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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. That sounds a bit odd. Can you have a look at her teeth? Right up the back?
  2. Mia's breath reeking may be a teeth problem, greys are renowned for having shite teeth. Having said that she should have had a dental
  3. I agree. The drawings are awesome, I can't wait to see Cleo's! But can you please swap my spot on the list with Lhok's image of Raiden? ...and can I swap mine for Griff or GG85?
  4. Fantastic sketch of Dante Corie. Can I give up my spot in line for those that have had their furries go to rainbow bridge
  5. HazyWal


    Oh Lhok I've only just seen this Í know how excited you were to get your baby boy, I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss Run free gorgeous Raiden, lighting up the sky
  6. Good luck hope it all goes well My greys are chronic bench surfers, a lot of greys are due to their height. Make sure you put anything harmful out of their way on the benches and maybe hide your bin :) Stan is so bad I have fridge locks as he can open the fridge
  7. Yes Stan and Maddie would love him to come out to Terrigal for a coffee one day ;)
  8. Oh wow he looks fantastic! You can see the weight gain and his shiny coat love his grey eyebrows :) It's amazing how quickly they can pic up with tlc. Thank you for the update and photo WP.
  9. I can't help Cassie as mine is from the Barf Shop and I've never actually heard of that one, but it's got an Onga pump and as long as the heater works well and the bath has no cracks it might be ok. Maybe go and have a look and make an offer, it looks like a solid old beast :laugh:
  10. Just came across a couple of second hand hydrobaths on Gumtree, one in the Hawkesbury area in Sydney and one in Nuriootpa SA. They might be crappy but thought I'd share anyway. http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/nuriootpa/pet-products/dog-greyhound-aqua-bath-hydro-bath-/1021888387 http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/sydney-region/pet-products/hydro-bath/1021884068
  11. Took this pic with my phone a few nights ago, Maddie sound asleep next to me on the lounge. She was yip yipping away in dreamland and when I looked at her I thought that's either a huge smile or someone is about to die
  12. Hmm maybe I was too excited. Any stay (and it hasn't been decided, just an idea I got excited about) would be a decision for the rescue, not the fosterer. It would be proposed to the rescue by the fosterer and for them to say no. It has been through the GAP program. I am very much hearing your caution though. Thanks Stan's Mum. I do get very excited when I think I've hit on a new good idea and appreciate a voice of reason. It's great you're excited I am as well, not just for you but for a wonderful foster home for a deserving grey :) You've already made the most important and informed decision by going with a reputable group, beleive me I have everything crossed this works
  13. Is the grey at daycare a GAP grey Jelly? I would be wary of having short absences even if they do get on at daycare. Sorry I'm not trying to be a downer, I know how devoted you are to Roo but in your own home it could be a whole different kettle of fish.
  14. Great news about GAP hope it works out brilliantly for you and Roo. Please keep us updated :)
  15. He's gorgeous and he looks like a... Russell :p Love the pic on his back with the coat on :laugh:
  16. Yeah greyhounds have that knack of ...well... getting people to fall in love with them :)
  17. It's pretty scary, it's happening here on the Central Coast, dogs disappearing out of yards seem to be filling our local lost and found facebook sites
  18. See PlanB I do agree with you on the fact that there are idiot owners in every breed, my own breed as stated before but where I see dogmad coming from ( happy to be corrected, I'm not trying to start a sh*t fight) is that large and powerful dogs in the wrong hands is a nightmare and try as hard as we can, large breeds tend to fall into the wrong hands, you can't deny that. The bull breed basher tag that dogmad cops is unfair IMO, if an Italian Greyhound attacked someone, lets face it that aint gunna happen, I'm sure she would not be happy, angry at not the dog itself BUT the owner
  19. I think you will do well at obedience, she is a smart cookie and look how far you've come from when you bought her home to the well adjusted canine citizen she is now? Considering if I remember our converstaion rightly you didn't intend on getting a bull breed, you should be very proud of the hard work you have both put in, she is a beautiful girl...and I can say that confidently as I have met her :)
  20. Hi there Wobbly! how's the gorgeous Jarrah? The law has been changed in QLD, SA, VIC and now finally NSW that you can have your greyhounds assessed by an approved GAP Greenhound assessor and if they pass they can be muzzle free in public. They must wear a green "greenhound" collar to show that they have been approved. Personally I don't think that it should be up to the owners choice, like any breed there are stupid owners that think their grey is fine, not all of them are and as nothing will outrun a determined greyhound their way of thinking can be downright dangerous. I haven't got my two greencollared as I simply can't afford it but to be honest I doubt Maddie would pass. She is a very nervy girl and can be quite reactive if dogs rush her so as a responsible owner I will keep her muzzled. Stan would pass in a heartbeat, he loves everyone :D So if you see a grey unmuzzled it should be wearing a bright green collar, if it's not wearing it they are probably doing it illegally, which is not doing greyhounds any favours IMO. Sorry to go OT dogmad.
  21. Perse, the daycare would also take the foster, I thought. I wouldn't leave the foster alone at home. I thought they'd both go, the trainers at daycare are experienced with foster dogs as they foster themselves. Then, if things were settling down and over time it did transpire that the dogs were happy at home together I could drop from two to one days daycare. Roo x 2 days = same as 2 dogs x 1 day in terms of cost. I am working at home one day most weeks now and I can work at home for a full week if I bought a new dog into the home. I don't know - maybe it's all too complicated and I'm too inexperienced and I'm clutching at straws? Sigh. It was a suggestion earlier in the thread, I did contact Golden Retriever Rescue, filled out their questionairre and emailed it, but was rejected immediately. I guess they are popular dogs. If the dog will be going to daycare, too, it's even more important to make sure you only take on dogs that have been (small dog) tested by people who know what they're doing. A dog with high drive in an environment with lots of small, unfamiliar dogs is a horrible accident waiting to happen. I think given the problems you've had with Roo, a stable, good tempered greyhound would be an absolute breeze to foster so although you do need to go slowly and keep your expectations realistic, you will probably find that they're not a challenge to care for. Currently, I have five greyhounds in my house and besides the "special" one who likes to stand next to my desk and just creepily touch things with his nose, they're kind of hard to notice- they spend most of their time moving between comfy sleeping spots. Temperament is going to be very important in any foster dog, regardless of breed. Poor Boswey, he's not creepy :laugh:
  22. Ah yes Mantis I have heard of BSL but I'm not talking about BSL, ALL greyhounds have been muzzled since the law came in in 1927 so we've always had the muzzling issue. My dogs have skin like tissue paper, a scratch to most dogs can be a gash and stitches to a greyhound so regardless of the size of the dog that attacks my two they are going to be badly hurt.
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