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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Yep and no Stanley I have a friend with two daccy's called Graeme and Neil :)
  2. My Rotti used to do this when we had a pool. He also used to grab my daughters floaties when she was a toddler and pull her out of the pool from the steps. In the end we just ended up locking him away when we swam as he woudlnt allow my daughter to swim without getting anxious. What a good boy :)
  3. Yeah he is a lazy boy. He would actually live happily in an apartment or for someone that is retired. He is the typical lazy greyhound, happy to laze on the lounge with you all day. Maddie is a very active girl and loves going for a walk or throwing a ball in the backyard. Bless her she runs around by herself, throwing toys in the air, and she has a ball...while Stan watches...from the deck...he has no time for such frivolities :laugh:
  4. Don't have that problem here. I have to ask Stan if he wants to go for a walk...sometimes I have to ask twice :laugh:
  5. Yes but the key words here are "correctly used". Obviously the people in this thread do know how to use them but I have never seen it happen myself. I saw a girl recently walking her little dog along my street while she was fiddling with her phone and not paying attention the little dog wandered straight out on the road and narrowly missed being hit by a car The guy in the car hit the brakes and horn which snapped the woman out of whatever she was doing and she reeled the dog back in. As someone else said I have seen them wrapped around chairs in cafes not even belonging to the table the owners are sitting at! So yes if they are correctly used I'm sure they are fine but in my experiences they are a bloody PITA. Not having a go at you BC :)
  6. The Life Of Stanley...he is not the messiah, he's just a naughty boy :) Sorry to derail the thread Leelaa17, bin raiding is a pain in the butt.... ....always look on the bright side of life :D
  7. Any biscuits or open packets of anything really live in the fridge here because Stan can open anything. I found my toaster (which Stan had pulled out of the saucepan cupboard) in his bed. He must have licked the slots for ages as it didn't work after that *sigh*
  8. Stan is a bin raider, an oven raider, a cupboard raider, a bench surfer, you name it...he'll raid it. He definately doesn't need more food he's just obsessed with it and as someone else said he does it because he can. I have a large sign on my front door that says BIN to remind me everytime I go out to empty the bin. He didn't always do this it started about 12 months ago. I left mince defrosting in the oven 6 months ago which he ate and now everytime I come home the oven is open.
  9. Nah she'll have a ball this year I'm sure She loves the dogs and the dogs love the snow so it's bound to be a win/win :) Sorry to go OT cassie.
  10. *runs off to book Shiraz for the first week in August* :p Only jokin' PD. Are you taking the dogs this year? Hope the gorgeous little miss M enjoys it this time :)
  11. My Greyhounds would be devastated...they don't sit I have been known to make exceptions...like standing nicely. :D Greyhounds are particularly nice to pat, they are just the right height. :laugh: (and soooo soft...and they lean...and and and....well they're Greyhounds. ) Oh yes they can stand and lean :D Nice DD, I've never met a Cane Corso
  12. My Greyhounds would be devastated...they don't sit
  13. Puddleduck has taken her dogs to the snow but I can't remember where it is. It looked great though, hopefully she will see this and let you know.
  14. I like to give them a pat if they come wiggling up to me but always ask first. I had the pleasure of meeting up with doler Ons for coffee on NYE morning at a seaside cafe here on the coast with her gorgeous dogs :) I think we were the most popular table at the cafe with two greyhounds sprawled out and a Coolie and a Griffon. It was lovely to see so many kids stop and ooh and ahh over our dogs but all asked first if they could have a pat. I actually chased a man walking a greyhound in my suburb when I came out of the bank a few months back for a pat. Turns out his wife met Stan and Maddie down at the beach one day when we were walking and ended up adopting one. He said she was the most beautiful dog and the family loved her...I was pretty chuffed about that :D
  15. :laugh: @ Dannys Darling. My vet had a resident cat but since one of the vet nurses started fostering greyhounds several years ago and another vet who has joined the practice owns one there are now a lot of greys that go there. Puss has now gone home thankfully.
  16. I also loathe those retractable leads. While the owner is texting away on their phone little Fluffy is either wrapped around the dog treat stand or over the other side of the room barking at a poor cat in a carrier
  17. I have the same thing, I leave the dogs in the car until its time and if I have more than one dog needing to be seen, I leave the other one in the car and do a swap. You still need to walk passed the dogs in reception though? I take Lucy's "Please give me space" vest - unfortunately some people don't seem to be able to read. People don't seem to be able to read the large sign on the door of my vets that says " All dogs MUST be on a leash " yet they can read the word "push" in tiny letters under it. My greyhounds are muzzled so I don't want ANY dog approaching mine in the reception area and I am not backward in coming forward on that point.
  18. hello Flashy and Mocha from Stan and Maddie!! Mocha didn't bark all the time, he did fall asleep with his head on the table :laugh:
  19. I never leave the fan on when I am not home as my last fan blew up in the middle of the night and I woke to sparks flying out it onto the doona My old house is stinking hot in summer. I leave the french doors open onto the deck and they can come and go as they like to find the coolest spot.
  20. It took me ages to pop all those little popper things to get the streamers and in 3 seconds he had grabbed them and then took off down the yard leaping around with his silly hat still on and me chasing him going....Staaaaaannnly!!!! My friend that took the photo couldn't get off the lounge laughing :laugh:
  21. MrRedDog that first shot is simply stunning!!!!
  22. Lol...who does like50 shades of grey? I like this version :)
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