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Everything posted by GRD

  1. You're correct Megz, the title was not even available on the data base when I went to process Meazles. When D NSW phoned to say they had updated the database, they told me they had one to process as well. I hit "add title" before the phone call finished, I then processed our second the Golden Retriever. Graham
  2. a little while back (maybe 1-2 yrs??) the neuter classes were introduced. The Neuter classes were added on 1 January 2001, The Neuter Championship title was added on 1 July 2010.
  3. Well then your comments are very harsh. DOGS NT has nothing to do with the contracting of the Royal judge. It is not a matter of not giving a shit, but one of not being able to give you information they do not have. The DOGS NT Administrator goes above and beyond what she is required to do in trying to help people and should not to be subjected to comments such as these. Graham Doyle President DOGS NT.
  4. The ANKC Regulations Part 6 The Register and Registration was not altered when the Allowable Colours listing was implemented, revised and repealled. Clause 6.2.4 still states - "The registration of White Boxers is NOT permitted on any register". Graham
  5. Hi I have written a guide to the neuter classes for show committees, but due to hold up in the approval process it has not yet been presented to the ANKC Board. This will be done in the very near future. Graham
  6. I keep seeing Best Neuter in Group/Show being mentioned, I have to point out there is NO provision within the rules for such awards. If the club is only offering class 18/18a then the only awards to be judged and awarded in Best Open Neuter in Group and Best Open Neuter in Show. If the club is offering multiple neuter classes, it is just the same individual class in group/show awards. There is no equivelent to Best in Group or Best in Show for neuters and as such, no run offs between the neuter classes for best neuter in group or show. The ribbon requirements for a would be 7 class in Group for each neuter class offered and 1 class in show for each neuter class offered. If only class 18 is offered then only 8 ribbons are needed for a show. Each state differs in what prizes have to be given, but unless every other class in group (minor,junior, open etc) receives a $10 prize none would be needed for the neuter classes. I think it is fairly standard that classes in show receive a prize, so one would be required for each neuter class offered. Graham
  7. DOGS NT sell the 3 to a page blank forms as well as fully completed forms(all you have to do is fill in the show details and sign it). If your state doesn't offer these, email [email protected] and we would be only too happy to help. Graham I should have added that these forms are perforated so no cutting is required at all. The prices are $15.00 for 10 sheets (30 entries, 1 dog) for the personalised forms and $15.00 for 17 sheets (51 entries) of the blank forms. Graham
  8. DOGS NT sell the 3 to a page blank forms as well as fully completed forms(all you have to do is fill in the show details and sign it). If your state doesn't offer these, email [email protected] and we would be only too happy to help. Graham
  9. There is supposed to be, amendments were made to the National Uniform Conformation Entry Form at both the 2009 & 2010 ANKC Conferences. Graham
  10. The 3 to an A4 page is the correct (official) size. However there is not an entry form available that contains the correct information as required by the ANKC Regulations Part 8 6.2. I know because I having been trying to update the current form for use by my members. If there are any geniuses in MS Word formatting out there, I could certainly use your help. Graham
  11. YES, but in a nice way of course. Graham
  12. Don't forget the Territory TourIt starts in Alice Springs on 6 July and concludes in Darwin on 5 August. 17 All Breeds Championship shows and a Gundog Specialty ALLoffering classes 18 & 18a. There are ads running in Dog News Australia and the state canine journals, but if you want more info keep an eye on the DOGS NT facebook page or drop me a line. I should have most of the judges from the clubs in the next week or so and will get them up as soon as possible. Graham
  13. Dogs NSW do offer this service https://dogsecom.ausn.com.au/Login.aspx?state=NSW I believe it is also available to other states through Dogs NSW Graham
  14. Neuter Classes Puppy Neuter 15 For neuter dogs aged six and under twelve months. Junior Neuter 16 For neuter dogs aged nine and under eighteen months. Intermediate Neuter 17 For neuter dogs aged eighteen and under thirty-six months. Open Neuter 18 For neuter dogs aged six months or over. Graham
  15. The NT does use the official BIG & BIS cards, however as they do not contain the judges signature they are not permitted to be used for verification of titles. No alterations are permitted on Challenge Certificates (who is to say that the alteration was made by the challenge writer not by someone after the event). That is why the system Meg described is used, no points are actually recorded on the CC's until that exhibit has been eliminated from further (point gaining) competition. Graham
  16. That was put forward last year and soundly defeated. No other class is mandatory so to do so for neuters could cause friction that we really don't need. Remember some states do not approve of the title so would never support mandatory classes. Graham
  17. It was omitted specifically to to make sure there was no confusion between the two types of certificates and the 2 remain totally seperate. This means that when a rule is changed for the entire classes, it does not automatically mean it changes for the neuters as well. The change to the 25 points after 12 months old is an example, the motion for this change did not include the neuter points systems so that change has not been made to the neuter title (don't worry an electronic motion is already in place for this to be amended). The good thing about it is that the neuter points system can be tweaked without it altering the system for entire exhibits. G
  18. Just a correction for the National Shows, in 2010 the wording was changed from no challenge certificates may be awarded etc - to no Challenge may be awarded......(ANKC Regulations part 13 4.2.4) Under the old rule it was possible for an exhibit to be shown at a show, within 1000km of its breed Nationals and win Best in Show without receiving a challenge certificate or any points. The new rule prevents this, as if there is no dog or bitch challenge, there is no Best of Breed. With no BoB, that breed can not be represented in the BiG line up. With Neuters, there has been no amendment to the above rule to incorporate Neuter Certificates (note there is no mention of the word "Challenge" in any of the regulations relating to the Neuter classes) so it is currently possible for a club to offer the Neuter classes, certificates and points on the same day as a breed National even if it is within the 1000km radius of the Nationals. This will be addressed during the formulation of the National Rules for Conformation Shows, but these rules will not take effect until at least 2014. Graham
  19. YES There is no regulated procession to Supreme Champion ie you do not have to have either the Championship of Grand Championship title before applying for the Supreme. That was a crazy thing about the old regulations. Even though you needed 25 points after 12 months old to apply for the champion title, if your dog had amassed 1000 points (and latter on the BIS/BIG etc) you could apply for the Grand Champion title regardless of the dogs age. Graham
  20. As it was not me you spoke to, it must have been the other person mentioned in the OP. Having been there for, and participating the discussions on this matter, advising on the obligations of FCI membership, voting in favour of the motion and finally physically amending the regulations, I can assure you that the amendments ARE NOT limited to prefix/suffix only. Graham
  21. YES YES YES !!!!! That is just what it means Tracy !! and I have just such a pup here now with brand new papers Linda No I don't think the new wording allows for dogs with incomplete pedigrees. It allows for dogs with no prefix/suffix only. All imported dogs still need complete pedigrees (3 generations). If the dog is being imported has export papers issued by a recognised controlling body then the ANKC's associate membership of the FCI means that pedigree must be accepted. The only exception to this, is if both parents are not of the same breed. The previous ANKC regulation which imposed additional requirements on the imports pedigree, has been removed to ensure we comply with the FCI statues as required by our FCI membership. Graham
  22. The 2012 breakdown for the NT is: Darwin 23 All Breeds Champ shows over 15 week ends, including 2 double headers (2 shows on 1 day)and 2 with a double header on Saturday and another Double on Sunday. Alice Springs20 All Breeds Champ shows 3 week ends with 3 shows, 1 with 5 shows and 1 with 6 Tennant Creek2 shows 1 week end. Graham
  23. you know they are going to come out of the woodwork, no matter what they look like , the good, the bad and the ugly. They'll get their CC and disappear again Thats why some of us pushed for a higher additional qualification, but the numbers were against us. Lets hope that the judges see it for what it is and with hold challenges for unworthy specimens.
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