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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. That's fantastic news Lots more fish fingers and hotdogs to come for you dear Harry :)
  2. Greyhounds can be a little different. Mine are not allowed offleash for their own safety and the safety of others. I don't do off leash areas as my dogs have skin like tissue paper and they can be hurt, people also don't want my dogs (especially my very highly prey driven girl) running their dogs down. I would never let them off at the beach either for the same reasons and the fact that I can't run 70k's an hour to try and catch them as they are chasing a flapping plastic bag that could blow across the road. The last time Stan was 'allowed to explore new territory in his own way' we were on holidays when a friend let him out of the house on the fully fenced property for a wee and he suffered a fractured skull and smashed sinuses requiring two surgeries and months of only onlead toilet breaks in his own backyard. Hardly mentally healthy for him OR me. My greys don't need a social life they have each other, they are walked twice a day, they play in the backyard together and enjoy their favourite past time which is laying on the lounge with their legs in the air. I make the extra effort to keep them safe because of who they are and I know them better than anyone.
  3. With my old boy I always told my vet I would never keep him alive for me and after doing everything possible I stuck to that In my thoughts Kirty it's hard.
  4. Never. My two greyhounds have zero recall so they are never allowed offleash.
  5. At my last house I would find stuffed toys in the bottlebrush tree in the backyard, Maddie loves to throw them in the air and catch them but sometimes they didn't come back down. My two like to hang on to their toys, they have heaps of them but if one looks like taking one off the other then you must guard your toy.
  6. Sending lots of healing vibes to your girl Dave. I know two greyhound with amputations, one front leg and one rear and it was amazing how quickly they adapted. Have everything crossed for good results.
  7. Really? I have a couple of supermodels and love stopping and talking to people about greyhounds :)
  8. This is a great thread :) Really interesting learning about different breeds, especially breeds I have never met IRL like the Maremma, they are definitely a dog I admire but I have never met one, thanks Clyde for the informative post Like Brandiandwe I don't have the experience with Greyhounds that Maddy or Rebanne have but what I do know from my own two greys and fosters that yes greys are generally a laid back breed. My two are at polar opposites of the spectrum when it comes to greyhounds. As most know Stan is lazy as they come, when they say greys sleep 20 hours a day they are describing Stan to a tee. He loathes exercise and would definitely suit apartment living. Maddie is like the "eveready bunny" she would suit an active family, someone that loved jogging or the outdoors and she just adores kids. Both of them love people, Stan is the "love sponge", he would happily get in a car and drive off never to see me again where Maddie keeps an eye on mum every second. I do think they are low shedding (compared to my last dog) require minimal grooming and the best thing is no smell. I often forget that doggy smell until I pat other breeds. When you meet a greyhound, look past the race dog, look past the muzzle and see the gentle giants that they are, they really do make great pets. Edited because not only have I not met a Maremma I can't even spell it
  9. That's great news he is doing well You might have to show him some take away menus and see what he'd like to order in next :D I understand your paranoia, when Stan fractured his skull a few months ago and then had complications I was sick with worry every day. Luckily I have a close friend who is a vet nurse and greyhound owner so I used to ring her sometimes, well a lot, actually all the time
  10. Big or small beware of them all is my motto now I have muzzled onlead greyhounds It's unfortunate in my suburb that you have more chance of winning lotto than finding a ranger. I don't go anywhere near offlead parks, I respect the fact that people don't want a pair of lunatics zooming around but the same respect is rarely shown to me. I've taken to putting the dogs in the car and driving around the Coast to just find somewhere that we can walk without being harassed but to no avail. I've found since having Greyhounds that most people don't give a toss.
  11. Just checking in on Harry, hope he is doing well.
  12. Iggy Rescue are working on a home for this little girl! We have a foster carer lined up until she is ready to go. Gosford Pound have been awesome to deal with!! Yes Elise told me this morning :D The girls are awesome and Ruby is just devine dogmad you will fall in love.
  13. I went to my local pound and cuddled this dear little 13 year old whippet cross this morning I just adore the oldies http://www.petrescue.com.au/listings/257246
  14. Anna Bay is in the Port Stephens area dogmad, about an hour North of Newcastle.
  15. Oh god love Ziggy :laugh: Yep guilty and with the amount of greyhounds looking for homes it's too hard to narrow it down to just one BUT I have been stalking an older greyhound for many months, she breaks my heart
  16. :laugh: love it Perse thanks for sharing.
  17. Good post. Why should everyone have the same opinion? Not the point of any public forum, corporate meeting or situation in life where you are given the opportunity to speak. :) No need for people who disagree to be unpleasant but then that's what the world is coming to these days. I agree. Great post I'm with you guys. Well said coogie
  18. good boy Harry! You'll have your clown back in no time Flashsmum :D
  19. Thinking of Harry this morning, hoping each day is better than the last
  20. Fish fingers and hot dogs! Stan's packed his bag and he's on his way :) If he licked his food this morning hopefully he'll show more interest soon
  21. Oh no poor Harry Fingers crossed the bloods come back fine and the count improves. Is there something he really loves to eat like BBQ chook? Give him a big kiss from me and sending hugs to you, I know how it feels when you just stare at them wishing you could tell them it's all going to be ok
  22. I'm 50 years old so hardly naïve, been around a while now and can tell you there is no way I would kill my dog and eat it. Why is that so hard for people to understand? I COULD say I don't think I would but why would I when I KNOW I wouldn't
  23. Nope no way could I kill and eat my dog. Mind you Stan throws in the towel halfway around the block so the chances of him trekking through the wilderness would be zero anyway.
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