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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. My two were too slow so no injuries they would just chase the lure like the others. Maddie would love it but Stan is so lazy now in his case it would be keeping the sleeping giant awake :laugh:
  2. :laugh: :laugh: A bit off topic, but years ago, I was out walking the dogs, rounded a corner and there, sitting on her doorstep waiting for her lift to the footy was a woman I was acquainted with, attired in all her football regalia: hat, scarf, t-shirt, etc etc. It was all I could do to keep a straight face. This woman was well past middle age - - - - Yep thats why I wrote that, Ive also observed people who are like that Most people have something they are really passionate and even obsessive about.. ours just happens to be our dogs Hhmm DD sounds like you were walking past my house. I'm a rugby league fanatic, passionate about my footy and a tad obsessive about my dogs. I do get some funny comments when I'm walking my dogs with my South Sydney hat on as their emblem is a rabbit...and I have greyhounds :laugh:
  3. Fantastic photos I love pugs, they have so much personality their little faces always make me smile :)
  4. Fantastic shots as usual Kirislin I'm jealous too, I would love to bring my greyhounds to your fun day although you probably don't allow greys.
  5. :laugh: Yep proud daddy is hammering facebook with photos of his baby boy.
  6. Apart from Ben's sending through a pricelist immediately after I spoke with him on the phone on Saturday morning, I am having no luck with emails and phone calls since . It would appear that they have been creating a new website and this might be the problem. No mobiles listed. You don't happen to have one for them, Stans Mum?? I've sent my emails with received and read requests in Options, but no response, so I think they must be having problems. I've phoned a couple of times, too. Ben's wife gave birth to their first child this morning at 10am so I'd say the shop would be closed today.
  7. I'm so sorry Pers I loved seeing photos of Hamlet. RIP handsome man.
  8. Send Ben an email or give him a call, see what he can do, he's a lovely young bloke and he's involved in rescue too
  9. http://www.petdirectory.com.au/?page=Manufacture-Wholesaler-of-Quality-Natural-Pet-Food-and-Treats-NSW DD this is where I get my greyhounds food from here on the Central Coast. Now I know you hate the F3 but West Gosford is only 5 mins off the freeway and much closer than a 3 hour round trip! It's a family owned and run business and the food is fantastic, even my vet buys from him.
  10. Skyesblue had a greyhound with Von Willebrand and I think the bloods were taken at our local vets(she is a vet nurse there) and sent away but I'm not 100% sure, it was a while ago. Send her a PM, she doesn't post on DOL anymore but I know she would be happy to help.
  11. :laugh: Not so much a problem with the greyhounds but with my old boy dog hair was a condiment in this house.
  12. RIP Sooki, you were loved. So sorry for your loss Tralee
  13. I'm the same. I had an appointment in Sydney yesterday and was gone all day and I couldn't wait to get home to them. I always leave barbies and parties early, I just say " sorry gotta go, Stan just rang and he's starving" :laugh:
  14. What Not even the smell of hot buttered toast and vegemite?? I can smell mould and lemon. That's pretty much it. Oil of cloves is great for getting rid of mould, it kills the spores. I have greyhounds that have no odour. I have friends that are amazed when they pat them and there is no smell and I only bath them once a year.
  15. Yes, but did you join the new group too? http://www.facebook.com/groups/centralcoastlostandfoundanimals/#!/groups/329432713736350/ I'm a member of this one as well but it's not new. They are the only two Central Coast ones I know of.
  16. Great idea Gilly, you've already posted mine
  17. My two sleep with me...similar to the second pic :laugh:
  18. Don't treat me like an idiot please Jo, I didn't say they were the same, I said each to their own.
  19. Yes it would be a different story due to dogs not being the same as children. I just don't get the comparison between kids and dogs all the time, of course it's a different story! No, it's not a different story. If you could forgive and empathise with a person who left your child to die this way, then come back and say that people should not be blaming this person. I don't know how much you care for your dogs. But my dogs are like any other family member to me. My dogs are my family too but I don't think they are furry children. There is no comparison and as much as I love them if it came down to choosing between the dogs and the kids the kids would win hands down. But please point out where I said this guy wasn't to blame? I was commenting on the post claiming the treatment of dogs should be the same as treatment of children. Of course he is to blame, he left the dog in the car That's fine for you. I have no children so my dogs are my family, each to their own. I can't compare so the dogs win hands down
  20. I know you are not suggesting it's ok BUT how do you forget your dogs are in the car? My dogs are the last thing in the car and the first out. Mind you two greyhounds in the back of a 2 door Getz is pretty obvious. I'm not having at go at you Cosmolo but I cannot understand how that happens.
  21. Yes I was thinking they may have been able to see the dog. I wouldn't do it myself, I would worry they would be stolen especially Stan who would willingly get in anyones car if it meant he didn't have to walk home. I wouldn't report it.
  22. RIP Colette I rarely take my greys in the car in summer unless I have to and I have aircon. Regardless of the weather when my dogs are in the car they are first out. I don't care whats in the car, shopping etc, I pull up open the back and put them in the house then go back and get whatever is in the car, nothing is that important that the dogs have to wait.
  23. :laugh: no that's ok kiesha09 I laugh at him everyday. He sure is one out of the box my "spethal" boy...love him to bits :)
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