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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. As my vet tells me now there is no tick season, it is all year round these days. Every year it gets worse, the warmer weather and humidity is a haven for paralysis ticks
  2. So do I. I often call Maddie Madge, that's my lovely old 94 year old neighbours name :) Stan and Madge, can't get much more old fashioned than that :laugh: When my next greyhound comes along he will be Reg :)
  3. 1/52 The eyes are the window to the soul.
  4. Argh! Why?! My Aussie does this. As soon as I let her out she finds the hottest possible spot and just bakes there. I have to make her move as she has pink skin on her face and I don't want her to burn! Maddie does the same and as a white, bald greyhound it's not good shopping. At the old house she would bake on the back deck in 40 degree heat if I let her, you couldn't even walk on it and she's be out there in all her glory. As it was the only access to the yard Stan would get halfway across and do his best Michael Flatley riverdance before running back inside. I had to buy a strip of carpet so he could get to the stairs.
  5. I was saddened to read this morning of the passing of Michael Sprague aged just 35 years Some may have followed his Facebook page when in August his beloved dog Masie had run off from Sydney airport when she was about to be put on a flight with Michael to Melbourne. Michael walked the streets day and night for 21 days along with an army of volunteers, complete strangers that became known as "Masie's Army". Over 3000k's, thousands of flyers, his "Please Help Find Masie" facebook page shared around the globe, television and radio on day 21 Masie was found. Michael donated the reward money he had posted to several rescues and helped save some pound dogs including two greyhounds from Tamworth Pound. Hundreds of people turned out to the "meet Masie" day so Michael could thank as many as he could for their help. All was good in his world again. Just 3 weeks ago Michael was diagnosed with cancer and passed away at Royal North Shore Hospital on Sunday. VALE Michael Sprague, you never gave up on finding your best friend, you were an amazing and inspirational young man A link to the Please Find Masie FB page. https://www.facebook.com/PleaseHelpFindMasie
  6. Hi Canetoad, I think it's just one photo, so one per week for 52 weeks :) I may be wrong though so best to check with gapvic :/
  7. Ah well there you go thanks Sandra It's the lamb flaps I get but I've been corrected a few times by people to call them briskets, someone's put me on a bum steer. Anyway as you say they are long and flat and are great for guzzle guts Stan :)
  8. BC have you tried the lamb briskets (lamb flaps)? My vet only recommends the lamb necks or the flaps but seeing as the necks are $10 a kilo I get the flaps at $3 a bag, I get about 8/10 in a bag. Just ask your butcher if he will save them for you, mine does. I find the brisket bones too fatty for Stan the fatty boom bah but seeing your two are fit and active they'd be ok lol.
  9. Zig is a high profile model though TSD, he doesn't want to get his head wet :laugh: I think you should post the photo of Zig with a well known comedian :D
  10. Have you tried him when the lake's out Hankodie? On the beach side of the bridge you can pretty much walk across it and it's got lots of sand bars he can jump on. My old dog loved swimming in the lake but hated any sort of waves or surge of the ocean.
  11. Both of my greyhounds wear them, Maddie's first test was last night, and they work well for both, thankfully. They don't work for all unfortunately What size have you got CBL?
  12. Yes Grumpette he IS resigned to constant dress ups but he loves it ... look at him :laugh: Thanks Bc Crazy, better times ahead my friend, the very best for you and yours in the New Year, always up for a chat you know that :) LG wishing you and yours a solvable jigsaw :/
  13. Yes it's got that feeling here on the Coast hasn't it Gilly? Stay safe, I know you will be checking the overnight cages at Charmy
  14. Yes I love it too! Channeling his inner St Bernard :laugh:
  15. I live behind the Crowne Plaza! Ambulances already screaming past and it's not even dark yet
  16. ...and nowhere to go :laugh: Wishing everyone a Happy New Year, may your 2014 be greyt!
  17. Yep we've got 'em all here! Our sleepy little beachside suburub one hour north of Sydney more than triples for NYE with morons coming from far and wide. This year for something different they decided to start with the fireworks last night. They are expecting the usual 20,000+ crowd in the main street with police on horses and the dog squad in full force. Seeing I live right in the middle of it I will batten down the hatches this afternoon( they start letting them off in the afternoon that's how smart they are) thunder shirts on the greyhounds. Tomorrow will be dodge to broken glass and vomit when I walk the dogs so yeah...Happy New Year
  18. Oh no At least there are many people here that can help you BC with advice and a shoulder when in need. All I can offer is a shoulder
  19. I knew as soon as I saw you post in here it was going to be spiders I loathe them but no way should you put them in spoilers, I'll just scroll past the spidery ones reeeeeelly fast :laugh:
  20. I wonder if this will turn into the "children vs dogs in a burning building"? We haven't dragged that old chestnut out for a while lol.
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