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Everything posted by GRD

  1. All State offices were notified at 1.32pm (EST)21/11/11, but individual staff may be aware of the notification. As each state has a different lead time for publication in their journals, there is an implentation date of 1/1/12 unless otherwise noted. The Supreme Champion for instance does not come in until 1/7/12, changes to breeding regulations must have at least 12 months from approval until implementation.
  2. The office staff may not have had access to the summary or minutes of the ANKC meeting, but as this change does not come in to effect until 1/1/12 they still have time to catch up. So you can see where the regulation has been amended, From the summary - http://www.ankc.org.au/Conference-Summary-2009.aspx 4 * ANKC Ltd Regulations Part 5 - Amendments It was resolved to amend/add the following sections/clauses in Regulations Part 5:• Amend Clause 7.7; 7.7 Championship Points System (05/99) (11/11) The owner of a dog registered with the ANKC Ltd which: (a) wins not fewer than four Challenge Certificates/Best of Breed Certificates under not fewer than four different Judges at four different exhibitions; and (10/99) . (b) gains a total of 100 points may apply for such dog to be known as a Champion. Points shall be allotted for exhibits six (6) months of age and over exhibited in a General Class as follows: The old 7.7 7.7 Championship Points System (05/99) The owner of a dog registered with the ANKC Ltd which: (a) wins not fewer than four Challenge Certificates/Best of Breed Certificates under not fewer than four different Judges at four different exhibitions; and (10/99) (b) gains a total of 100 points, of which twenty five (25) of these points are gained after the age of twelve (12) months; may apply for such dog to be known as a Champion. Graham
  3. Next year to be precise (changes to be implemented in 2014) One of the other things to come out of the ANKC meeting is the formation of a National Conformation Committee, to develop a National set of Conformation Show Rules. This is the first time there will be a National set of RULES (not regulations)The aim is to remove any differences between the rules and regs in each state so that if you do travel interstate you know the rules will be the same. The best part however will be the opportunity to totally review all aspects of conformation shows. There is a members consultation process written in to the proposal for this committee, so every member Australia wide will have the opportunity to make a submission on what should be in the rules. I am hoping that notification for submissions will be in the journals and DNA early next year. This will depend on designing a format where no individual can be identified from their submission during the decision making process and the lead in time for the journals. Whether there will be major changes to the current system is entirely dependant on the submissions received, the more members that participate the more chance for change there will be. The last time this was tried (Championship points system) there was only 3 submissions Australia wide, not much of a push for change. Graham
  4. well I think that's a bit disappointing. I realise the smaller breeds would be mature by 12 months of age but all the others, mine included, are being judged on potenial. It would be unrealistic to wait, for any breed, to be fully mature, in my breed we would be waiting for the boys to be at least 4 :D , but I think 25 points after 12 months was reasonable. Actually it wouldn't bother me if the age was put up to 18 months but I suspect I would be in the minority The rationale behind it was, why should a CC awarded at 6 months be more important to one which is awarded at say 11 months old. If a dog must be 12 months old to be concidered worthy to be awarded a title, then awarding a CC which states the dog is worthy of the title Champion at 6 months old is a bit contradictory. My view was either remove the 25 points after 12 months old or amend the age at which challenges can be awarded. Graham
  5. The new qualifications for champion, Grand Ch and the new Supreme Ch titles are up on the ANKC web site (regulations part 5 Shows). The is a new set of National Conformation Show rules being developed during the next year. Part of the process will be receiving input from the members, keep your eye out in your state journals and Dog News Australia for the notification and put your ideas forward. Graham
  6. The DOGS NT web site lists all show and trial dates for the year including club and venue (I have just given final approval for 2012 dates and they should be up next week). The actual schedules are in our online Journal (www.territorydogworld.com)normally about 2 months before the show. If you want to know details earlier check the dates and then look at the affiliated clubs page and contact them directly. There is no members only areas on either our web site or TDW. If you are looking for lots of shows in great weather during July and 1st week of August we have 17 championship shows, 6 in Alice Springs then 2 in Tennant Creek, 4 in Darwin then the Darwin Royal finishing off with 4 more in Darwin the following week, plus a gundog specialty and heaps of trials. P.S all of the shows offer classes 18 &18a. Graham
  7. Take my hat off to you Graham, if not for people like you there would not be any shows up there , here in NSW /Vic, can do a show every w/e and during the weeks if they wish to, our entry costs are getting higher & some of the judges are locals...... Keep up the great effort... The clubs up here go a damn good job of running their shows and adapting. Alice Springs have found by putting on 4 shows on 1 week end (6 on a long week end) they can nearly double their entries. Our Territory Tour show circuit in 2012 will have 17 All Breeds champ shows between 6 July (Alice) and 6 August (Darwin), Take some holidays and join us. G
  8. Going back to the cost I wonder if it would make a difference if they structured their entry fee's something like 1st dog $10.00 any others $8.00. I know lots of clubs do baby puppy cheaper to enter. Clubs in the NT have been doing this for many years. Due to the fact that ALL judges have to come from interstate and the smaller numbers in the shows the first entry probably way more expensive than it is interstate: Members: 1st Entry - $15.30 (includes Levy), 2nd - $12.00, 3rd - $10.00, Subsequent entries - $5.00. Any dog entered in two or more classes $25.00 for second and subsequent classes. Non-members: 1st Entry - $17.30 (includes Levy), 2nd - $14.00, subsequent entries $12.00. Any dog entered in two or more classes $25.00 for second and subsequent classes. Most clubs provide sashes for BIG, R/up IG, Classes in Group, BIS R/up IS Classes in show; with trophies for all but classes in group. The clubs run at a loss for their shows and if it weren't for fundrasing at Bunnings etc they could not continue. Graham
  9. In order that a guide to the neuter classes is as comprehensive possible, could those of you in different states please send me a copy of a catalogue (a single breed will be enough) where both the entire and neuter classes are listed. Everyone seems to have their own way of doing catalogues and it would be a great help to see exactly how the neuters are been listed. Thanks Graham
  10. I wrote the rules for the points system and the title and have had more experience running shows than I care to remember. The rest of the Neuter class regulations had already been in place for 9 years before the points and titles were added, and it may have incorrectly assumed that the classes would run correctly. Seeing that there is such a variation in how the classes are being offered and the possibilty that as more clubs offer them, the more variation there could be I will draft a set of guidelines and forward them to the member bodies.
  11. The last one is the closest to the correct order, it should be after all class eliminations (classes in breed run offs) have been completed. When there is only one class (Open Neuter), it is only terminology that is incorrect. It should be Open Neuter in Group (Show) as this is the name of class 18, same as Best Australian Bred in Group or Best Australian Bred in Show.
  12. The important clause here is 3.4. Nowhere does it say that all of the classes will be bundled together for a Best Neuter in Group or Show award, but each class will be judged at both Group and Show level
  13. I take it you won a neuter certificate in the NT. Who have you spoken to and why will they not send you the certificate? Please let me know and if you are entitled to a neuter certificate you WILL get it. Graham
  14. If there are multiple neuter classes then yes there could be class run offs in breed. Lets take the what I would love to see, all 4 neuter classes are offered and there is at least 1 dog and 1 bitch in each class. All of the neuter dog classes are run, the winners of each class then compete for the Neuter Certificate(NC). The judge awards the NC, the second place winner from the NC's class (if there is one)enters the ring. The judge then awards the reserve. The bitch classes then have there turn. The Dog NC and the Bitch NC compete for BNoB, the reserve from the BNoB's sex enters the ring for R/up BNoB. The BNoB and R/up BNoB automatically win their class in breed. If the BNoB comes out of Open Neuter and the R/up comes out of Puppy Neuter then the dog and bitch winners in Junior Neuter run off for Junior Nueter in breed. The same for Intermediate Neuter. The class winners from each of the 4 neuter classes in breed would then compete for their Class in Group against the class winners from every other breed in the group. Ditto for classes in show. The difference between Neuter classes and Entire classes is there is no Best Neuter in Group (or Show) that directly coincides with the Best in Group or Best in Show awards. Could this situation change? Yes Keep your eye on your state journals in the new year.
  15. That's what I spotted at a previous show too EF. Yes, the Neuters are all catalogued after the entires, sort of like a separate breed, and run that way too. Not male neuters after entire males and neuter bitches after entire bitches. You are correct that they are judged like a seperate breed, this has been the case since the neuter classes were first allowed back in January 2000. SECTION 3 Neuter Classes 3.3 Classes 15,16,17 & 18 shall be judged at breed level after Best of Breed and any Class elimination judging. 3.4 Classes 15,16,17 & 18 shall be judged at both Group and Show level immediately after Class 11. These regualtions were wriitten this way to ensure there was no confusion about which exhibits were eligible to go into the "Challenge" line up. By having the entire classes completely finished before the neuter classes commence, there is no way a neuter can "slip" into the challenge line up.
  16. This problem was brought to my attention in Brisbane over the week end, I will get a guide together as soon as possible (next couple of weeks)and get it out the the member bodies for their affiliates. Graham
  17. Your class NC1 is not possible as a dog has to be over 6 months of age to gain points towards a title. ANKC Ltd Regulations part 5 Shows 7.8 Neuter Championship Points System (exactly the same wording as for entires in 7.7 Championship Points System) Graham
  18. quote name='-Megz-' timestamp='1318845732' post='5547366'] Those 17 shows could give you a Neuter title LOL Amazing! YEP
  19. For those who want to enter shows with class 18 & 18a offered, Book your holidays NOW. The Territory Tour starts in Alice Springs on 5 July 2012 and finishes in Darwin on 5 August 2012, there will be 17 YES 17 all breeds shows offering the classes during this period. Ads will be in DNA Dec 2011 and Feb 2012 issues as well as interstate journals around feb 2012. Graham
  20. Great idea oakway. And another thought along a similar line, how about our state CCs offering free transfer from Mains Register to Mains Neuter Register for a period of time also.. I can't remember, but am pretty sure there is a cost involved in this? This is already on offer from some member bodies, IF you do not want a new certificate of P&R printed at time of the transfer. The only difference in the certificate would be the sex, instead of Dog or Bitch it would be Neutered or Spayed. You will get a new certificate issued when you get your title anyway. Check with your state office to see if they are one of the ones who offer this free service. Graham
  21. The actual motion is for a new conformation title “Supreme Champion’ with the requirements to attain this new title to be as follows: 1,000 points, including 3 All Breeds Best in Shows; or 10 Best in Group/Specialty Best in Show. Either 3 different Best in Show Judges or 10 different Best in Group/Specialty judges must be submitted, there can be no repeated judges. If you want to get your thoughts to your states ANKC Director you will have yo hurry, it will be voted on this week end.
  22. The ANKC issued the statement on correct terminology to get uniformity throughout the country. Although some states do have different interpretations in use, the correct protocols are that a Reserve may be may be elevated to the higher placing under some circumstances, a Runner Up may not. i.e A Reserve Challenge winner may be elevated if the CC winner is disqualified for any reason under the rules as it is unbeaten in sex in breed. If a BoB, BIG or BIS is DQ'ed, the runner up can not be elevated as it is a beaten dog and a beaten dog may not compete for any awards against unbeaten exhibits eligible for that award. Graham
  23. No. Queensland doesn't have neuter title so any breeder in that state would be disavantaged. Queensland is not the only ones who do not "recognise" the neuter title. However if a dog that resides in one of these States/Territory gain the points for the title (ie from exhibiting interstate) then they must be able to apply for the title through a ANKC member body that does.
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