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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Oh, how I miss the Mister Rolley Eyes emote. Basically, a Cesar Millan wannabe. Choke it, pinch it, kick it into being "calm submissive" (i.e. terrified and shut down) and call the problem solved. Just what rescue needs. Ah yes HA the greyhound "story" was interesting wasn't it? Yet another who claims they can make "any" greyhound cat safe *sigh*. yes I did help Monica and her greyhound with the cat problem that till this day are still happy together, I never stated, nor do I claim anywhere that i can make anygreyhound cat safe, that came out of your lips not mine. I just can't believe im actually here having to explain myself like this for things, that you assumed. CBE I don't pretend to have the knowledge of some very experienced greyhound people not only on this forum but people I know IRL but your story about Monica and her cat to me gave the false impression that a high prey greyhound can become cat safe. Sorry but even the photo of the happy couple still did not convince me. Neither of my greys are remotely cat safe, Maddie in particular and I would never send either of them to your "facility" for 5 days. If I was Monica I would've got a greyhound from a REPUTABLE greyhound rescue group that had been at least in foster care with a cat.
  2. Yay it's almost gone I always panic and think the worst that's just the way I am, most times I'm pleasantly surprised :)
  3. Spotted 7kg bags on the shelves at my Woolies today Only the chicken and duck at this stage though hopefully the game and potato one will be out soon.$28.98 for the 7kg bag. They also have a new lamb one in the tiny bags.
  4. You're so right PW I try to reason with them all the time. I know it's pointless( especially Stan *rolls eyes*) but when you get busted it's worse. I had the dogs down at the boatramp the other day, I drive down and then we go for a walk. I opened the back hatch and as I was putting their muzzles on Maddie was being a little antsy at a couple of dogs walking past so I cupped her face in my hands and said " Listen.... we haven't even gotten out of the car yet and you're carrying on...do you want to go home??" Didn't see a friend standing behind me who just rolled his eyes and said " You've lost it" :laugh: DD as far as meal time goes here it's all over in under a minute
  5. I have spoken with this gentleman at length this afternoon and am so looking forward to visiting him and his dogs. I do believe I can learn a great deal. xx LP xx ETA - There is an open day coming up where the public can visit and see for themselves what is going on. Would you be able to post when that open day is please, I will make the trip to Sydney as I am very interested in his methods with greyhounds.
  6. Yes agree. A halo doesn't have to fall far to become a noose :)
  7. Trina he had another go this morning when I was out. I have a lot of stuff stuck on the fridge with fridge magnets and they were scattered all over the floor and a couple of empty egg cartons I had on top off the fridge must had toppled off as they were in my bed. The lock is still in place but I am still leaving all the food in the other fridge in the laundry because I still don't trust the one lock. The lovely harley has posted me another lock and when that arrives I think we'll have him stumped :)
  8. Oh, how I miss the Mister Rolley Eyes emote. Basically, a Cesar Millan wannabe. Choke it, pinch it, kick it into being "calm submissive" (i.e. terrified and shut down) and call the problem solved. Just what rescue needs. Ah yes HA the greyhound "story" was interesting wasn't it? Yet another who claims they can make "any" greyhound cat safe *sigh*.
  9. Dr Chris is on the panel so that might be a goer. I was thinking the same thing. Charlie Pickering is a huge animal lover as well.
  10. Noooo don't blame Miss Maddie! She's a little sweetie pie :D (I have a soft-spot for 'background' dogs ) Yep you are right LBD Maddie is the sweetest girl and would have been one of those kids that said " hmmm Stan I don't think this is a good idea"
  11. I don't have children and yes my dogs are very important to me. I don't want to get into the kid vs dog in a burning building debate because I have been there before. My dogs are my world because really I don't have much else. Not that I feel "wo is me" but I don't have any family so they make ME happy. I love coming home to them, I love the fact that they are the happiest dogs in the world even when I just go to the letterbox, yes they are challenging but what would I do without them My dogs are not a substitute for children and to be quite honest that sh*ts me. I never wanted children so how would I replace something I never wanted? My dogs make me happy...and isn't that what lifes all about?
  12. Tried an occy strap around the oven Bundy, he chewed straight through it Ok update, went out today for a couple of hours and the child lock was still in place Although I did empty the fridge and put everything in the fridge downstairs. Harley is sending me hers next week just to make sure so watch this space to see if (as Hankdog put it :) )the evil genius works it out!
  13. Thanks Aussie his coat is beautiful and yes lock up your fridges if Stan is coming to town :) Simply Grand Quinn sounds as determined as Stan! On closer inspection this morning the fridge door has scratches near the cup handle thingy so he may have opened it that way but when he opens the oven he pulls it with his paw from the side (as I actually busted him doing it) so who knows. I am going out for a few hours this arvo so I'm going to put anything edible in the fridge downstairs and see if the lock works. Fingers crossed
  14. What do you mean bertie...this face? Yep butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, well not yesterday it didn't. The butter container was the only thing in Maddie's bed, he must've flicked that to her while he was guarding his new found treasure.
  15. He's lucky he's such a looker Stans mum. :laugh: I'm not much help. Bruno isn't much of an eater. I can leave things defrosting on the kitchen sink. The only time I ever caught him bench-surfing, he got a lemon. The evil ball with a bitter surprise. The shocked Boxer face was priceless. :laugh: a lemon!!! Love the B man :)
  16. No way Kirislin, he ate enough yesterday for his next 5 birthdays! His birthday is soon (13th of April) and I told him he's not getting his meat pie...nah I'm not that mean, he has to share it with Maddie anyway which annoys the crap out of him :laugh: Kiwigirl my fridge is only about 3 years old and the suction is great, I'm really at a loss as to how he did it. Minimax I love that!! I love the off the leash cartoons but I have not seen that one.
  17. Oh dear ellz...a tag team! Glad I'm not alone Hey there hippo, nice to see a Stan fan :D Futuredogtrainer you are so right, I underestimated him. Stupid me though always had it in the back of mind that maybe one day he would crack it so I should've taken precautions earlier. Took him two years but he did it.
  18. Ooops Trina we posted at the same time... you know my Stanley too well ;)
  19. Yes first time for the fridge, he still opens the empty oven on a regular basis so I knew I had to get something on the fridge quickly. Once he knows there's food in there theres no stopping him...well hopefully multiple fridge locks will. I'm going to put two on there for extra security.
  20. Thanks all. Well I've been to Bunnings and have a fridge lock that is all hard plastic so should so the trick. Luckily I am trying to lose weight so there was no chocolate just yoghurt, a variety of cheeses, some left over spag bol, some rice crackers and my chops that were to be my dinner. He did demolish all the dog meat and some lamb briskets. He even took some of the jars out of the fridge door and rolled them around the house!! My house is very old and has several entries to the kitchen. I do have a baby gate on one doorway that gives them the sunroom and access to the yard but that room gets stifling hot in summer. Zeebie the fridge isn't easy to open so I'm amazed he did it. It doesn't have a handle just one of those cup type thingys you hook your fingers into. Harley that one you've got looks great, Thank you for your kind offer I will PM you :) Piggy glutton is showing no ill effects of his fridge raid
  21. I came home yesterday to find the fridge door open and the entire contents gone Stan may not be the brightest star in the sky but when it comes to food he's a genius. I have been googling child safety locks for fridges but they look fairly flimsy, does anyone know a sturdy lock that you don't have to drill holes into the fridge?
  22. Is this every state, and does it apply to non-race bred greys? I thought that was the case, but there is a grey in my local dog park that is always off-lead, muzzle-free with no special identification so I wondered if maybe it wasn't. I'm inner west too and noticed the same thing. Everyone I've asked is under the impression that 'greyhounds don't have to wear muzzles anymore'. But they aren't wearing GAP collars. This is what s**ts me to tears with people that walk their greys muzzle free and tell others they don't have to wear them, most of them DO know the law but don't uphold it which can be a dangerous thing.
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