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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Those feet give me the heebies. Someone that stocked the cabinet at Red Lea the other day had the feet sitting up on the glass like they were clawing at it :laugh:
  2. That's the best way to do it, just pack up and go! I have friends doing the same thing at the moment, rented out their house, hitched up the van and off they went. They've been in Darwin for 6 months now as they love it :) Sorry to go OT wings.
  3. I had a very similar experience in my early teens. 'Surprise Surprise' something else we have in common HazyWal. My very first puppy of my own I got from school in year 8 off a friend who's mini foxy girl had puppies. I carried her home in my uniform pocket, she was tiny & I doubt she was even 6 weeks old. I called her Polly. Loved her to bits. Although my dad was a dog lover he was raised very 'old school'. So he was very hard at times. He didn't tolerate dogs that chased the horses we breed. I had had darling Polly for quite a few months when I came home from school one day dad told me Polly had 'run away ' Not so long after that I found Polly's little pink collar I had saved up my hard earned pocket money to buy her on top of the fridge in the kitchen.... I asked dad how Polly's collar came to be there & he said, " she kept chasing the horses, thought she was fast but she wasn't fast enough to outrun the pea riffle". I cried myself to sleep for many nights after that & it has stayed with me all these years. Don't mean to put a downer on this thread as I am enjoying hearing & seeing everybodies different stories :) Yes it's uncanny isn't it? I didn't find out about Penny until the old man "ran away" when I was 10 and Mum told me as a teen. You're not bringing the thread down, we just have a different story to tell albeit not a nice one Look at us now...crazy dog ladies :)
  4. Sounds fantastic BCC travelling around Aus I would love to do that
  5. Geez and I was excited when I found a $2 coin the other day while picking up Stan's poo :laugh:
  6. Ah bless her. Yes I have to pinch Maddie's up as well, her face is so fine muzzles just don't fit her. Did Feather race as well?
  7. That's a stunning photo of her Kirislin. Do whippets wear muzzles when racing as well?
  8. My first dog was a daccie called Penny when I was about 4 years old. My father hated animals and Penny "ran away" according to the old man when I was about 6 I loved her she was the sweetest little dog.
  9. Yep agree. I have two greyhounds and would love a third. I'd adopt an oldie in a heartbeat but Maddie is a moody biatch I had to stop fostering greyhounds because of it.
  10. So glad Panto is home everyone feels better when they get home from hospital. Sending more healing vibes your way sweet girl and hugs from Me and the Hounds xxx
  11. 9/52 I was in Sydney yesterday, in Castlereagh Street and took this pic of the old Mark Foys building on the right.
  12. I've worked in a lot of kitchens in all my years in hospitality including a five star resort and a bit of dog hair would be the least of my worries.
  13. It made me cry too. My grandfather came back from the war a haunted man, like many, he had seen too much
  14. Thanks for the link Alyosha, they are amazing!
  15. Hoping no news is good news :/ Still sending lots of positive vibes Panto
  16. Just shake my head, poor bloody goat
  17. See I had the opposite thoughts myself, I thought wow this member joined 5 years ago and this is their first post this is bad. I'm so sorry that this happened to your little one, I don't go to dog parks as I have greyhounds the only breed muzzled by law. Having said that when you own the fastest dog on the planet for some of them it's not a bad call, my own Maddie for one. I hope you both heal and don't let the negative comments get to you.
  18. My vet would never say something like that. He doesn't do the fussing over dogs or speaking in the mummy and daddy speak...all crap to him.
  19. I came across this powerful ad on a Greyhound site for the Royal Dutch Guide Dog Foundation. As we know assistance dogs fill many roles but this one really moved me personally. *warning* although the people in this ad are actors the content is upsetting.
  20. 8/52 Close your eyes and make a wish
  21. Hmm I was unaware of the muzzle thing as no dog I've ever seen has worn one and ticket inspectors/station staff haven't said anything... don't really want to catch the train if it means she needs a muzzle as I find this makes people unecessarily afraid of her/she is just a puppy and doesn't need one. Wouldn't worry us greyhounds are muzzled by law anyway. That's interesting I never knew that, do you have to buy them a ticket? Nope as long as you have a valid ticket they are allowed on metro trains. You are just advised not to travel at peak times/not allowed on the seats and must clean up mess etc. which is all more than fair enough. Cool thanks for the info Terri, I'm heading down with the greys in a couple of months. I think Stan and Maddie might like a train trip into the city :)
  22. Hmm I was unaware of the muzzle thing as no dog I've ever seen has worn one and ticket inspectors/station staff haven't said anything... don't really want to catch the train if it means she needs a muzzle as I find this makes people unecessarily afraid of her/she is just a puppy and doesn't need one. Wouldn't worry us greyhounds are muzzled by law anyway. That's interesting I never knew that, do you have to buy them a ticket?
  23. Can you take dogs on public transport in Victoria?
  24. If my greyhounds were at that café there would have been mayhem
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