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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. I am a member of two of my local lost and found fb groups here on the Central Coast and have been part of finding lost pets myself which is the most wonderful feeling but last weekend really showed me how fantastic these groups are. On Sunday a greyhound was listed as missing between Killcare and Cessnock which is 110km is distance. The door on the dog trailer had come open and it wasn't discovered until they reached Cessnock. Immediately after posting a local member had seen a guy at a busy intersection at Kariong (24km from starting point) with his hazard lights on with a greyhound on his mobile phone. Immediately everyone jumped in and started phoning the service station nearby, vets and one member called the local police station. Yes Gosford police had gone up to Kariong and collected the greyhound and held him until the nearest vet was open. Locating this boy took just 39 minutes from the original post,the owner was releived to say the least but amazed at the outcome. It could've have been a very different story if the poor baby had come out on the freeway but luckily he didn't and he was collected by a very grateful owner without a mark on him. I have seen some amazing stuff happen on this site but none more than this. So hats off to Central Coast Lost & Found and also to Gosford police
  2. It's very involved, I was talking to a friend who is with a Bull Terrier rescue about it. I'm sure some of the rescues will come in and help you.
  3. She's very pretty, maybe put it in the cat forum as well MUP.
  4. She looks like she's fitted in well with the crew Nina :D
  5. I'm so sorry Jane run free little man, you were so very loved.
  6. Nina I would ask Little Gifts, she is making the pei-jammies in all sizes.
  7. I have the same collars for the greys DD, worries me tags can fall off.
  8. Our Coles hasn't got it, how much is it Stitch?
  9. Just devastating I am so sorry for the loss of your loved and precious girl run free Shelby.
  10. ...and not everyone can view OT. Which has nothing to do with the price of fish, but thanks for coming. So I'll put my Captain Obvious hat on and explain shall I? People, including myself, post funny dog pics or videos in General Dog Discussion because funnily enough they are about dogs and then ALL members can see them.
  11. Hope Zig is all better this morning SL.
  12. Pawsaroundoz has done it with her whippets, actually I think she may still be travelling and Wobbly has been around Aus with her APBT. I'm sure there are others and hopefully they will come in and give you some advice. I think it would be fantastic I would love to travel with my dogs :)
  13. Yes I despair too I comb through Gumtree several times a day looking for greyhounds and drive dogmad a little bonkers with my constant emails of the purebred, the old and the occassional Iggy. Whilst the saying "we can't save them all" is true, Jane gives it a damn good shot. Well done to your foster carer and I too love your work my friend.
  14. Apparantly it does really work but after 12 months of religously doing Maddie's it's not making a difference for us
  15. They are Australia wide. Sas a friend that was in greyhound rescue has some absolute pearler emails saved from ages ago and very similar to yours. Not only was she a warty hairy chinned twat but apparantly contributing to the death of greyhounds all over Australia!
  16. that's great oakway, hope you have continued success! Rosetta sorry I don't know what breed of dog you have but one poo a day doesn't seem much, I'm not having a go at you and please everyone correct me if I'm wrong. When my two have their brekkie they always go and do a poo. When we go for our daily walk Stan always does two and Maddie does one, no fail it's always the same. They might sneak another one in after dinner I don't know but when I do poo patrol in the yard twice a week there's not much out there.
  17. http://compare.ebay.com.au/like/130885468644?ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes What about greyhound collars? You can get them in different widths and they are just plain thick leather.
  18. Maddies grow like weeds as well! She has very long quicks so I snip a bit off weekly. Stan's only get done a couple of times a year, beleive me he is not a very active dog so he's not wearing them down they are just stumpy :)
  19. Bless you Cheryl and your hubbie...bless you both
  20. Couldn't agree more DD that's why greyhounds are becoming very popular in nursing homes. Low shedding, zero odour couch potatoes and plenty of older dogs in rescue,we rehomed a grey to an elderly man and it was a match made in heaven. She sits in the sun on the verandah with him, helps him tend to his vegie patch and curls up on the couch with him at night.
  21. Hey Scruff good to see you too, I miss your Friday night funnies :D The greys are still going strong on the VIP and Stan still has firm poos and still minimal output. It's disappointing when you think you've found a food that is a winner, I did that with Iams. Went strong for a few months and then Stan got the runs and Maddie decided she just didn't like it anymore. Check out the other thread on dry food, there are some good reveiws on Kirklands from Costco, I think there's a Costco near you. This thread SnF.. http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/248819-what-is-the-cheapest-quality-dry-food/
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