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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Yes. My vet does surgery between 11am and 1pm so they can be done at anytime within those three hours. Mine is the same as Marg, no food after midnight but water as normal. They should've given you instructions when you booked in.
  2. Happy tears here! So glad your beautiful boy is home
  3. Hope Harry is well enough to come home today
  4. So glad to hear he is improving, you've both been in my thoughts today. I'm sure your visit will give him the boost he needs dear boy. Sending strength to Harry from Me and the hounds x
  5. Hope Harry is continuing to improve today and can come home soon.
  6. A week after I changed my address I received a letter in the mail from Gosford council confirming the change which I thought was pretty good seeing Gosford Council is usually dodgy as :)
  7. Hmmm it's a hard one :/ My first reaction was yes definitely I would give it back and then I think well if you couldn't be bothered to chip the dog and the "well in 7 years it never left the property" comment just shows that well it did this day and maybe other days that you didn't notice. As Wreckit Whippet said it was lucky it wasn't euthed and then who'd be to blame? I recently moved house and the first thing I did the day after was change the dogs chip details and then my drivers license. Bottom line is yes I would give it back but I'd be dirty that the owner was so stupid.
  8. Oh no poor Harry, that would have been frightening Flashsmum. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way
  9. Naaaw look at her little face She looks very fine like my Maddie, she's a little girl too, don't let that fool you though :p ETA Polly and Harry are boodiful as well :)
  10. I stalk this thread a lot as being in Greyhound Rescue it's rare to see a greyhound pup I rarely post in here (all your babies are beautiful) but just have to say that photo is gorgeous RallyValley
  11. I think it was Trina but I'm pretty sure she has cats. He will be well looked after at our shelter, he sure is a stunner!
  12. Here's a short video Icebergblitz to show you the different greyhound poses :laugh: As a greyhound owner you will experience these, especially the last one called in the video the "do not disturb" but commonly known as the "roach"
  13. Don't know if a black boy is "much" better than a blue...Stanley disagrees :)
  14. $260 for a scale and clean every 12 months for my manky toothed greyhound. No extractions yet, every year I expect at least one to come out but so far so good :/
  15. Stan would've been one of the dogs that did nothing at all. In fact you would have to set up the witches hat in the loungeroom if you wanted him to partake in that exercise and even then I doubt he'd get off the lounge.
  16. That's great news Smooch, it was an awful storm
  17. I get the same CBL. Maddie just loves people, especially kids and her little tail wags madly but people gravitate to the big blue "love sponge" Stan. The first thing they always say is " oh wow isn't he a beautiful colour" meanwhile Maddie just sticks her head under Stan like an ostrich, she doesn't get the love either Alyosha I think the blacks are gorgeous too, to me they look so regal. I love a black shiny coat but I think because they go so grey in the muzzle quite young it puts people off.
  18. The minimum requirement for any reputable greyhound rescue is it MUST be small dog friendly that's why I recommended GAP. Black greyhounds are always the last to be adopted sadly. I did some greyhound cat testing at our local RSPCA on Saturday and out of the three of them the plain little black boy was not only cat friendly but bunnies, chooks you name it. When he spotted the goat that just about made him dig himself a hole and hide! Yet this gorgeous boy has been there for months If I didn't have the beady eyed assasin, the butter wouldn't melt in my mouth Maddie, that boy would be on my lounge right now.
  19. yep greyhound addiction...there's no going back.
  20. Yes I definitely recommend GAP VIC. You could try fostering first to see how you go, once you get one on your lounge you'll be hooked :)
  21. Aaww that sounds great Jules I love the idea of a doggy birthday party. I don't have any suggestions as we didn't even get an invite to the last greyhound Xmas party here. Maddie's sort of like that brat of a kid at a party, she likes to play "this is my parcel so don't even go there" and "rip the tail off the donkey" *sigh* the kid's got issues.
  22. Yep we wouldn't have it any other way :)
  23. Be careful. You'll be getting complaints from the neighbours soon. :D :D :laugh: Love the bouncer Dory
  24. Love all the Friday night ragers Maddie's recovering this morning :laugh: dare say we'll do it all again tonight.
  25. Got the mosh pit happening there :laugh:
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