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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Unfortunately DD said that Blackhawk gave her dogs the runs
  2. Stan was named after a barman I worked with for many years. Maddie was actually named Skye when she arrived as a foster but she was mad as a cut snake, so Maddie it was :)
  3. Dog love him he is a lazy boy. He gets very excited when I tell him he's going for a walk and he jumps around like a loonie while I put on the lead, he sets off full of beans and then half way around the block he goes....nup, I'm tired can you go home and get the car? :laugh: It's funny because Maddie is always trotting ahead and I'm always dragging Stan saying "come on mate we're nearly home"
  4. Did I hear "Zig...watch" in the background? I love Josh Thomas, I saw him with his own dog John on The Living Room on Friday night. You sure would be proud of them
  5. ....aaannnnd back to the lounge :)
  6. The kibble only comes in 10 or 20kg bags and the kibble itself is not small in size. From what I've heard about the Blackhawk it is tiny bikkies whereas this is more a kibble for large dogs. I've never tried the chicken complete but the chicken and spinach only has a little bit of spinach in it so it's almost plain anyway. Just ask Ben if you can get a couple of kilos to try. Does he have a minimum amount for delivery? I don't know because I pick up. Honestly just ask him he will do his best to help.
  7. I also don't have experience with my dogs but similar to Jules I had a blocked salivary gland that would swell up to the size of a lemon when I ate. It wasn't painful as such but I would feel this tingling and it would instantly swell. Apparantly I had somehow cut the duct and scar tissue had grown over it blocking it. I ended up having day surgery and never had a problem since and that was close to 30 years ago. All the best for your girl 3woofs.
  8. Do you mean the dry food DD? I did try them on it but Maddie wasn't fussed and to be honest neither was I. Stan would eat a rubber thong if you chopped it up and put it in his bowl so can't judge on him. I buy the roo mince for Stan because he is a little on the *cough* chubby side and I think it's brilliant. Best roo mince I've ever bought, so lean and not minced mush and bright red in colour. Maddie has the chicken and spinach which is made from minced frames. When I first went there Ben came out of the factory with the frames in his hand to show me and they were very meaty. The chicken mince has worked well for her as she is quite small for a grey and very active, she has maintained a healthy weight over the last two years. I have tried the beef as well and was very happy with the quality but stick to what they do best on now. If by chance you are not happy with anything don't hesitate to tell Ben, he will always keep his customers happy :)
  9. So sorry for your loss Baifra RIP handsome man, you were and will always be so dearly loved
  10. Well hello there Teddy, looks like you've landed on all four paws in your new home :) He's gorgeous gwp4me congrats on your poundie boy. My last foster greyhound came from West Wyalong pound after enduring a similar life as your Teddy. Thanks to the amazing Nina and Rhonda he made the trek to Sydney and like you said no distance is too far for these wonderful ladies. Teddy looks fantastic in such a short time Wishing you many happy years with your boy from the bush :)
  11. That's great news...you won't be disappointed :)
  12. Clowns :laugh: oh dear. Mymatejack I have definately been on the receiving end of small dogs rushing my greyhounds, many times and yes it shits me to tears because my dogs are muzzled... by law. I have been involved in many a heated discussion here on DOL about small dogs vs large but never have I come across a poster that has such a loathing for small dogs and their owners as you. The way you contantly bang on about little yappy dogs and their stupid owners is quite disturbing and your constant lack of respect is wearing extremely thin.
  13. I started a thread on this a few years ago when I ran into a girl on the beach here on the Central Coast that had two. They are just gorgeous little dogs, I stopped and chatted with her for a while, if I remember rightly she got them from a breeder in Sydney.
  14. Second this 100%. I have friends that leave their three shitzhus with Debbie, all three have special needs and they cannot speak highly enough of her. I wish she boarded greyhounds
  15. It has. Well that means jack to Ash1 seeing he/she hasn't enough posts for OT. And that means jack to me because I can't see post counts, nor do I check everyone's post counts before replying. Don't really care if you can't see post counts that's your problem. You know it was posted in the TOIL thread so posting...it has... is pointless and rude to ash1.
  16. It has. Well that means jack to Ash1 seeing he/she hasn't enough posts for OT.
  17. Been thinking of you and Zahra today and hoping for good news
  18. Oh well, I suppose you could always eat him! I think I'd starve to death first. If he really had to kill something for food he wouldn't let me have any...he's not very good at sharing when it comes to food.
  19. They just cook up the leaf (which is otherwise worthless) in butter. THC is oil-soluble and requires heat to activate (which is why eating a plant would have little effect on it's own). Marijuana has been used medically in dogs, they seem to tolerate it quite well unless it gets to a toxic level. The problem with hash cookies these days is that people are making them using more potent strains, and sometimes even with the very potent (and valuable) buds. A very small amount ingested can be toxic in that case. Back in my day (many moons ago) hash was black and usually came in a block commonly known as a block of Johnny Cash. You could also melt it back to resin and smear it inside a tally and smoke it that way or through a pipe. Cooking poo(leaf) and making cookies or cakes was a whole nother thing. Hash stoned is completely different to choof stoned. I'll give you the tip - if anyone offers you a hash brownie or hash cookie these days, "just say no" :laugh: :laugh: I know a few people that after reading that article may be down at Clifton Gardens scouring the bushes for the good ol' Johnny as we speak :laugh:
  20. They just cook up the leaf (which is otherwise worthless) in butter. THC is oil-soluble and requires heat to activate (which is why eating a plant would have little effect on it's own). Marijuana has been used medically in dogs, they seem to tolerate it quite well unless it gets to a toxic level. The problem with hash cookies these days is that people are making them using more potent strains, and sometimes even with the very potent (and valuable) buds. A very small amount ingested can be toxic in that case. Back in my day (many moons ago) hash was black and usually came in a block commonly known as a block of Johnny Cash. You could also melt it back to resin and smear it inside a tally and smoke it that way or through a pipe. Cooking poo(leaf) and making cookies or cakes was a whole nother thing. Hash stoned is completely different to choof stoned.
  21. As I said in the other thread Charlie was an inspirational little guy. Thank you for sharing his last story, my heart goes out to you and yours
  22. Not all greyhounds Aussie. If I was stranded with Stan he would just stare at me until we got rescued or carked it. If it was freezing at night he would be complaining he didn't have his jammies :laugh:
  23. I didn't think you could get hash anymore...haven't heard of hash cookies for a long time.
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