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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. JulesP Rye beach looks gorgeous, I can't wait to get down there and look around the area. Maddie doesn't like the beach at all but Stan will wade in with me. This day this pic was taken it was very hot but I was still surprised when Maddie layed down and let the waves wash on her. Stan looks like he's just trekked across the Nullabor but he looks like that when we just walk around the block :laugh:
  2. I've never used one. I buy this clear liquid stuff from EVH that you dab on around the area, sorry I don't know what it's called It's bitter and they can't stand it, I just get the bottle out now and they both go
  3. Very happy to say that there are no fires in Seymour - there are fires about 30 minutes away to the south. Thank you Vacuna. Hope everyone is ok.
  4. Try walking muzzled Greyhounds Lol Hankodie love the flapping arms and noises, I'd make a wharfie blush, I go off my nut now I've had enough. I'm sure when the Getz pulls into the Haven it's a mass exodus :laugh:
  5. Thanks perrin. I was concerned about the GAP Greyhound kennel facility, I don't know Victoria very well. ETA I didn't see Perse's link
  6. Thinking of you all in the southern states, please stay safe everyone. Can someone please tell me if the fires are in the Seymour area?
  7. Stan does it all. Burps, farts, groans, grumbles, sighs, kicks me, walks on me, walks on Maddie if she dares to get into bed first and take his spot until she moves, scratches his ears with his back kangaroo feet whilst groaning loudly the whole time, spoons even when it's stinking hot and eventually takes all of the pillows even though he has his own. Maddie sleeps at the end of the bed after doing about 300 circles with the occassional dig in between and then curls up with her metre and a half stuffed crocodile and sleeps like a log. This is Stan's usual sleeping position. The blue pillow is his...so are the brown ones apparently.
  8. 6/52 Bark...who goes there?
  9. It's very exciting Wish I was in Melbourne I would be there with bells on :)
  10. I was up at a local fruit barn yesterday and noticed they had ceramic owls sitting in the middle of the outdoor tables with fruit. The guy said they work well keeping the birds away.
  11. Stan has a nice scar on the side of his head where he tried to cut Maddie off at the pass doing zoomies in the yard at my old house and almost took out the beam holding my deck up, the whole deck shook Even after fracturing his skull last year he still whacks into to things! My vet said he is the most accident prone greyhound he has ever seen
  12. Hang in there Astro you little fighter. Hugs to you Rascal
  13. Damn, once again I wish I was in Melbourne I would love to see this. ETA Maybe put this in General so more people see it gapvic.
  14. Stan has a scoff stopper bowl as he just inhales his food, I too worry about bloat with my greyhounds, it works well it's slowed him down a lot. If Stan had to work out a puzzle to get his dinner he would just go and eat Maddie's.
  15. So happy to see she's feeling better this morning!
  16. Same here, Maddie just snaps the Myna's out of the air mid flight. Do rubber snakes work for all birds, I know someone who uses them to keep the ducks off the verandah. Can I borrow Maddie?? I have a persistent pair of nesting Indian Mynahs that have cost me a fortune in pest control ... No probs dogmad, a quick trip up the F3 and your problem will be solved before the jug's boiled.
  17. A friends blue cattle Tara, she was 19 when she passed peacefully in her sleep, a bit deaf and blind but was still a force to be reckoned with when you knocked on the door :) Another bluey that a friend of mine found crossing 4 lanes of traffic and very disorientated. Took her to the vet and she was chipped but the owners weren't interested in taking her back My vet estimated her age at late teens at the time and she lived the life of luxury for another 3 years with my dog groomer friend, passing again in her sleep overnight. We called her Lizzie because we thought she was old as the Queen Mother who was 100 at the time :laugh:
  18. Same here, Maddie just snaps the Myna's out of the air mid flight. Do rubber snakes work for all birds, I know someone who uses them to keep the ducks off the verandah.
  19. Oh no dear little Feather Sending lots of healing vibes from Me and the hounds and hugs to you Kirislin
  20. Maddie will lay on the floorboards when it's hot but not Stan, he likes his home comforts too much. So much so that when we put an old floor rug over some very gnarly tree roots from the pine trees in the yard so the dogs wouldn't hurt themselves, he won't even lay on the grass :laugh:
  21. :laugh: love both of those. Every waking hour is a blonde moment for Stanley but the other day a friend came over and Stan was very excited, mind you he'd be excited if an axe murderer walked in, and he decided to pick up Maddie's tennis ball and throw it in the air. He threw it in the air but didn't actually look up to catch it, he slipped on the floorboards and fell over with the ball hitting him to add insult to injury. He hauled himself up and limped over to my friend for a sympathetic hug but not before shooting me a glance with the "yeah, yeah I know " look on his face.
  22. you have a beach house???? I only rent it :laugh: and not for long, if you go back to week two you'll see why
  23. DD I have this book "Old dogs are the best dogs" that was a gift to me from a dear friend when I lost my old boy. It is the most beautiful book. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/old-dogs-gene-weingarten/1112397975?ean=9781416534990
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