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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. :laugh: charming isn't it. Stan scares himself if they are loud, he might have to start sleeping in his Thundershirt :laugh:
  2. Yep mine sometimes do the tail thump but mostly the manic eye twitching, feet paddling, yipping and the ocassional loud fart from Stan that has woken him from his slumber.
  3. Oh don't worry I've come home to the trashed bin thanks to Stanley. It's locked in the laundry now, he can open the oven and the fridge so the bin's a walk in the park to him!
  4. That cracked me up too "you're the adult, you're in charge here" :laugh: @ tlc.
  5. I wonder if Tank did it :) http://videos.theanimalrescuesite.com/?p=1397#e0QzsKY75chwYOGE.01
  6. Strange!! you wanna hear strange ness lol. Stan and Maddie get fed around 4/4.30pm and if the Bold & The Beautiful music plays and Stan hasn't been fed then he starts marching around with Maddie's bowl, too hard to carry his own which is a scoff stopper bowl. Ok fed and then it's lay on the lounge time. Sun goes down so Stanley wanders in to my bed, around 9.30ish I go to get into bed and Stan is doing the starfish and will NOT move sooooo I say "who wants a treat?" Stan leaps off the bed, I give him a liver treat and run into bed to take up position before he comes back in :) Next day....repeat. :laugh:
  7. Ha!! Home made fish and chips! I knew it!!! I'm not the only one!!!. Come on everyone...' fess up! Who else has been known to feed 'funny stuff' on occasions when the cupboards bare? :laugh: love the fish and chips Stan just opens the fridge and helps himself they get a meat pie on their birthday :D And I'm sure they love their pie!! Do they have it with sauce??? No sauce but I do heat it up a little...I have no idea why
  8. Ha!! Home made fish and chips! I knew it!!! I'm not the only one!!!. Come on everyone...' fess up! Who else has been known to feed 'funny stuff' on occasions when the cupboards bare? :laugh: love the fish and chips Stan just opens the fridge and helps himself they get a meat pie on their birthday :D
  9. Yep they have 3/4 cup of kibble morning and night besides the stuff I've mentioned. Throw in a chicken wing or lamb flap during the week I think they do ok :)
  10. Anyway Stans mum, I would consider you the very best of dog owners as you feed Stan what works best for Stan & his bum :laugh: No matter what type of food it is. It is not about the name or $$$ etc it's about whatever keeps your dog in his best condition. Only a very caring owner who takes pride in their BF's health & condition would go to the trouble of trail & error to get it right Thanks BCC :) The thing is there are reputable breeders and others here on DOL that always say...feed what works for your dog, but people continue to overthink it. Nothing worse than a runny bum dog, frustrating for me trying to find something that worked for him and sad for him always having the squirts Just happy to see my boy happy and whilst it's probably not the "best" kibble it's working for us :) It's only a small part of their diet anyway, they are fed mainly raw, sardines, tuna and cottage cheese and they are happy campers :)
  11. I always wanted my two boys when I started fostering greys. Stan was always going to be Stan and my next boy was going to be Reg. Stan and Reg :laugh: but then little Maddie came along and I loved her to bits. A friend has a greyhound called Fred :)
  12. RIP Herbert you handsome man. So sorry for your loss PL, the oldies are so special
  13. Can't get more old manish than Stan :)
  14. Oh wow Nina they are gorgeous little bugs and mum is beautiful What's the little lone ranger doing in the corner in the first pic? Waiting for the second sitting :)
  15. I saw this on the news and they also mentioned some clothing stores were charging a "try on" fee, a fee to use the change rooms!!!
  16. Jess123 I feed my greyhounds VIP because they do well on it, it's affordable and easily sourced. After two years of purchasing premium dry foods of all brands and flavours Stan still did awful poos. Since being on this he has firm poos, much less output and looks fantastic, my vet is very impressed. I don't consider myself a bad owner because I don't feed TOTW, I feed what works for us...and Stan's bum.
  17. Glad the VIP is working well for you too SnF. There is definately less output and Stan is still doing nice firm poos after all these months, it's a winner for us :)
  18. My two greys got fleas once and I gave them the Comfortis and I found it brilliant, yes it's not cheap but it worked
  19. Yes this is one of my pet hates and I'm very vocal about it. We have two offleash beaches and a large offleash park here but apparantly people think the whole bloody suburb is off leash.
  20. Oh yeah, I'm hearin' ya Boston...my dogs are muzzled by law
  21. You are a champ RSA, how kind of you to grab that book Jacobite will be interesting to see what you can find in the book. Would love to hear if there is any of your family history in there, I love reading about stuff like that :)
  22. Nope that doesn't work for Stan..." That's it you're going back to Hawkesbury Pound" clearly has no effect on him :laugh:
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