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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Here you go juice, Luma and her bestie :laugh:
  2. Luma the Iggy on her first day in her new home Not long now Kirislin
  3. Yep I'm the same kdf and there have been quite a few adoptions because of my two :) I had a guy chase me down the main street when he read the back of my t-shirt which said 'ask me about greyhound adoption'. My two love attention, Maddie absolutely loves children but as Stan gets most of the attention (people are always drawn to his colour)poor little Maddie usually gets left out and sticks her head under him ostrich style. Stan loves to be patted on our walks mainly because it means he gets to stop walking and if someone is getting out of a car he will try to get in. People think he is being all cute and friendly but really he just wants a lift home...exercise is not one of his favourite activities :laugh:
  4. I am so sorry Pers You have lost too many special friends this year...take care
  5. Thank you everyone for the well wishes, as you can see by the photo she was having a ball :laugh: For some reason every time I get the camera out she gets the saddest look on her face, bit camera shy my girl lol Chequeredblackdog Stan NEVER shares unless forced to, in fact he scoffed his piece of pie that quickly the pastry got stuck on the roof of his mouth and he spent a few minutes walking around like a goober trying to get it off RP just a plain old beef pie from Darbys :) Jules Joey would be up there with my Chuck eating as many pies as they want Hey there Curly good to see you.
  6. Happy 5th birthday to my little girl Maddie ...and thanks for sharing your birthday pie with piggy boy Stan :)
  7. A hell of a lot of greyhounds are saved by vet nurses when being bought in for euthanasia, my own Maddie being one who thankfully the vet nurse thought was too sweet to die Having said that they are signed over by the trainers, if a trainer refuses then they are PTS. This story is terrible though
  8. :laugh: true hippo, nothing like a boot in the kidneys if I'm taking up a bit too much room as well. LG you crack me up Yes to the toilet dreams as well but like hippo I wake up as well...so far.
  9. Skyesblue did this with her Stafford. She doesn't post on DOL anymore but if you PM her she may be able to answer some of your questions, she is a vet nurse as well so she knows her stuff.
  10. Thanks bertie fixed, I'm having a sloooow Sunday :laugh:
  11. Thanks Rebanne, hope you can see it Boronia. Sorry about the typo in the topic heading, I have no idea how to correct it
  12. Staaaaaaaaanleeeeeeeeey! Do you want some cheese
  13. Thank dog for that :laugh: I think Koolie is in there as well, she sure is purty.
  14. ???? Mine have been confused with: whippets, Great Danes, Dobes, deer, staffies and tigers. Someone asked me once if Maddie was a whippet as she is quite small for a grey but I have had many foster greys of all sizes and colours and never had any of the above I will confess that after I got my fist Dane (he was a really, really big boy, head at my elbow kind of size) I became really confused about the size of some breeds of dog. Because my boy became 'normal sized' and all other dogs just looked SO small. I had to really think about whether I was seeing a Greyhound or a whippet. And once I saw a standard poodle, but I was there for ages wondering whether it might actually be a mini - because it just looked so small to me I know that sounds really daft :laugh: No it doesn't sound daft at all :) I know what you mean, when I first got Stan I thought he was huge compared to my last dog and then I gradually got used to their size. When people say to me now how big they are, I think to myself 'no they're not, Danes are big'.
  15. ???? Mine have been confused with: whippets, Great Danes, Dobes, deer, staffies and tigers. Someone asked me once if Maddie was a whippet as she is quite small for a grey but I have had many foster greys of all sizes and colours and never had any of the above
  16. Maddie is obsessed with birds, I have seen her snap one out of mid air, Stan couldn't be bothered.
  17. That's one advantage of having greyhounds, they don't get confused with other breeds.
  18. Is there any reason that you cannot totally separate them ..out of sight? You will find that this removes the stress from them both ..and they eat at their own pace happily ..then, once you pick up bowls and scraps .. they can be in a communal area again . personally , I think it is unfair to have competitive pups/dogs in sight of others while eating .... ;) Agree with this. Stan is food aggressive with other dogs, his bowl goes down first in the sunroom while Maddie waits patiently in the kitchen for hers then the kitchen door is closed so she can eat without looking over her shoulder for piggy boy. Bowls are then picked up and they climb up on the lounge together, no stress for them or me :)
  19. I have just moved house and the greys have a very small yard compared to our old place and the cat next door has decided it has every right to come into our yard *sigh* I lock them inside when I go out now (because I'd hate them to kill the cat) but always worry about a house fire and they can't escape.
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