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Everything posted by Fatsofatsoman

  1. I would say "If you ever hit my dog - expect to get a hit back from me!"
  2. I was always given 5mins for each month of age as a rule of thumb.
  3. uneducated guess of snow nose - winter lightening the pigment. Will return in summer.
  4. This really surprises me - I'd have thought showies were right on top of this. Our dog park has a strict pick up poo policy, and if someone isn't looking at their dog while he's going they get told. I'd have thought it'd be more so at a show.
  5. Some things need to be planned for. I'd rather my dogs be taken on by someone who agrees to take responsiblility for rehoming them than see them end up at the pound. no doubt - just wasn't the cheeriest thread I saw to each lunch over, and thought by having a little chuckle at it I could lighten the mood. I don't like thinking about death, and now I'm thinking about death.......
  6. was just reading this - sad for the family as the dog is fine. But in reality pts is the only option.
  7. I wish I'd been reading on here for longer before we got our boy done. We had two separate vets recommend 6mths for us so we did. I would now have waited until a year if given my time again. Not that I think he'd be any different I'd just have rathered not risk that it could've done something.
  8. we have the exact ones from Kmart - only cost us $10 and no shipping charge of $6.
  9. Boonie nicks my seat - he'll be next to me on the lounge and when I get up to get a beer and come back he's moved into my spot - every time without fail
  10. yeah just delete the double http's at the start.
  11. Will do - I tend to feed under the recommended on the packet anyway (I find they're overstated - plus he'll get treats and a couple of bones a week). Boonie's food got cut a little in the last couple of days - he was out of action for a week or so unwell, so a kilo has to go.
  12. would I be right in thinking 2 of those 230g packets a day for a 31kg male?
  13. and scrub my concrete - I thought you said permanent, not non-perm.
  14. My only worry with gravel would be if the dogs ate it - some do apparently. Pavers can be a pain in the arse. why not try laying some concrete down yourself - pretty easy and cheap - and clean.
  15. excellent - this is exactly what I wanted to hear. we have a chest freezer just begging to be filled up - so I assume it's ok to freeze?
  16. I was all for a Black Lab the wife wanted a Chocolate Lab - We decided on picking the right one for us irrespective of their colour. He turned out to be chocolate and you know what - I think the wife was right I love the chocs now. Though don't tend to say it out too loudly due to the apparent 'choc' craze and all that it implies.
  17. Cheers will do - to be honest the price wasn't a big issue - maybe if it was dearer than Euk I may have thought about it. But I kind of like the idea of helping out Guide Dogs QLD whilst also giving Boonie the right stuff.
  18. we had to do that when changing what our breeder had Boon on as a wee pup. I think I may give one batch a go and see how he goes. It's $19 for 3kgs which I think if my math is correct is less than the Eukanuba anyways.
  19. yeah I was browsing this site and caught that - my only problem being I'm not a nutritionist and wouldn't have a clue if this is good or not. As of yet Boonie has thrived on Eukanuba but he's at the age now where we are going to take him off of the puppy and go to the adult - and thought that maybe this is an alternative. We really went for Eukanuba in the first place on Vet's advice and other peoples. Only since on here that I've really read much discussion on diets and raw feed - we just thought we were doing right by Boonie by not feeding him PAL.
  20. Saw this Raw diet advertised that is produced by Guide Dogs QLD called 'leading RAW' GDQ rave about how it's improved the health of their dogs and lowered their healthcare costs by 82% I currently have Boonie on Eukanuba but have been more and more tempted to give this a go. Has anyone had any experience in using this - bad and good reviews?
  21. Boonie goes out in all sorts - it's usually me looking for excuses not to, but you cant resist those Lab eyes.
  22. dammit rumbled it's all good - i only post with Boonie for the comedic value - and it's not even that funny.
  23. In it again - as is Boonie. Is Boonie having a separate fb page cheating?
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