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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. I agree with one of your points. I don't believe the woman has got off 'scott free'... especially in relation to financial cost. Where I differ is that there's enough reason for the dogs to be declared 'dangerous dogs' ... in respect to their demonstrated behaviour if circumstances lead to their getting out again. You say that NSW law would then require her to build secure runs that she clearly cannot afford. Which appears to be a fact. However, that leaves these dogs at risk for doing damage in the future. Because their situation remains exactly the same as what allowed this horrible incident to happen. Members of the public who live in the area.... & who walk their dogs past that house... remain at the same level of risk that HW and her dogs innocently faced. The owner cannot guarantee there'd never be a 'slip' again. I believe that those passing dog walkers need to be made aware of that. The simple signage. 'Dangerous Dogs' on the gate would alert people. I'd avoid like poison walking my dogs past a house with that Council-required sign. You say that the Gosford Council can exercise discretion. And so not require her to build containment runs that she can't afford. OK, why can't they exercise discretion by requiring a Caution: Dangerous Dogs sign be placed on her gate? To meet the Council's obligation towards the general community. To fit the NSW law, could the sign use the terminology, 'Danger: Menacing Dogs'? Quite true.... because the situation remains dangerous. I'd be furious if I lived in the area & found out that it was being 'air-brushed' by the Council as if it didn't exist. The dogs have to be secured adequately, there is no doubt about that. But the owners may have already secured them adequately with a standard dog run which is more than adequate for 99% of dogs. The enclosure required for a Dangerous Dog declaration is absolutely ridiculous and complete overkill for most dogs, plus it's a permanent structure that requires a sealed concrete slab with drainage to be laid, so renters can't construct it even if they do have the money. Bear in mind this cannot be modified in any way shape or form, if the dog is declared it MUST be kept as per these regs or euthanased: No other state requires anything so specific and detailed as this when a dog is declared dangerous. From what I've read most other states just essentially say the backyard has to be secure, and it's up to the Council to ensure that on a property-by-property basis. I can understand why, if the owners have already taken different precautions that are suitable to ensure the dog can't escape (like getting a standard dog run for them and giving a signed undertaking that the dogs will be kept in it unless inside the house or being exercised on leash), the Council would be reluctant to declare them knowing that they would just have to seize and euthanase them in three months. Personally, I'd be going for a menacing order on the dogs, which would still have the requirements like the dangerous dog signage and muzzles but would allow a standard dog run to be used instead. But the Council may feel the injury is too serious for Menacing. I'm not saying the Council are right or wrong in their decision. There is no way that I can know if they are or they aren't, as I am not privy to all the information they would be. But I do understand wanting to avoid killing two dogs if there are other alternatives that still ensure the safety of the community. ETA: Actually what I would probably go for would be a control order on the dogs so that I could specify exactly what I wanted the owners to do. This incurs costs for the Council though if the owners don't agree to pay them though so they may be reluctant. I hope your dogs are feeling better tonight HazyWal. Terrifying experience. Like I said please feel free to ask me any legislation based questions if you have them. You should clarify that you are only providing legal information and not legal advice unless you're the holder of a current NSW practising certificate. I'm only offering information on what is contained within the Companion Animals Act and Regulations (NSW only) in relation to dog attacks. Apologies if that was not clear. ETA: If you are referring specifically to the post you quoted, when I say that I would likely go for a control order in this sort of situation I'm talking about me as a council officer if I was investigating and actioning a case like this - that wasn't advice for HazyWal. That's the way I read it Melz that you were talking about yourself as a coucil officer, no need to apologise and I don't expect legal advice on a public forum or even via PM. I am very grateful for the links, the offer of legislation based questions and your well wishes. Thank you.
  2. The ranger just came and saw me to let me know the outcome of yesterdays meeting with the owner of these dogs and she told me again that she highly doubts the dangerous dog dec will go through She said it may but she highly doubts it. They have the following photos so how could it not? Maddie's injuries, stitches on the right and the open wound and some of the bruising. Stan's hock where the dog was dragging him by the leg.
  3. Thanks so much Mel for your advice, what Oso said is exactly what I was told today. She has 14 days to prove that her dogs are not dangerous, and really how the f**k do you do that :/, and then the council will declare it a non issue. The ranger told me that it is highly improbable that it will stick. We are dealing with Gosford Council here, it took me three months of calls and emails for them to reply to a separate issue
  4. Sheridan she told me the other day that she was unemployed and was worried about how she would pay. She paid the bill at EVH via credit card, whether the credit card is full I don't know. Now she has an $1100 fine to pay and if she is as broke as she told me and doesn't pay it within the allotted time her licence and car registration will be cancelled. Rebanne I'm hearin' you, the screams from both of my dogs I will never forget and my feeble attempts to punch and kick the attacking dogs with my stupid arthritis will haunt me forever. While Maddie is unpredictable with other dogs, and I have made no secret of that I am well aware of what she is capable of, she knew full well she was a beaten favourite on the day and as for poor Stanley...well he didn't have a bloody chance I am heartbroken over what has happened but flogging a dead horse is pointless I feel, the law is sadly not on our side even though we abide by it to the letter.
  5. Thank you all for your never ending support. Staffyluv I also call bullshit on the solicitor and the ranger said exactly the same today. If she had rung a solicitor and said "um my dogs got out today and attacked two muzzled on lead greyhounds and she wants me to keep paying these damn vet bills" I'm pretty sure said solicitor would say " you better suck it up and pay sunshine because you have broken the law". Looking at my sweet Maddie struggling through no fault of her own enrages me but I can only do what the NSW laws allow, as pathetic as it is. The fact that this has to happen again to get justice is a joke. The ranger was fantastic today and was also disheartened by the law ETA I went to the police and as I was already told they can do nothing.
  6. Thanks Mel exactly what the ranger just told me when she took my statement. Really? Down here in Vic the ranger was going to go after vet bills in court for me. Yep I have to contact Gosford Court and file a civil claim.
  7. Thank you Anne and others who have offered financial help you are all amazing My vet on hearing that this woman has refused to pay did not charge me for the visit today. I have a wonderful friend who is a nurse at my vets and will give Maddie any out of hours care she needs so fingers crossed there are no major complications we should be ok.
  8. Thanks Mel exactly what the ranger just told me when she took my statement. The ranger is there now and will be issuing her with $550 fines per dog and will notify her that an application for a dangerous dog declaration on each dog will be filed. Unfortunately she has 14 days to prove this to be untrue and if there has been no previous attacks the council will revoke it. What a joke
  9. She may have been quite co operative and willing to listen before - but now she has a solicitor THEY will be digging in their toes :( Bugga. Her "solicitor" needs to read section 12A of the Animal Companion Act and then continue to read. http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/caa1998174/
  10. Thanks all for the birthday wishes. I had Maddie back to the vet this morning as she had got her dressing off and made a bit of a mess of her wound and it seems now the woman is refusing to pay any ongoing costs on advice from her solicitor. I am waiting for the ranger to call me back and then I will go to my local police station and make a report. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow.
  11. I'll bet you are. You've had a totally shocking experience, HW. The weather isn't much help, either: rainy, cold, dark. At least you don't need an excuse to spend your time tucked up cosily with Maddie and Stan. Lots of rest and warmth for all of you over the coming days. Yes I do love this weather though. Well I just dragged the single mattress out from under my bed and put it in the loungeroom for Maddie. I huffed and puffed, put a sheet on it and Maddie's favourite red blanket and a pillow as I thought it would be easier and more comfy than getting up on the lounge. Fatso thought "hhmmmm looky here, niiiice, fanks Mum"...straight on it and Maddie is back on the lounge *sigh* Oh well my boy made me laugh :)
  12. Thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts. Kirislin I thought that myself, if it was a small dog they may well have killed it Maddie is very bruised and some bruising has come out on Stan's leg. Maddie still won't eat, I managed to get her to eat a little bit of mince with her AB in it but she's not interested. Hopefully tomorrow she will feel a little better. I'm still going from feeling so much anger to tears.
  13. Yep I will call my doctors first thing in the morning, I just discovered when putting my shoes on that my foot is swollen as well. I broke 7 bones in that foot 18 months ago so I hope I haven't re-broken any My girl is home and sleeping soundly on the lounge. They stitched the large tear but not the smaller one :/ she is on AB's and pain releif, she looks so sad The woman has paid the bill this morning.
  14. Let us hope this is the case. Hope you are okay, too, HazyWal, and no long lasting physical injuries. I think I can speak for us all in saying that we will be following the recovery of all of you very closely. Thank you. To be honest I'm amazed that Stan came through without more serious injury. One of the dogs had his back leg and was dragging him while my poor boy screamed in terror He has bites to that leg and a piece out of his tail and he will be on antibiotics just in case. My hand is a nice mess this morning, the muscles in my right arm are sore and my ribs are painful for some reason :/
  15. Thank you all so much for your kind words and support, it means more than you'll know. Maddie has been stitched up and is recovering well. My vet is away at the moment (of course) but the vet on today has a grey of her own and worked at a greyhound specialist vets before so she is in good hands. I went and saw the woman who owns these dogs and she has said she will pay all costs so I hope she does. She was apologetic and crying, telling me it must have been a Jehovahs witness that left the gate open pfft, they didn't knock on my door and I live in the same street. I was still shaking with rage and as I have the filthiest temper it took all my strength to remain calm. I can pick her up at 11.30, she will take some time to heal physically but I am concerned about mentally Luckily Stan's not real bright and judging by the fact he was barking in my face demanding his breakfast this morning and then chucked a tanty throwing his stuffed hippo around when he didn't get it I think he'll be ok :/ Thank you all again from the bottom of my heart xx
  16. Maddie is a tough little chicken and she will get thru this but my question is why should she?
  17. Thanks DD that's a big call for you to drive up the F3 lol. We'll be ok I am just so F**king angry that my dogs are in pain because of a moron My poor little Maddie, breaks my heart
  18. Oh I will Rebanne, no one hurts my dogs...no one
  19. Thank's all, to be honest I'm a little numb. Every time I walk my dogs I pray they will be ok but today was not the day The girl came out from the house but the staffy was not to be stopped. I kicked and punched with everything I had but it just kept coming. I have a huge bruise and a blood blister on my hand from punching this dog in the head but to no avail. One dog had Stan by the back leg dragging him down the street while Stan screamed in fear and now my Maddie is awaiting surgery I am at a loss with everything at the moment :'(
  20. Stan and Maddie were attacked today by a Staffy and a Cattle Dog. Maddie is on morphine awaiting surgery to her torn shoulder and Stan is nursing his bite wounds that thankfully don't require stitches. Why can't people make sure their dogs are contained? My dogs are muzzled, they couldn't fight if they wanted to, why can't I just walk my dogs?
  21. Well we declined the dog, now it looks like I'm flooded in, so it wasn't meant to be. Oh bummer Can they not send it later?
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