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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Exactly. A friend of mine who is a vet nurse has heard the same stories jerojath. If she was walking the dog and it stopped to munch on something would she not have noticed it was a dope plant?...seriously.
  2. Sorry I have no advice but just wanted to wish you the best of luck for Thursday Sending lots of positive vibes your way from me and the hounds for many more happy years with Zahra.
  3. My heart sank when I read this What an inspirational little man you were Charlie and so very dearly loved. Hugs to you and your family take care.
  4. It's brilliantly made I agree and it's stuck in my head too. I've been singing it to Stan and Maddie all morning, they already know they're onto something good :laugh:
  5. Wow they do look alike!! Peanut is gorgeous, love the photos
  6. I know this video has been posted before but it made me smile on this wet Sydney Sunday morning :) A day in the life of Monkey the rescue dog.
  7. Nothing they just sleep. It has been pouring rain here virtually non stop since yesterday arvo and Stan's only exersise has been from the lounge to my bed and back again, unless you count the times I bribe him with a liver treat to go out to the toilet. Maddie will run around the house with a toy or do zoomies in the yard on her own in the rain but Stan pppft nup...he's livin' the dream at the moment :laugh:
  8. Sorry to hear about your Loxy, Kirty. I don't want to get involved, as I don't have a major problem with it if they are desexed and rehomed responsibly. But I will add that even if the founder of the organisation was 23 that shouldn't matter! I am only 23, have been around animals my entire life, have been involved in rescue for 5 years, including running a rescue for the last 2 years. I have a Bachelor of Animal Science Honours, specialising in companion animal welfare and management and a graduate diploma, plus numerous courses. You would be surprised what the younger generation is capable of, 90% of our rescue organisation are under 25. :) ...and thank God for that Emma. I'm not getting involved either as I can see both sides of the argument but it's great to see the younger generation passionate about rescue.
  9. :laugh: he does too!!! I love how he doesn't make any eye contact with his owner taking the video...he's just on a mission.
  10. Oh Kirislin I was holding my breath for good news when I clicked on this thread and it is!!! So so happy for you. Keep up the 'nanas and hope Pagan continues to improve too :)
  11. Oh bugger for those that can't see it It's a short 30 sec video of a rescue greyhound dragging his bed through the house to a square of sunshine coming through a window. It's just really sweet :)
  12. :) http://www.facebook.com/happygrey?fref=ts#!/photo.php?v=479507788778259&set=vb.100001571267702&type=2&theater
  13. So sorry for the loss of your beautiful Brianna Thank you for sharing a wonderful tribute and photos of your much loved baby girl
  14. When I first started in greyhound rescue a few of years ago there were a lot of greys, especially in BP and HP. Sometimes there would be half a dozen surrendered at a time. Don't seem to see that many anymore, I'm hoping that's a good thing. I hope trainers are contacting grey rescue directly...might be dreaming
  15. My local pound does and are very grateful for any donations :)
  16. Good on you SamMan I'm sure a rescue will appreciate them :)
  17. Hang in there Kirislin...you're in my thoughts
  18. I would freeze to death if I relyed on a greyhound fur jumper :laugh: Your boy is beautiful look forward to seeing the end result.
  19. Definately a visit to the vet. My friends greyhound had a fight with a cat and he ended up with an infection in his mouth, he was a very sick boy.
  20. Good luck EdmundH, this could be the hardest mountain you've climbed :)
  21. Big hugs Kirislin Your gorgeous little watermelon lips will get through with the love of her mum. Sending you lots of positive thoughts from me and the hounds xx
  22. I wasn't actually suggesting a greyhound in this case just answering Rosetta's question about adopting out rescues to the elderly. As others have said it can be a fantastic home with the right support and give such joy to someone. I hope if I live to that age I will still be adopting greyhounds. There will be a lucky little dog out there for this gentleman, as DD said it's all about matching the dog to the person regardless of age.
  23. I can't speak for the rescue that Tigger's with .... but usually a dog is adopted to an elderly person with the condition that a family member will take responsibility for the dog if anything happens to the person. And also help out with vet visits etc. An 89 yr old retired doctor I know of, adopted a failed guide dog labrador, as his daughter & son-in-law have stepped up to be the responsible people (in fact, they helped arrange the adoption). Yes I remember the greyhound rescue group I was with rehomed a grey to an elderly man here on the coast. If I remember rightly he was in his 80's and had a lot of family support. She was a shy young greyhound who loved nothing more than sitting on the lounge with him or pottering around the backyard, it was a perfect match and made an old man and a lucky greyhound very happy :)
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