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Everything posted by savana

  1. Yes they are the same as the Pupkus dryers. The show vendor at KCC park in Victoria sells them and they are good value for money. The same stand dryer mentioned in the previous post ( Force 2) sells for $300. Contact Peperone Pet supplies they advertise here on DOL. I would recommend a twin motor dryer for a Newfoundland such as the Double K Airmax or the Oldfield LD2000
  2. I agree. Contact the guys at Clipper World for advice as they have the cheapest price and offer after sales service.
  3. I went to a show at Castlemaine last weekend and was pleased to see a new show vendor with competitive prices. Keep up the good work http://www.peperonepetsupplies.com/
  4. Not sure what you mean by divots? The Wahl single sided thinners are not curved and they have a straight blade and blade with protruding teeth. ok thanks, by divets i mean protruding teeth. I think they just sent me the ones on the far right instead of the ones second from left on this picture Yes the ones on the far right are not thinners
  5. Not sure what you mean by divots? The Wahl single sided thinners are not curved and they have a straight blade and blade with protruding teeth.
  6. The Lazor RX dryers are equivalent to the Pupkus dryers and cheaper. I spoke to one of the leading show vendors in Melbourne who is a qualified Electrician, they originally sold the Pupkus brand but now sell the Lazor RX as it is the same quality but cheaper.
  7. I am just curious of a number of your claims. “if the product is more expensive, that means its better quality” I would say do your research as this is not always the case. And what you mean the “the real deal”
  8. A friend of mine purchased a dryer from Pupkus at the recent pet expo and then found out they could have got it from Clipper World much cheaper. I probably worded that wrong a Pupkus manufactured dryer is what I meant to say. Exellent product. Pupkus dryers have the "pupkus" logo on them. they are the real deal, better manufactured, (not a copy that alot of people have complaints with). Basically, with any grooming product, you get what you pay for! if the product is more expensive, that means its better quality. BEWARE OF CHEAPER KNOCKOFFS! you will also get the service with the Pupkus people that so badly lacks from some suppliers in this industry. You'll never have an issue with the Pupkus range of ANYTHING!! not sure about that $300 price tho?? my dryer was cheaper than that from Pupkus and ive never had an issue... You must be employed or related as your response is hardly that of the average consumer
  9. A friend of mine purchased a dryer from Pupkus at the recent pet expo and then found out they could have got it from Clipper World much cheaper.
  10. 10% is a good deal. Many vet based groomers pay up to 50%
  11. The drying power and air velocity will dry the coat faster and straighter with a purpose designed dog dryer. I have toy poodles and I use the high velocity attachment to blow the coat straight even when the coat is dry. This dryer is the one I have http://www.clipperworld.com.au/shop/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=919 and it is excellent
  12. The 2 head teachers at ADC are both International Certified Master Groomers, (ICMG) and Nicky is the Australian certifier for International Professional Groomers, which is the highest international dog grooming instructors qualification. Is the IMCG recognised as accredited trainers by an Australian government body or is an American business? International Professional Groomers Inc (IPG) are an International Organization which provide international industry standards for professional pet groomers based on their countries breed standards. To call yourself a Master groomer do you have to pay an annaul fee? It appears from their website that you pay an annual fee to be a member but it is not clear if the title of master groomer only applies to members.
  13. The 2 head teachers at ADC are both International Certified Master Groomers, (ICMG) and Nicky is the Australian certifier for International Professional Groomers, which is the highest international dog grooming instructors qualification. Is the IMCG recognised as accredited trainers by an Australian government body or is an American business?
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