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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. I'd only start to worry if you take bub for immunisation and before you realise it you're sitting at the vets.
  2. Sending lots of positive vibes your way from Me and the Hounds Panto
  3. :laugh: why does that not surprise me. Why leave them at home when there are cafes that encourage you to bring your dogs? Hankodie and I live in the same beachside suburb and as she said a lot of the cafes here are doggy friendly but there are a lot that arn't as well. If people don't like those bloody dogs go to one of the other bloody cafes.
  4. :laugh: then he'd be really livin' the dream!
  5. This. Yep me too. I don't use the term myself nor do I call my female greyhound a bitch. A bitch to me needs a good slap up side da head but each to their own.
  6. Without fridge locks Stan can open the fridge and will and has demolished the entire contents...except for those pesky jars of pickles and stuff in the door.
  7. Yes it's a wonderful that the digital age has us given such beautiful images, especially yours Kirislin. As I've said before your photos are so amazing I feel like I could reach through the screen and touch them. Right now I wish I could too, I've just been gazing at her sweet face.
  8. Yes it's a wonderful that the digital age has us given such beautiful images, especially yours Kirislin. As I've said before your photos are so amazing I feel like I could reach through the screen and touch them.
  9. Rebanne I don't think I'd have the pedal power to haul his big butt, I'd have to get one of those motorised pushies :laugh:
  10. ...of these :laugh: This is Mouse who was adopted from Greyhound Angels Western Australia arriving at the park in style :)
  11. Poo .. what does he do HazyWal?? :) Jules he avoids it like the plague, when out walking most dogs like to sniff a poo but not Stanley. Just yesterday we were walking along a bush track not far from the beach when he went for a bit of a sniff off the path and then leapt in the air and swung around looking at the grass. When I looked it was a huge dog poo, I'm sure he thought it had crept up on him :laugh: His worst nightmare would be being chased by a swarm of insects in a thunderstorm and treading in a random poo
  12. I posted in your Rainbow Bridge tribute but just wanted you to know you've been in my thoughts all day
  13. In no particular order Stan is scared of thunder, insects and poo. He's my speshal boy :)
  14. Oh Kirislin my heart breaks for you Run free beautiful Kibah...you were so very loved.
  15. Thinking of you and Kibah this morning and sending lots of hugs from Me and the greyhounds
  16. I would be doing exactly what you are Kirislin, at least with the x-rays you will know what you are up against. Huge hugs to you both
  17. The electronics didn't do too well in the rain, HW! Highly likely I've had a bet with your ol' man, & even likelier OH has, don't think there's a course in NSW that he's not been to :laugh: Yep not too many tracks I haven't been to either. My bro and I always joked that when most kids were going to Luna Park we were going to Harold Park, Wentworth Park, Menangle Park :laugh:
  18. Love this trifecta brings back many childhood memories as the daughter of a bookmaker. I would hang in the stalls all day as a kid and when it all went electronic it crushed my dreams of being a penciller for the old man lol.
  19. Love it :laugh: He'd give Pat Rafter a run for his money, I'd be buying a pair of Bonds and sending them a pic lol
  20. CC I love the one of Daisy and Frida! MM I love Willow chasing the seagulls too :)
  21. Yep an icy cold Tooheys Old
  22. 7/52 A cold beer at Gosford Sailing Club :)
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