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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. But there really isn't, when you take into the account how many 'bull breeds' [we're talking about a few breeds and, I assume, crosses here] there are that are never a problem and don't make the headlines. I'd love to see accurate statistics that show this country has a major problem with bull breeds, as opposed to a major problem with education and community safety. Every dog, of any breed, attracts incompetent and irresponsible owners. Yes, bull breeds are very popular in general. And the fact they're not in the news multiple times a day attacking someone or something just shows how the majority of owners are capable, educated, and well equipped, and how the majority of dogs are not a problem. We have to remember that bull breeds and their crosses [again, so many breeds in that] aren't some magical unicorn species of the dog world that need extra special ownership. They are dogs, first and foremost. What people need to look at is individual dogs within breeds that may need specific environments and owners. There's no point looking at the pounds to tell us where there's a problem. A huge percentage of dogs in the pounds are crossbreeds of unknown genetics. And then there's the fact a huge percentage of crossbreeds in the pounds are happy, friendly, well-adjusted dogs that go on to find homes, which clearly shows the problem was never with the dog in the first place. So no, I don't believe we have a major problem with bull breeds in this country. I also don't believe we have a major problem with dangerous dogs, considering the percentage of attacks across the board is so low. Don't waste your time PlanB, some posters on here have an agenda & will continue to bash Bull Breeds. Sorry Mantis but I disagree. I have the only breed that is muzzled by law, try walking a couple of greyhounds that if attacked cannot even defend themselves, you reckon your nervous?
  2. I knew what you meant BCC, hope you are on the mend and feeling much better soon
  3. Run over them there hills LBD ;)
  4. Same, these are the only two groups in Vic that I would foster for. Gap are very thorough on their temp testing. Also agree with Alyosha on some meet and greets with greys, see how Roo goes.
  5. Oh that's fantastic news WP :D except for the leg going of course, maybe a trip to the vet to have a look anyway. I forget which vet you use, Hugh Bain? but I can recommend my vet Michael Jones at Erina Heights, he is very greyhound savvy. Hope it's just arthritis and treatable with the cartrophen, I don't have any knowledge on supplements. Wonderful to hear he is putting on weight and his coat is getting shiny and doing zoomies!! I'm sure he'll discover the lounge soon, didn't take Stan long and he's never looked back :laugh: Thanks so much for the update, made my day
  6. Thank you Mita, I found it early this morning and had to go out so I posted in the Corgi thread as well. They were spreading the word but then the ad was removed.
  7. if it needs temp care I can take for the weekend. will be driving to sydney sunday pm. Sorry GB should have said he was in QLD. The ad has been removed so hope he has found a wonderful home.
  8. I have just found one in need of a new home urgently, free.
  9. Just wondering how the old boy is going WP? Hope all is well, I think of him often.
  10. I have only been involved with greyhound rescue for three years but have two greys of my own, both ex-racers. The first thing and IMO the most important thing is foster first for sure but make sure it is a reputable greyhound rescue group. The first rescue I fostered for (now no longer operating) left a lot to be desired, luckily for me I got my beautiful hounds from them but their knowledge and support was hhmmm not the best. My Stan is pretty much bombroof, he was my first foster and he is the laziest, most laid back hound but 8 fosters later I adopted foster failure number two...Maddie. She is totally different, quite a nervy little girl, a liitle bossy lol but my shadow, rarely lets me out of her sight when I'm home. In my limited experience there is a greyhound for every home, every situation, laid back beautiful creatures but of course I'm biased :) As far as your situation and if it would help I don't know, hopefully someone like Hardys Angel or other long time greyhound rescuers will come in and give you the advice you need.
  11. That's fantastic Corie well done! Yes greyhound ears would be a challenge...some more than others :) My Maddie :laugh:
  12. She may have her other playmates but she may have lost her "buddy". So sorry for your loss CnB
  13. Well I must be fortunate because my dogs are mother and daughter and there has never been any aggression between them. In fact they seem to adore each other. Aaawww Heidi and Bella
  14. hardly a rumour when it is stated on their website: "Please do not ask to adopt one of our pugs if you have to leave for work in the morning and are away all day ... these rescues need people and company around them for most of the day. They have been locked in sheds, tied up on farms, left in backyards, caged on verandahs or locked on apartment balconies up until now ... we owe it to them to start their new lives living the way pugs were meant to live .. as companion dogs surrounded by people for most of the day. Thank you for your understanding." not trying to pick a fight, but don't assume people haven't done their research. edited to include entire quote from website. As stated before though this is the way PugsSOS run their rescue if you don't like it don't adopt from them, pretty simple really. I would like more greyhound rescues to be as vigilant in their rehoming as these guys do but unfortunately for us there are way to many dogs in need so it's save at all costs
  15. Its probably redirected aggression because of the ribbons in their hair. Oh the shame :) No doubt :)
  16. Pictured are my dear friends Poodles Leo and Gianni, littermates aged 14 bless them...BUT 20 seconds out of this shot it was on they hate each other with a passion and pretty much always have. My friend has always managed the problem but as much as she adores them, it's been a long haul.
  17. Happy Birthday Reggie! What a gorgeous boy and I have to say I love the name Reg. I always wanted my two boys, named Stan and Reg :)
  18. Because pugs aren't known for sleeping most of the day, regardless of how many people are home or not :laugh: I dated a guy who had a pug as the solo dog and he worked full time, she seemed content to me. She had a doggy door to the balcony (he lived on a first floor unit) and when we came home we'd see this blob sunning herself on her back on the balcony. She went to footy games on the weekends with him, but was home alone during the week pretty content. Like any dog, every pug is different. That why the blanket "no pugs to homes that work" rules are just eye rollingly stupid. It's saying that a better home is one that doesn't have the income to provide for the dog, especially in the event it needed emergency medical care etc The best rescues are the ones that don't have blanket rules and assess every dog and every home on a case by case basis. The best rescues according to who? You? Considering RuralPug has been doing rescue longer than you have been alive a little respect wouldn't go astray.
  19. I'm confused Are you selling this dog on Gumtree or thinking of buying him?
  20. :laugh: saw this when it when it started on Facebook, it's hilarious, I've seen some classics!
  21. Thanks for the update WP, I've been thinking about Bob. Hopefully he will start to settle soon, he has a wonderful home but I guess he is missing his old owner, it would be sad to watch Stan is not big on sharing bones either so my two only get lamb flaps seperated while they eat them. As they are mostly meat and ribs they are totally demolished, I can't have bones laying around either. That's brilliant with the cats, he must've lived with them before, is he getting better with Pepe?
  22. Oh cool, I may have met you. Elise and Jess are doing a wonderful job :)
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