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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. I saw an Iggy at our local car-boot sale last week You don't see them around here very often, he was gorgeous
  2. Maybe like Berliner in NSW? Love the name for your new pup I mean who doesn't love devon :) ETA I actually do love devon I wasn't being a smarty pants :/ I'm not having a good day getting my point across on the interwebs lol
  3. Fridge and Esky eh.. Got a special kind of ring Yes Fridge sounds like Didge, Fridge/Esky, big boy...I did put some thought into it :laugh:
  4. Fridge. Looks like he'll be built like one :)
  5. Thank you Oso you explained it perfectly. I'm guessing Lo Pan that you don't have much experience with sighthounds? One cat has a form of dementia and it's not uncommon to see him sitting smack bang in the middle of the yard when I scan it every morning so the dogs can go to the toilet. Also not uncommon for the two cats to be sitting on the top of the fence just calmly looking down. The neighbour is a lovely lady but I have told her many times and she just doesn't get it, she had an old staffy with the cats that has since passed so she just says "oh they love dogs". I would be so upset if they killed one of them and if they did get hold of one there is also the fear of them turning on each other, one of the reasons greyhounds race with muzzles on. So I have no choice but to keep them inside, for their own safety as Ososwift has explained and the safety of the neighbours cats.
  6. YOU may not think it's a big deal but as in my case where my greyhounds cannot use their own yard unsupervised because the cats next door keep coming over the fence it is a big deal and a pain in the arse. It limits everything I do, how long I can go out for as they are locked in the house.
  7. Oh wow he is beautiful! He's bigger than Santa :laugh: Love everyone's photos
  8. Wow Jules they are fantastic! Looks like a wonderful day and the food looks amazing Love love the banner :)
  9. Frodo's Mum love them as always! Love the pics everyone, keep them coming
  10. Bumping for Coasties, Santa photos for a gold coin donation today!
  11. :laugh: one of my dear Mum's classics.
  12. I hope so hankdog, Felix is 13 years young and has not had a happy day in his life If you are on Facebook you can share Felix :) http://www.gosforddogpaws.com/adoptions/felix/
  13. I hope she'll always have those little wrinkles on her head, I could just kiss them :)
  14. For any Central Coasters wanting to get Santa photos done Petstock Erina are doing them tomorrow, Saturday the 30th of November from 10am-2pm. The cost is only a gold coin donation and every cent goes to help gorgeous dogs from GDP (Gosford Pound) find their forever homes... ....like Felix!!
  15. Aaww thanks DD I think they are gorgeous too :D even with their eyes hanging out like choked prawns :laugh: Yes Maddie is quite small and fine for a grey although a friend of mine here on the Coast has an even smaller blue girl, she is the smallest greyhound I've ever seen. Her and Stan were adopted from the same rescue group and every time Stan sees Ellie he goes mental, they remember each other, Stanley's a little bit in luuurve with Ellie :)
  16. You should tell her that your dogs love cats too, with mint peas and mashed potato. I'm sure she'd get the message quickly enough I've tried everything j, like many she has never seen greyhounds as pets and really does not take me seriously when I've told her that nothing will outrun a determined greyhound.
  17. Big enough for a Boxer though? Even my Chinese Crested needs the large size in most outfits Never big enough for my greyhounds. The coat Maddie is wearing in this pic I jagged at the op-shop two years ago for 50 cents or something...couldn't believe my luck.
  18. I would love to see a law Australia wide that cats are to be confined but I doubt it will happen and if by some miracle it did how would it be enforced? Can't even stop offleash and wandering dogs in my suburb! I have recently moved and the lady next door, who is lovely, has two cats that come over the fence all the time. I have explained to her many times that my greyhounds will kill her cats in an instant but she just laughs and says "oh no they are used to dogs, they love them" *sigh* So my two are locked in the house only allowed out under supervision because I would be devastated if they killed them
  19. I saw some gorgeous little doggy outfits in the Reject Shop today Yvonne, they are always for little dogs, no big boofer outfits
  20. Aaaww there's our girl...notice I said "our" :D Those photos are hilarious the look on her face. Her coat is just divine, it's so shiny! Neko that is, the bird looks fairly ordinary :p
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