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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. The Dane pup may look ok in that photo but Sacha's concerns would be the special needs for it grow into a healthy adult and by the looks of it this woman is as putrid as the conditions she keeps her "babies" in
  2. Thanks KC and wow she's a charmer her friend Racheal is just lovely as well.
  3. Huh???? Oh sorry ignore me I thought you said it comes UP as HazyWal
  4. That link doesn't work for me :/ Clyde I'm so sorry how gut wrenching Don't you need a permit to keep a fox? Oops sorry thanks for that Happy Camper.
  5. That is horrendous. Reminds me of the "rescue" I got my greyhounds from minus the cages, just general filth and urine soaked mattresses for them to sleep on
  6. Yes the tapping and listening for the hollow sound was the first thing the vet nurse did when Stan had a bloat scare recently so it's handy to know. He also has a scoff stopper bowl and his since his head injury hís bowl is elevated, I know there are for and against for feeding up or down to help reduce the risk of bloat but I do worry about it with the greyhounds. Mind you the amount of food Stan has consumed from his "break ins" I'm surprised he hasn't had some form of illness from it *sigh* He does burb...loudly...after he eats so I wonder if this helps. I hope your pup is ok today SG.
  7. I guess the question is whether the dogs attacked her (by which I mean went for her in a deliberate attempt to harm her or scare her off) or leapt at her in play/ greeting and injured her accidentally. The outcome for her is the same in either case, because she was injured unnecessarily, but for the dogs it might be the difference between being put down for being aggressive or needing more training and much better handling. Actually better handling in any case. The question for me is why were these greys not muzzled? If they were greencollared who was the assessor? The standards for rehoming greyhounds have dropped dramatically and someone needs to be held accountable.
  8. She is the only victim in this story and it was not her fault. When an owner knows they can't control their dogs, they are the ones who should be taking these 'preventative measures' you speak of. Expecting people to run in wide circles around every dog they pass just in case they get bitten is ridiculous. Hazywal, I was wondering the same thing myself. 100% correct Powerlegs she is the only victim, you simply can't have large dogs and not be able to control them. My two don't really take much notice of people walking past them but I take them off footpaths to let people walk past, some people are just downright scared of them, probably because I'm one of those rare people that muzzle them. I don't care if people are walking, jogging or skipping down the path DON'T let your dogs get within cooee of them, be bloody responsible, if for nothing else but the safety of your own dogs. Yep Maddy we knew it would happen it was just a matter of when
  9. Has the rescue group offered to organise transport for you? or are you just seeing if you can get him/her to hitch a lift? The reason I ask is I have put many greyhounds on road transport but it's always been organised by the rescue group.
  10. Aaahhh so here we go, I was waiting for this day. Did these greys come from one of the many dodgy greyhound rescues we have now that just tell people not to muzzle their greys? you know...cause it's cruel? Or did they come from one of the many dodgy greencollar assessors that are assessing dogs with no idea? If it was a trainer I doubt, not sure but doubt he would be walking them unmuzzled and if they are worth anything I'm sure as s**t he wouldn't be contacting anyone to risk them being PTS. To my knowledge, happy to be corrected, there is no recorded attacks by greyhounds to date. Owning them myself, fostering and knowing many others who own them including trainers I've never heard of one biting let alone two BUT they could easily do that damage with their feet. They have feet that are designed to run at 70k's an hour so they can definitely do damage. If these dogs were unmuzzled through sheer stupidity, be it a rescue group, trainer or some do gooder that thinks it's "not fair" they are muzzled this will definitely be a backward step for greyhounds as pets. There goes my grand statement that at least greyhounds don't get confused with other breeds...brown dobes? Greys do come in Dun but they are quite rare so I doubt this guy had two. The only way I can think she may have gotten confused is that the greys were black with a heavy kennel coat which is brownish.
  11. So are you looking for transport from Sydney to Canberra or maybe Cooma?
  12. I was going to suggest a greyhound as well, sounded perfect until the rough and tumble bit with the kids. My two greys love kids but would hate to be roughed up.
  13. So sorry for your loss Mon Run free chasing those bunnies beautiful girl
  14. He is Perse! He managed to break one fridge lock (I have two) but in this new house I actually have a kitchen door to completely lock him out...he's beside himself :laugh:
  15. ...time to kick back and relax :D
  16. Go for it Polly, let it all hang out chicken! Sash I just wanna kiss Astro's belly
  17. You didn't fail at all you did a selfless and brave thing for that dog and you should feel proud that you did everything you could. There are constant posts on our local lost and found FB pages of dogs running loose on the F3 freeway here and people that do exactly what you did with no luck and ending in tears. There was a greyhound recently that must have come out of a dog trailer running up the middle of the 6 lane highway full of cars and trucks doing a minimum of 110k's and the girl that stopped to try and catch it had no hope impossible to run down a greyhound let alone a frightened one. The not knowing would be upsetting but you did the best you could and that's all you can do
  18. Trinabean if there was a roaching Olympics I'm thinking Bruno has the gold in the bag
  19. My vet describes him as the clumsiest greyhound he has ever known...and he's been a vet for 35 years Another DOLer can vouch for his clumsiness, she is a vet nurse at my vets and has assisted in stitching up many of his "oops I just fell over" moments. He aint the brightest star in the sky but ya gotta love him :laugh:
  20. Oh how gorgeous with the little leg sticking up! Yes we have "snool" (thanks for that word BrandiandWe) puddles on the floor lol
  21. Loving all the rubber dogs :laugh: LG the hot freckle is hilarious! Grumpette I don't know how Maddie continues to breathe either. Don't you just love how they flash their bits to all and sundry with gay abandon :laugh: Poor fatty boom bah Stan has never quite managed the roach, he did try to scratch his back on the grass the other day and ended up rolling down the yard flapping his legs trying to stop, my poor unco boy. Here are some of Maddie's favourite sleeping positions :)
  22. Stan looks very relaxed! I love the pic of Maddie, it reminds me of a yoga pose. :laugh: Yes LT for those of my vintage she'd give Swami Sarasvati a run for her money. Breathing in, breathing out and reeeeeelax :laugh:
  23. Stanley smiles too but it's a bit manic :p
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