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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Greyhounds do it all the time, it isn't always a happy ending
  2. Not a great pic of my two but you can clearly see the difference in the two. Maddie's ribs are quite visable but you can see the great muscle tone in her rear end....and then there's Stan, bless him :)
  3. Yes they have been on the Egrey website since they were listed almost two weeks ago Greyhound rescues are aware of them along with too many more to list unfortunately.
  4. I know nothing about this breed but my Maddie is a very similar build although her pin bones are only slightly visable. She is very ribby to the point where even I look at her sometimes and think geez you're skinny. She maintains a steady weight at 25kg and my vet said she looks perfect but people often comment ETA I only have Stan to compare her to and he is a little shall we say...rotund.
  5. She sure is purty they are both gorgeous. What a wonderful outcome :)
  6. Corvus great post My main problem is when little offlead dogs approach my on lead muzzled greyhounds and Maddie in particular will react. This happened on Monday when we were sitting at a picnic table at the beach and a woman walked past with both her littlies offlead in an onlead area and one decided to rush at mine barking. Maddie lunged, under control onlead, didn't get within cooee and the little dog screamed blue murder. The ownwer called me and my dogs the equivelent of the devil, grabbed her still barking dog and stormed off still hurling abuse at me
  7. Heh Pailin, I'm glad you decided on of the many suggestions to try. Might be a good idea to close this topic given we are aggressively opinionated when it comes to food! Nothing aggressive or opinionated about this thread JTL, this one's mild :) The VIP is working for us Pailin, hope it works for you. We have just gotten the 7kg bag at Woolies recently so hopefully will turn up in your local Woolies/Safeway soon.
  8. I would ask MTD in the Members Marketplace in Offtopic,she can make and embroider just about anything.
  9. I use to feed Pro Plan to my lot as well but have moved to Kirklands. I've been very happy ever since. In the end it's about what your dog does well on. I use to have an ABPT who would never put on weight, looked awful. I fed him every kind of high end food and nothing worked. The only food he did well on was (of all things) Pal. So don't be too quick to dismiss the cheaper foods. Yes I agree. Before I started feeding the VIP I also tried all the top shelf kibble but the only food that didn't give Stan the runs was Supercoat. I am so glad I have found a kibble that is reasonably priced, easily sourced and my two do brilliantly on.
  10. Hhhmmm I thought you were talking about Wyoming here on the Central Coast!
  11. Ooooh I just went and had a look, thanks Powerlegs She is gorgeous
  12. They are beautiful Pesh :) I love it around Yarramalong. The letterboxes is a fantastic shot.
  13. My vet has recently built a new huge surgery after 32 years in a clinic you couldn't swing a cat in and his prices still seem the same to me. He had one other vet before and now there are four and more nurses. I always get a discount on any surgery, I have been going to him for 20 years, he doesn't have to and I never expect it but he always does it. My point is not all vets are out to rip you off. He probably does drive a Beamer and I know his house is a mansion on acres, he goes on an overseas holiday every year and good on him I say...he's a great vet and has worked bloody hard for the last 34 years.
  14. That would be the VIP Grain Free from Woolies, my two greys have been on it for about 8 months now and I'm very happy with the results $29 for a 7kg bag.
  15. Hi Mish I had two scotch Collies (lassie) and three greyhounds. One a big boy who just wanted to go go go go go . Fortunately I walk multiples regularly - so kind of have a routine down pat. The Collies also help - anyone who needs a little extra training gets put between the Collies who keep them on the straight and narrow ha ha. My three regularly do public walks and "dine out" at Cafes, so it helps influence the rest. THought I must admit it still makes me laugh when you have 4 or 5 dogs out for the count at your feet at a cafe. People walk past and say "Good god - how FAR did you walk them"? ha ha. Raw was very good. Highly recommend. Right at the end of the dock. So a lovely view of all the expensive boats. Plus plenty of room on the end tables to let the dogs lie down. There was several small white fluffs of one sort or another, but most very well behaved and most carried. Did you take any pics Colliehound? When we have greyhound meet ups at our local beachside cafe people are always amazed at the sight of 10 or more greyhounds stretched out around the tables :)
  16. The first greyhound rescue group I fostered for charged a $50 surrender fee and dogs were $250 to adopt. After desexing, vaccs etc and usually a dental ( racing greyhounds are not known for having fabulous teeth) all dogs were adopted with a coat, collar and lead and as required by law a muzzle. Costs were never covered.
  17. Nah you wanna greyhound, I know you do :D
  18. Wow where do I start I've had two friends lose their beloved oldies in the last 24 hours and now dear May joins those shining stars in the sky. Thank you to all that helped in giving dear May a chance, cause as we know all they ask for is a chance. Kelpiecuddles thanks for doing everything you could to save this dear girl. DD and Gilly, goes without saying your generous offers of financial help were very much appreciated and Nic...well how do I thank you for going to the pound, giving her a name and showing her the love and respect she deserved at the end. run free May.
  19. I'm actually surprised that pups are so reasonably priced. If you told me you sold your pet pups for $1500 I wouldn't have bat an eye. I have never looked into the prices for whippets though so had no idea. I love them, I think they are gutsy little dogs.
  20. Thank you for going out to meet her Nic, look forward to an update :)
  21. There is no question of your integrity or commitment KC, whatever happens thanks for trying.
  22. To be honest Sheridan who gives a toss I posted this old dear in the hope that someone may be able to help. DD and Gilly have offered $200 in donations to see if that can help KC give this old girl a warm bed. KC has been completely honest in her posts and has not at any time said she will take this dog if she can't afford large vet bills or if she does not fit in with her family. So lets get back to the task in hand...and that's doing what we can for this golden oldie.
  23. Just wonderful to see everyone trying so hard to help this grand old lady. Very generous offers from DD and Gillbear and offers of help from NicB and juice :) kelpiecuddles a friend of mine found a very old cattle dog lost and confused in the middle of a busy intersection. She stopped and took her to the vet for scanning but there was no chip so the old girl went to the pound and my friend put her name on her even though she had four dogs of her own she knew she didn't have much hope of adoption if unclaimed. She was never claimed and Miss Lizzie (named after the queen mother as all her teeth were worn down and she was pretty dottery) lived for another 3 years with a warm bed, good food and lots of love. The only meds she required were for her arthritis other than that she was a tough old bird :) Our vet estimated her age to be around 15 at the time she was found so she was around 18 when she passed in her sleep. As others have said what special dogs are the oldies
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