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Everything posted by Prodigium

  1. Bullshit. Most will retreat. The threshold at which a dog 'fights back" and the damage it does vary widely. Most dogs snap or don't bite down when defending. This dog was at the extreme end of the scale. Oh and by the way freezing is regarded by many dog professionals as precursor to serious acts of aggression. Its red flag behavour that sadly isn't recognised as such by many folk. I don't think they should pay with surgery and loss of appendages for their mistake but that's just me. On this forum we often wonder about the background of such dogs. Perhaps you could shed some light? How old was dog? Did it atttend any puppy or training schools to be socialised outside of its family? Was it desexed? Was it allowed inside? Fair enough, blast me with your opinion, oh Dog expert. After the stupidity of the last 'dog expert' that deemed him dangerous, I rarely take into consideration what any acclaimed 'dog expert' has to say. Including you. Your opinion is like everyone elses - an opinion. "most dogs snap or don't bind down when defending" - bear in mind that he did bite the first man. When the second man came to 'confront' the dog (i'll put it nicely), that's when things got bad. And where are your statistics for this? Are they YOUR statistics, or are they taken off a website? Is your opinion based on what you've heard? HOWEVER, it is the victims' word against the dogs' word. They could have been shooing them away, or throwing sticks at them to scare them for all we know - but unfortunately dogs are unable to share their side of the story. All I have to say to you is that this dog was bought from the pound because his owner could not afford to look after him. We took him in and gave him a loving home. He had access inside and outside at all times. If no one was home, he had big, open and cool downstairs area/garage to rest in. He was not desexed and you can call us horrible, bad owners all you like. I couldn't care what you thought. He didn't attend puppy schools because when we got him, he was not a puppy. Young, but no puppy. He was socialised quite often with other dogs. When we flew in Marley (a puppy at the time) from the eastern states, they were fantastic with each other. So you can throw your opinions and views around all you like - but you do not know the dog. You cannot know the mentality of every dog. You cannot claim that MOST dogs would flee. This dog is not MOST dogs. It is A dog. A unique dog, just like every f***ing dog is unique. As for him being dangerous to strangers? We've had many friends come over that he had not known. Not once did he bite. He did not bite the rangers when they dragged him away. He did not bite anyone after he was stuck in a cage for months which, as you MUST agree, would be very detrimental to his mentality. It seems you need to think beyond your understanding of all dogs.
  2. redangel - I can understand and although I'm dismayed, I am not surprised or angry that you still question my side. Although I wish there were more people out that could empathise not just with Kunsah, but at how the rangers completely screwed us over; the absolute hell they intentionally gave us. You ought to hear what Marley's owner had to go through to get her back. Rocky's Uncle was on the radio a few days ago, and after the public that heard his accounts of what happened, Rocky received an incredible amount of support. On a website, a person said (and I quote) "Interesting to hear this chaps Uncle on the radio today, certainly gives light to the entire incident, and not just the councils 'version'. Suggest the media bring all the evidence to light here. Going on what the Uncle had to say this morning, I'd now be interested to hear from the victims who have said they didn't want the dog destroyed. From the Uncles radio discussion today with 720am ABC, I support this man now!!" So that's what I'm trying to do. I am unable to give our side of the story in court anymore (although with the help I've sought, I could quite possibly do so), so I'm telling those of you OUR side of the story. The story that no one got to hear. The story that the media is now interested in. But I'm also doing it because I want people to know how corrupt the government can be... and if I am able to fight this case and win, and EXPOSE the Rangers for who they are and expose what they DID, even if Kunsah is destroyed, then I have done something good. Lo Pan - "Ultimately of course if the dog was contained, none of this would have happened".. we think about that every day. We often think about where we'd all be if it never happened. One tiny mistake can cause so much heart break. It can cost a dog his life and a man his freedom. So I hope anyone that reads what you just read, and reads my reply to it, will really double check and make sure their dogs are contained and safe. I know that Rocky cannot get his dog back at the moment, but if I were able to, I would do everything I could to make sure this never happened again. A lesson can be learnt from our story.
  3. No, some dogs will freeze, and some will try to escape. Some will vocalise in different ways and some will snap. Biting people's fingers off is not the just 'the way dogs are'. Not many dogs will ever do that. "Biting people's fingers off is not just 'the way dogs are'. <- I don't believe I ever said it was? Perhaps it would have been better for me to have written "...he/she is being attacked will DEFEND itself. It's just the way dogs are". I do believe when a dog freezes, tries to escape or vocalise (for help, perhaps?), it is an act of defense. Just as a human would freeze when a knife is held to their throat, scream for help when they are being assaulted or try to escape when they are being chased. Although, does that not constitute fighting for their life if the person (or dog, in this case) feels threatened? "snapping" is also a defense. He did what he did to defend himself.
  4. I've just finished sending an email to one of the people from Today Tonight that is working on a story about what has happened. I'm doing what I can, but I don't know where to start. I'm not sure I can afford a lawyer. I'm not sure if I'll be allowed to fight the case considering Kunsah is under Rocky's name. Thank you for the MDBA Pacer website. I'm contacting them straight after I post this reply. I still hope we have a chance to save Kunsah. It's a very small chance but with the help of Today Tonight, and the help of anyone willing, we could give this dog a second chance. And knowing Rocky and how it's so badly affected him, we could also be giving his life a 'second chance' as well. Thanks again for your kind words, and thank you (even more) for not condemning Kunsah without knowing the facts.
  5. Kunsah will be destroyed, no matter how much we argue the case. There's been a hell of a lot of support for Rocky from the public. Some people even called him a hero. Now that he's in Jail, I'm going to do my best to expose the Stirling rangers. They are evil people. I've never known anybody to be as evil as they are. I've never known anybody to lie and manipulate and twist the story around (and take it that far) for their own benefit. You've no idea the hell we went through when we tried to get Marley back. I can't express the emotional and psychological damage this has done to Rocky, our family and myself, to know that these people can get away with it because they are the government; the law. I can barely eat, I rarely speak, I'm so down that I'm literally just about out of tears, so just think about how Rocky feels. Rocky has lost the only thing he ever truly held dear to him, the one thing that brought him joy since his fiance died. He would have given his life for this animal. He would have done anything for Kunsah, and he did. He lost his freedom trying to save his best mate. Breaking into the pound was wrong in the eyes of the law. Rocky did the wrong thing for the right reasons. Some may call exposing the rangers as "futile"; a waste of time. I don't know how I'll do it, but I'll try. I hope that anyone else who feels they have been wronged by the 'government' will take a stand against them.
  6. Firstly, his name is Kunsah, not "Kunza". Secondly, Rocky, Kunsah and I lived together for years. He was my cousin's fiance. When she passed, he stayed and we were all more than happy to have him. That dog didn't always belong to him. Funnily enough, Rocky bought him from the pound when his owner didn't want him anymore. We all know that dog had history; somewhat abusive at times. Thirdly, about the wrong dog thing? I can't say much about that, not because I don't want to, but because I can't. The dog will not be put down. Rocky didn't condemn it either. He would never condemn another animal for his own benefit. He is an animal lover in its purest. The vicious attack is not what everyone thinks. Our female Akita, Marley, was in heat during the time it happened. She's a smart cookie and managed to lift up the roller door enough for her to get out. She's tried it a few times before, so it was always kept locked. Unfortunately, a friend had forgotten to lock the garage the night before which resulted in our smart girl opening it up. It would have happened very early that morning, and we did not realise as we were all asleep. Now, I said before that she was in heat. Kunsah and Marley were 'mates'. Wherever she went, he would follow. BUT, this dog was not a 'vicious and untrained' dog belonging to a 'bad owner'. Kunsah would not eat unless given permission. He would not walk across roads unless given permission; he would sit, stay, 'talk', and lay down - and this could be done from yards away. How do I know? Because that's how he was trained. I did have a video of him doing such things but that video has since long been lost. As for the attack? The dogs were out - yes. Is that our fault? Yes. Should the elderly man have put down water and coaxed them to him? Water - perhaps. Coaxed them to him? NO. No person should ever coax a strange dog. The elderly man then tried to grab Marley's collar, and Kunsah (remember she's in heat and he's very protective over her at the time), bit his hand. The man's son then came out and from what we know, he grabbed and pulled at Kunsah. Does a dog see this as a threat/attack? Yes. What will any animal (and even some flight animals) or human do? They would FIGHT BACK. How stupid can people be to not understand this? Both men were injured and we are very sorry. We apologised profusely and they accepted it. Now, as for the rangers? From the very beginning they LIED to us. They lied and manipulated and spread bullshit. First the man lost 4 fingers, then he lost 2. Then he lost 3 and the fourth couldn't be re-attached. Then the ranger said that they had to take in Marley because Kunsah couldn't be found. They said that she would be put down unless Kunsah was found because she was there, even though she did not attack anyone <- that's a LIE. So Kunsah ended up in the pound, and Marley was released because we got very 'high up' people to have a word to these ranger bastards. We got Marley back half starved and in shocking condition. Kunsah was now in the pound. He was not walked, groomed or washed for months and months. They would not let us, and I think they had a vendetta against us because we put in a complaint when we found him lying in his own feces because they had not cleaned the damn cage. So there was Kunsah: unwalked, ungroomed, no human contact bar through the cage walls, stuck in a cage for months on end. He was to be destroyed, so Rocky appealed. The day before court, the rangers brought in a 'dog handler' to assess him. Now this grumpy fat woman thought it was appropriate to poke a stick at this unwalked, ungroomed, unhappy dog through his cage walls. He growled. She then gave him a toy to play with. He didn't want it, basically ignored it. He was deemed vicious immediately. She didn't even finish the test. I think this was a very shifty move. They didn't notify us, letting us know they had brought in a handler. We would have immediately arranged one as well, so as to prevent this bullshit biased opinion by a woman who thinks poking a dog with a stick while he's in his cage is a good way to find out if the dog is dangerous or not. The day of the case (I was there), the victims were also there and they were supporting us. They didn't want the dog destroyed at all, and the elderly man was in tears. The younger man who yes, did lose a finger unfortunately, spoke to me personally and apologised for what had happened and told me he supported us the whole way through. We had a bloody retarded lawyer that day. He was an imbecile and stuttered the whole way through. He reminded me of that rat/human thing off Harry Potter. We lost the case. Appealing would have cost $20,000, of which we couldn't afford. That was a dark day for us, as it would have been for any dog owner that treated their dog as they would any family member. That night, Rocky took his dog back. So, I'll repeat this again: Any dog that feels threatened or feels he/she is being attacked will fight back. It's the way dogs are. One other thing: The dog in the pound now is apparently the wrong dog. Rocky says it IS Kunsah. This strange dog is apparently very social, very friendly and will be rehomed. Now if it IS Kunsah (the vicous, unrehomeable dog deemed dangerous), then they need to sort themselves out, considering they deemed him dangerous and to be destroyed. Whether it is Kunsah or not - the truth will eventually come out. Until then, I say nothing more. Would a bad dog owner send himself to jail to save his dog's life?
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