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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. My first thought as well poor little bugger must have been petrified.
  2. Oooo do tell us what it was like Clover :)
  3. Just bumping this up as the exhibition opens tomorrow It's free and besides seeing the brilliant photos you can meet some of the gorgeous GAP greyhounds :)
  4. 11/52 Maddie enjoying the fruits of her labour :)
  5. dont use these shoes :laugh: No Grosby's here a good old Aussie thong or a Doc Martin...game on Harry.
  6. Damn straight they bite. I was picking grapes in Griffith in my early 20's and they lived in the grapevines, couldn't tell you how many times a day I got bitten and that is where my spider phobia came from. Any huntsmen in my house now get treated to the "thong of death"
  7. Nice box of snapper BlueyLove
  8. Hope you're ok, just let me know if you want to catch up for a coffee. CC I don't follow Rugby but it's where I walk my dogs in the afternoons around the oval. I rarely take my phone when I walk them but I was waiting for an important call and thought oh that'll do for the photo thread :laugh: It was actually raining quite heavily at the time and Stan was having a freakout that he was getting wet *sigh* I have been up there for a bevvy or two though ;) nice ocean views :)
  9. That is untrue. Also, going out of your way to dig up an old discussion and taking a thread off topic in order to call me a menace dog owner IS a personal attack aimed at provoking and emotional response. Most people would call that trolling and as far as in aware it's pretty frowned upon these days. Hhmmm no I didn't go out of my way to do anything. You've made it quite clear in other threads that you don't leash your dog therefore blatently breaking the law and basically telling everyone else to suck it up. Trolling is definitely frowned upon, once again we agree, especially peeps that rarely take part in any discussion until a particular topic comes up that they KNOW will get a rise and BAM! there they are.
  10. Yes you are right there will always be those menace owners that think they are above the law and don't leash their dogs, if I remember rightly you're one of them. I have greyhounds, muzzled by law with skin like tissue paper. One nip that would prove as nothing to your average dog will result in stitches to a greyhound so no my dogs don't need interact with other dogs. Bam!! Straight into a personal attack. Well done! If you don't need your dogs to interact with other dogs then more power to you. I wasn't trying to tell you what to do with your dog. I was just saying, in my experience, what had worked for my situation. A personal attack?? Oh dear I could've just asked you if you were thick as you did in a previous thread about the same issues of offlead dogs. I am agreeing with you RazorBlade, people that don't leash their dogs in areas where it is required by law ARE a menace.
  11. Yes you are right there will always be those menace owners that think they are above the law and don't leash their dogs, if I remember rightly you're one of them. I have greyhounds, muzzled by law with skin like tissue paper. One nip that would prove as nothing to your average dog will result in stitches to a greyhound so no my dogs don't need interact with other dogs.
  12. (Waves at fellow sufferer). Brandi is now also protective of me thanks to the stupidity of others. So I have two reactive greys and one who also carries on between me and the person screaming abuse at me for having dogs who react poorly to being rushed by others. Thankfully Hermon is bombproof Thank Dog I can take my greys to the local slipping track for a run I used to take Stan to the slipping track in Gosford as another friend in was in greyhound rescue and she was a member but she has stopped going now. Here you have to apply to the track and then it has to go before the board and if you're accepted they give you a key as it's padlocked. Stan loved going there, he'd go nuts when we pulled in the gate, reliving his not so glory days :laugh:
  13. Yes but you don't have a muzzled dog T.
  14. (Waves at fellow sufferer). Brandi is now also protective of me thanks to the stupidity of others. So I have two reactive greys and one who also carries on between me and the person screaming abuse at me for having dogs who react poorly to being rushed by others. Thankfully Hermon is bombproof Yeah right back at ya BnW Thankfully Stan is not too worried about the s*&tfight but if he is pushed he will snap. It takes a LOT but sometimes he is just over it, and why not? I am.
  15. Tibbie tabbie they are everywhere. I think people like to blame or justify their dogs behaviour by attacking my one reactive Greyhound because it's easier to blame those bloody greyhounds. The thing that annoys me is Maddie was never reactive until she was harassed by offlead dogs to the point that she is now a nightmare with most dogs. So thanks to irresponsible arseholes I now have a reactive dog AND get abused for their stupidity.
  16. I hear ya Hazy, Ya know a simple apology from people like these when they are in the wrong would go a long way. I would be mortified if my dog was the offender. When the one in the wrong starts up or get abusive it is insult to injury and definitely a red rag to me. Oh for sure but apologies are far and few between, it apparently becomes all our fault I had a guy a while ago who's SWF (and I'm not bashing small breeds, we've been rushed by all sorts) who after his dog bolted across the oval to snarl and have several nips at my greys legs before he FINALLY caught up with it yell at ME and say "why would you own those sort of dogs that want to kill everything?" WTF, I said "mate, put your dog on a lead it's not hard". Of course my blood pressure was rising fast as he chased this snarling little dog around in circles until he finally caught it and then I find out he didn't even have a lead! He just let it out of the car and off it went. He then told me he was reporting us, yeah go your hardest mate, honestly you can't put brains in statues.
  17. Sounds like an average walk around the block here I don't blame you for going off your nut I do it on a daily basis, there are so many inconsiderate people it's gobsmacking. There is a chi that has moved in down the street from me and I've had one altercation with the young girl and that's the one and only chance she gets from me, especially when I told her not only is the dog running out onto the road with traffic swerving to try and miss it, my muzzled and on lead greyhounds go mental. She told me to get f**ked. I've reported it to council and they weren't interested, much easier for the rangers here to wander around the surf club carpark and slip a ticket under a windscreen than actually do their job. We are so lucky here having two offleash beaches and a large offleash park all within 2k's but nooooo that's not enough, people think the whole bloody suburb is offleash...so sick of it
  18. 10/52 Our new Rugby Club.
  19. Stan is a destructo dog as well and aims for the expensive electrical items like fridges and more recently trashing the door on my new freezer. I had gone to the shops for about half an hour so can't say he was bored. He is almost 6 and definately not an active dog, he likes to sleep, eat and in his spare time trash things.
  20. There are a lot of old broodies that come into greyhound rescue that are 10 and over and they are all desexed.
  21. Aawww look at their gorgeous smiles
  22. My pack of two rescue Greyhounds Stan and Maddie both aged 5, admiring the cat next door
  23. :laugh: yep oven, fridge, freezer no meat pie is safe from piggy boy.
  24. Wow Gertrude that's pretty impressive, the salmon dinner and the sit. Stan gets a meat pie and I sort of have to throw it to him before he takes my arm off :laugh:
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