I dont mean to jump over your topic staffy26 but we are having the same issue with one of our boys. We have 3 lowchen boys, 2 are almost 2years and 1 is almost 3years. One of the 2 year olds cocks his leg inside all the time, although only when no one is watching. They are all de sexed and are toilet trained. He goes outside for pee's when he needs, even in the middle of the night. But for some reason he likes to pee on the legs of furniture and chairs, even our daughters dona last night. We have tired piss off spray to no avail. We know for sure it is this guy as we set up a camera and caught him.
Does anyone have any suggestions. I have heard about the belly band idea but not sure if it will work with us as we have 3 dogs and they come and go inside and out as they please.
I am very found of this little guy but hubby has had enough, please help before he gets sent back to the breeder