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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. No, sorry HazyWal, I've added you to the list :D (see the first post) - iphone photos are fine. Oh ok are you sure? I don't mind really, I've been following this thread for years, love all the gorgeous photos. Hopefully I'll get someone to show me how to post them before the years out
  2. Ok I'll take that as a no? Tis ok I love following all the gorgeous photos
  3. Yes that is the thing Kirty, there are definitely greys out there like Pia but sooooo many are not. We rehomed a gorgeous boy here locally that happily lives with their lop eared rabbits, couldn't care less about them. The thing that annoys me is the "save them all brigade", many have been bounced back from dodgy rescues because they have not been assessed properly, doesn't worry the rescues, they have the donations pouring in and they cover it up. "Oh no one will know" yeah bullshit, bad news travels fast. As I said I fear for greyhound rescue and it won't be the ones doing the right thing that bring it undone, and I know I'm being watched here for every comment I make...care factor of zero.
  4. The town of Cairns isn't a good example because a lot of people pronounce it CANz :laugh: Oh I do Is that boganish? Oh well you know the old saying...you can take the girl out of Gosford and all that :laugh:
  5. If there is no one around I like to weigh myself at the vet, that way the vet nurse can break it to me and I don't have to face the disappointment alone :laugh: I have always been worried I would break the scales, but I have been tempted! Oh don't worry Diva I did ask the question first, "how much do these things hold?" :laugh: I feel like I'm on The Biggest Loser...your current weight is There are other advantages too, you're not going to turn around in disgust and start hoeing in to the pigs ears lol
  6. I'd love to but mine are only phone pics, I don't own a camera, they're pretty dodgy and I can only attatch them as a thumbnail Exibit A :laugh:
  7. If there is no one around I like to weigh myself at the vet, that way the vet nurse can break it to me and I don't have to face the disappointment alone :laugh:
  8. Thank you everyone for the lovely comments, they truly are wonderful people :) As it is up to me to hand out the treats I would like to send half to Iggy Rescue and half to Yellowgirl at LLDR, two of my favourite rescues :) Jane I have your address and YG I will PM you and post next week.
  9. There's a lot of rescues that do that, they register them as greyX if they are not tattooed. That denial just boggles my mind. I may as well tell people my terrier crosses are pocket-pet safe and then act surprised when a few kid's pets get eaten. Yep. There is a vet here on the Coast that has a grey that is not tattooed and registered as a greyX. I was at a fundraiser for our local pound and she had her unmuzzled grey there and it was snapping and snarling at others. Setting a great example, especially as a vet
  10. There's a lot of rescues that do that, they register them as greyX if they are not tattooed.
  11. I was there at 11!!! Nicole just took us straight out the back, it was insanely busy and hot! If you ever see a yellow Getz with a sign in the back window that says "Greyhound Taxi Service" that's us :laugh: Hopefully the lump will just disappear but don't ever worry about ringing or going up all the time, they would prefer you did than not worry about it at all. They always have worried looks on their faces when we walk in and say "What's Stan done THIS time?"
  12. Hahaha HazyWal I was hoping to give the girls a break over the Xmas holidays! :laugh: might give them a call tomorrow... I'm sure they are used to my weird phone calls by now :D I was just there on Monday because Odie did her leg in tumbling around with Hank, I was hoping we'd make it to the new year without another vet visit but no such luck! I'm thinking of requesting my own parking space seeing as I'm there so much, perhaps we could sharesies? hope you and Stan and Maddie had a good Xmas :D I was there on Monday too! Luckily it was just for Maddie's vaccs this time and yes I might run it past MJ to get our own car space...wish me luck :laugh: We had a great Xmas hope you did too :) Getting back to the lump Stan had something similar come up on his foot and because I am a panicker I took him up for a needle aspiration and it turned out to be nothing sinister. If it got bigger they would remove it but it actually disappeared.
  13. Presumably your pet is some sort of pristine creature that exists only in a bubble. No I am just polite enough not to have my animals jumping all over furniture meant for humans in a place other than my own, what sort of comment is that anyway! And Altho I have never taken my kids to a vet, if I did they would sit quietly and not touch other people animals unless they asked. However I have had my goldie there (at my feet) waiting for a Dna sample to be taken, and there was a person with 2 dogs on the seat one looked like it had mites and the other a excited male layin on it's gut. Anyway they go into the treatment room and a lady with her german shep pup come in and a 3 yr old child she heads to the counter and asked the little to go sit, she races over and before I had a chance to say not that seat she planted her hands and climbed up, and because i started to talk to her she got shy and put her hands in her mouth!!!!! The mother came over and looked at me and I told her what was on the seat 3 minutes before her daughter, Her asked me to hold her dog while she demanded the nurse take her at the back to clean her daughters hands with disinfectant! Which I would have done too it was down right disgusting. No i don't think some should have different treatment to others but that would mean no dog, clean behaved, dirty or sick should be on a seat. You and your children would be subjected to far worse germs than are on a dog in a vet surgery. And goodness me, one of your complaints is that dogs shed! Good grief. Good to see you back Sheridan :laugh:
  14. I've always called them Cairn as in the city without the "s" So many advantages of having a Greyhound, not only do they not get confused with other breeds it's hard to stuff the name up :)
  15. Didn't you ring EVH? Come on I can't be the only one ringing them all the time :p Just have to say sleepy Hankie Pankie is gorgeous
  16. That's greyt that Paige may be responsible for changes in assessment, shows that Greyhounds as Pets NSW are doing the right thing :)
  17. The unmuzzled greyhounds shit me to tears as I have stated many times before. Watching two videos recorded for TV pieces recently from two high profile NSW groups and not ONE of those greys were greencollared and they were both in public areas gives the general public a false impression. Maddie is a HIGH prey drive greyhound, she was a foster from my first greyhound rescue group that is now defunct...thank God. I manage her because I know her but if she had been sent out to a first time greyhound owner it would've ended badly. She had many enquiries because she is so pretty but the beady eyed assassin cannot be trusted.
  18. Yes I saw that on their FB page and to honest they are bloody lucky. Well said Trisven. There are so many save 'em all greyhound rescues popping up all over the place it's scary quite frankly. When you are dealing with greyhounds there are no second chances, I think it was Rebanne that once said "NOTHING will outrun a determined greyhound" and not a truer word spoken. The responsible rescues are given absolute hell by the anti racing nutters if they euth greys that are not at minimum dog safe. It will be the undoing of greyhound rescue IMO, you simply cannot rehome greys straight out of kennels with no foster care or assessment, it's dangerous and stupid. I agree with Trisven that when I get another grey it will come from GAP but in particular GAPVIC or Greyhound Haven Tasmania, Maddy puts her heart and soul into her rescue greys even though they both get flogged by the "save them all brigade"
  19. Yes send dogmad a PM she will certainly point you in the right direction, she has helped a few Min Pins. OT hope you had a great holiday Maree :)
  20. I'm so sorry for your loss m-j RIP Boof. I'm sure he had the best life with you, take care
  21. Oh BC I have just seen this I'm so sorry hon Keeping you and gorgeous Stella in my thoughts, if you need to chat you know where to find me.
  22. Well I'm Maddie's mum as well so the name change is just a mix of their racing names :)
  23. Stan and Maddie got new collars for Christmas. This was us off on our jingle bell walk yesterday :)
  24. Some may remember from last year my gorgeous friends Scotty & Wendy decided to make homemade treats for rescue dogs and poundies even though they have never had anything to do with rescue. A few weeks ago they lost their beloved ChiX Molly after 14 years but with heavy hearts they have continued the tradition. Each bag has a tag that says "In loving memory of Molly". This is a pic of half the haul, I have no words for this so just posted a couple of pics
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