her two days before she got sick and she screamed like I was killing her.
She had a good night. She's stopped vomiting. She was hungry during the night so I fed her. She ate again at 5.30am. She refused to eat whilst I was at work. I fed her as soon as I got home and she was happy to eat. Her poops are normal. She's drinking lots of water. This morning she was playful. She slept most of the day. This afternoon she's playful again and wagging her tail. She is walking strange on one of her back legs like it's stiff.
We'll be careful about hygene. The last thing I want is to infect another dog. I took this picture a little while ago. I didn't use flash.
It made me cry. Luki is very lucky you saved his life and gave him a loving family.
I picked her up at 4.15pm. She was overjoyed to see me and was extremely hyperactive when I carried her into the house. She started vomiting within minutes. I phoned the vet and he said to bring her back in if she's still vomiting at 9pm. She vomited at least a dozen times and stopped prior to 7pm. She won't take her eyes off me. I keep lying down next to her to comfort her. I wish I could get out of work tomorrow. My sister will be taking care of her. I think they sent her home prematurely. I have i/d hills prescription diet canned food and science diet large breed puppy to feed her. She won't touch the dry food. The tin food contains 370g per tin. I gave her 1/3 of a can and she ate a little bit but left most of it. They did feed her this morning and at lunch. She has lost a lot of weight. I can feel all her bones. She is lighter now than she was at 7 weeks. She is 9 weeks old. She drank a lot of water. She seems relaxed now (at 8.30pm) and is going to sleep.
She has done a solid poop!!!! They are going to feed her again. If all is okay they are sending her home this afternoon. I can't be any happier.
I haven't thought that far ahead. How do I treat everything? I'm going to replace all her stuff. Edit: I want to thank Wundahoo for the informative information PMed to me. In summary I have to bleach my home and pup’s belongings as my property will be infected for at least 6 months. No pups/ young dogs are allowed on my property except mine. My parvo pup will shed the virus from her body for up to 2 months. During this time she can infect other unvaccinated or recently vaccinated dogs and puppies. At home she needs to rest for a few weeks in a quiet spot to recuperate. Kids must be gentle and not run around with her. Playtime is limited to 10 minutes. Once she has recovered she wont get the disease again. What if a young child stayed with us on the weekend, gave my pup pats and cuddles then went home and did the same with their pup. Could indirect contact pass the disease on? My neighbours have been informed.
There was no vomiting or diarrhoea over night. She's quiet bright this morning. They will give her some water with electrolyte this afternoon. If she does well with that and has no vomiting or diarrhoea tomorrow, they will try feeding her food.
Today’s test results are worse than yesterday. She doesn't need plasma but she will do if she gets any worse. Her diarrhoea eased a little this afternoon. The vet said it's too early to know if it means anything. I'm hoping it'll go away.
The vet called this afternoon. She's taken a turn for the worst. They fed her. She had little interest in the food and started vomiting. She also has diarrhoea. She won't be home tomorrow. She is in pain. They gave her pain meds and something to stop the vomiting. This morning they phoned with the results of the blood tests. They said her levels had gone back to normal and they were going to let her home tomorrow. It shows how fast things change.
She’s doing well. Overnight she remained the same. She hasn’t started vomiting or diarrhoea. They are doing a blood test now and another one later in the morning to check her calcium and protein levels. If they are good they’ll feed her. If she processes the food okay they can start discussing the process of sending her home! My girl is a fighter.
It was plasma transfusions they mentioned. I thought this meant a blood transfusion but I guess I am wrong. They are a 24/7 hospital. It sounds like there are cheaper vets out there but I didn't have time to shop around. I spoke with one of her Vets a couple hours ago. There hasn’t been any change since yesterday. She hasn’t started vomiting and doesn’t have diarrhoea. They expect this will start in the next 12 hours. If we are very lucky and 12 hours passes without these symptoms they will try to feed her a highly digestive food. They told me to phone 9am tomorrow. The breeder has been in contact with her vet. The remaining pups and the adults are in the clear. They are concerned for Zoey. They told me "Just remember she's a fighter, she has more courage than most of the litter. She kept them all in line." It's good to know they consider her a fighter. Thank you for all the well wishes. I couldn't sleep last night and it helped me feel better after reading through these comments.
I didn't ask. She mentioned the cost goes up considerable if she requires blood plasma transfusions. I read on Wikipedia it has to be from a donor dog that has already survived CPV. A dog went home this week that survived the virus and that dog cost around $2600. Right now I just want my pup back. If I can save her life for under $3000 I'll be very happy. I thought my biggest concern was stopping her biting before I get foster kids next week. It's sad how fast life changes.
The first vet is good. Their clinic flooded above the roof during the Brisbane/ Ipswich floods. They have moved but I'm not sure if they are fully open. They did suggest hospital treatment. My sister who took the dog to this Vet wasn't sure what to do when told it would cost over $2000. The second vet where my pup is being treated is a veterinarian hospital. They do have higher prices but they are the best Vet I know in my area. I emailed the breeder and let them know. I'm thankful I didn't start Puppy Preschool last Saturday. She could have infected other pups. I decided to wait until next week for Monday night classes. I'm glad to hear other dogs have pulled through and are living healthy lives. I hope mine is one of the lucky ones.
I've had her since the 18th March. She was exactly 7 weeks old. I was suppose to pick her up at 8 weeks but I live hours away from the breeder and they got vet approval for me to take her home at 7 weeks. I feel bad because if I hadn't pushed for this her vaccination would have had time to work and she wouldn’t be sick. The first vet gave her a Metomide injection and sent her home with Lectade sachets. He didn't think she had much chance of survival. She could be admitted and it would cost $2000+ I came home from work, sobbed then took her to a Veterinary Hospital. They said she has a better chance of survival if she's admitted. They would not give me any statistics or hope. They said it has been caught early but she will get much worse and every dog responds differently. The treatment costs $2000 - $4000. That's a lot of money to me and she could still die. I've only had her 1 1/2 weeks. I pictured bringing a new pup home and starting over. I did not feel any love towards this imaginary pup nor did I want it. My pup laid there on the examination table resting her tiny head in the palm of my hand. She lifted her paw which I took with my other hand and I stroked it softly with my thumb. I can't replace her. I admitted her to hospital. They are treating two other dogs with the same virus and have set up a separate isolation ward for Zoey. I'm not allowed to visit. They are going to call twice a day. They said she will get much worst. She is probably already bleeding from her bowls. They said she'll start vomiting and get diarrhea. The vet said she picked up the virus in the past week and there is no need to contact the breeder.
My 8 week old German Shepherd has just been diagnosed with parvovirus. She was born on the 28 January. She had her first puppy needle on the 14 Mar (before I got her). She was fine until last night. She woke up multiple times during the night heaving. This morning when I got up for work she wasn't her normal playful self. She did her business and went back to bed. My sister took her to the vet. He confirmed she has parvovirus. It's unlikely she'll survive. I couldn't stop crying when the vet phoned me at work. I came home early. She has no energy. She used what little energy she has to lift her little head and look at me. We added some soil to the yard after the floods. She has only being at home, in my car and at my Uncles house. My Uncles dogs are fully vaccinated as is our 7 year old dog. They think our soil might be contaminated. I don't want to watch her die but we've bonded and it would be cruel to ignore her and pretend we haven't had this time together. I was really proud a couple days ago. She slept in her bed instead of mine. She also learnt how to sit on command and is getting much better at toilet training. Her name is Zoey. The meaning of the name Zoey is 'Life'. It breaks my heart hers is going to be such a short one. I can't stop crying.