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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Hi Tania welcome to DOL and very sorry for your loss I am also on the Central Coast and know the girls well who now run Gosford Pound. They get many staffys of all ages and all dogs are sold with all vet work done.
  2. Now you mention it kdf when I first satrted fostering I had and information book to help me. One of the points for ex-race dogs was the startle reflex that HW mentioned. I remember waking up one night and tried to push Stan over in bed and he growled at me, just not used to being woken in a deep sleep. As you said he's fine with it now, he's used to me shoving his big butt over he just groans now :laugh: In kennels they're usually woken up long before anyone has a chance to actually touch them. It's especially not fun in the dark in the middle of the night. I usually wake up like this ---> :laugh: :laugh: I just had a look for the book, it's been a while I must've thrown it out but it made sense. Everything is so regimented in a racing greys life in the kennels that adjusting to life on the lounge can take a bit of getting used to. Although Bob has been a pet for a while I guess his old age and his latest journey from home to shelter to new home would have the old boy a tad confused.
  3. Oh and Shesa if you don't mind me hijacking for a minute I'd also like to say a HUGE congrats to Hardys Angel of Greyhound Haven Tasmania for your nomination as Rescuer Of the Year, so very well deserved for the "quiet acheiver" :) Also to Little Gifts for your noms as well, you work tirelessly for Pei Rescue and your dedication to fundraising inspired me to fundraise for GHT myself. So whilst not actual winners THIS year in the MDBA awards both winners in my eyes :)
  4. Now you mention it kdf when I first satrted fostering I had and information book to help me. One of the points for ex-race dogs was the startle reflex that HW mentioned. I remember waking up one night and tried to push Stan over in bed and he growled at me, just not used to being woken in a deep sleep. As you said he's fine with it now, he's used to me shoving his big butt over he just groans now :laugh:
  5. thanks RP, I know she has been looking on pugs sos already and falling in love with all the interstate pugs I know she was please to see all the hoops they put their adopters through. Yep if RuralPug recommends them I'd be going with them
  6. Aaaaaw bless the old man, he's certainly landed on all four paws at yours WP :) What do you usually feed your guys? As in kibble/raw/cooked. Stan and Maddie get 1 cup of kibble AM with either a chicken wing or a spoon of natural yoghurt/ cottage cheese. At night they get 1 cup of kibble with 250gms of raw, Stan has roo cause he's a fatty boom bah and Maddie gets chicken cause she's a skinny minny. They get lamb flaps(briskets) a couple of times a week and once a week instead of meat they get tinned tuna/mackeral or sardines with scrambled egg. I cook some pumpkin or sweet potato sometimes and mix that in as well. He looks to me like he needs some weight on those bones but hopefully some knowledgable sighthound peeps will come in and give you some advice.
  7. yep that's my boy. It's pouring rain here at the moment and he wants to do a wee so he's just staring at me, like I can turn it off somehow :laugh:
  8. I crapped myself when Stan arrived and then the rescue group person left. We looked at each other for a while and then I just realised he was meant to be, such a gorgeous boy that just needed some lovin'. He has now taken complete advantage of my weaknesses...sigh :)
  9. So glad he is with you WP :) Fingers crossed the cranky old man realises how good he's got it! Thanks for giving him a chance, keep us updated.
  10. That's what I loved too Ash :laugh: The way he climbed and then...plop, legs in the air. The three of them are so gorgeous!
  11. Stan was from a litter of 8 and Maddie from a litter of 6. Rebanne would be the one to ask about litter sizes. I'm not sure what age they start to race but most that come into rescue are around 18 months/ 2 years.
  12. .....Terriers. http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?v=4017404959583&set=vb.1415157972&type=2&theater
  13. Tis ok corie if you don't have time to draw my boy that's cool, just thought I'd put him up there in case :) and personally I'd forgo a Stan portrait for a sketch of Oso's puddies :)
  14. He's had more shares on the Egrey website than any other greyhound since it started, hoping it works out for him with WP but maybe put him on anyway dogmad.
  15. Awwww the nekkid kittys, what a gorgeous photo Oso
  16. Aaaaw bless them and Dad :) Hope you're home tomorrow BCC, take care
  17. Me too :) and when I call them when they're down the back yard and they come up straight away without me having to yell out to the neighbourhood "quick, inside who wants some cheese" :laugh: Recall is not their strongest point Same :laugh: I'm proud if Mosley does anything I say :laugh: :laugh: me too. "Stan, come here...Stan, come heeeeere (vacant look from Stan)...Staaaanley here,now!!...Ok then in your own time :laugh:
  18. Me too :) and when I call them when they're down the back yard and they come up straight away without me having to yell out to the neighbourhood "quick, inside who wants some cheese" :laugh: Recall is not their strongest point
  19. That's a bummer WP with the phone calls. I hope you can get to meet him tomorrow.
  20. Please let us know how you go WP I couldn't stop thinking about him last night, it's cold here
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