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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. to you Arnold! I have to say I love the name Arnold
  2. Happy 6th birthday to my funny, dopey and ever so handsome boy Stanley. Love you to the moon and back
  3. Yes true I need to concentrate on my own fight. Melz I wasn't having a go at you I really do appreciate your help on this, just frustration. Oh I know! Nor am I having a go at you - and I totally understand your frustration, and given the non-action by the owners of your attackers I'd be really unhappy with the Council's response too. Just wanting to give another perspective on the one on their facebook page is all. I agree with others asking for responses in writing. Put together something to the Council and email to the GM - then your response will come in writing and it will get some extra attention. If you want me to look over it PM me. Oh I definitely know you're not having a go at me, you can only advise from what I tell you and even then only supply links to the legislation to help me. Monday I will start the process via email so that everything will be in writing, I have documented every minute of this nightmare from 3pm last Saturday afternoon when the attack took place. I have times, dates and names for every phone call and the same for the ranger's visits.
  4. Yes true I need to concentrate on my own fight. Melz I wasn't having a go at you I really do appreciate your help on this, just frustration.
  5. I read though, I didn't see any comments saying they'd been out roaming before? If the fence genuinely blew down in a storm and the owners were desperately looking for their dogs because they knew they had the potential to do damage, that doesn't sound like blase irresponsible ownership. That sounds like someone with dogs who have issues with other dogs (like many many people on this forum) that kept them in what they thought was a secure yard and then a freak accident happened in bad weather. I'm not so sure I'd be surrendering my dogs in that situation. I'd be devastated they had caused such horror and would be paying all vet bills and building secure dog runs etc whether I had an order on them or not... but I wouldn't surrender them if I knew that I could prevent it happening again. Regardless of the actual situation, what I'm saying is the anger at the council in that case seems unwarranted. Everyone commenting is angry because the dogs were not euthanased... the Council couldn't euth them. Not downplaying what is happening in your situation HazyWal because yours is very different to what this one seems to be based on what I've read on that fbook page, but every case is different and I don't think the anger on the Council with that one is warranted. Sorry I was editing my post as you replied to shed a little more light on the community, not that it matters.
  6. Melz if you read through the comments people knew about these dogs, the only way I can see that GCC can weasel their way out of this one is that although they were well known as being aggressive no one had bothered to report them before The owners were desperately driving around looking for them and were heard to say "they will kill another dog"...another? These people should have surrendered these dogs for euth but should've, would've , could've doesn't matter really. Saratoga is a small community and is only accessed by one road, it's surrounded by water. Yattalunga, Saratoga and Davistown are the only three suburbs on this "island". I lived at Davo for a short while and it is very small and close knit. Not only did the little dog die but people were taken to hospital with injuries incurred from trying to help. Even then GCC obviously thought a Dangerous Dog Order was a bit over the top or maybe a little too hard?? A Menacing order hardly cuts it IMO
  7. Yes but as I said not everyone is on Facebook. They did the right thing IMO, yes legally I guess they could've kept the pup for 72 hours and found the owner on FB but they did the right thing thinking the pup would be chipped and took it to be scanned. At least now when the owners do collect it from the shelter it will be chipped.
  8. Yep that poor lady at Yattalunga, for those with FB you can read the reviews of good old Gossie Council https://www.facebook.../ilikemygosford there are another couple about rangers etc not doing enough. makes life hard . Oh yeah Perse there's many complaints, I just knew about the poor lady at Saratoga The dogs were returned as their family was missing them WTF?? GCC's one and only reply was pathetic.
  9. Yep that poor lady at Yattalunga, for those with FB you can read the reviews of good old Gossie Council https://www.facebook.com/ilikemygosford
  10. My vets get a lot of dogs taken to them, some are repeat offenders and those will get taken straight to the pound, it's a vet not a boarding kennel for stupid people. For dogs that are chipped they will call the owners several times until they can get through if they can't and it's after pound hours they may keep them overnight and charge a fee when collected the next day, if still no contact it's pound. No chip or details out of date they go to the pound that day or first thing the next day. I don't think they have put them in the night cages but I'm not sure but I know they do everything possible to contact owners. I am constantly argueing with people on my local lost and found facebook page that insist on keeping animals and trying to find the owners themselves as they think taking them to the pound the animal will be instantly PTS. They think every person in the world is on social media and by sharing some dodgy photo the owners will be found, as Aussie said you can't find your pet in someone's backyard.
  11. What's so hard about it??? Yes that's what I thought Rozzie I could maybe understand GCC's reluctance to declare if the dogs had (as above) repeatedly threatened to attack or repeatedly chased us and maybe slapped them with a lesser charge but the fact this was an unprovoked attack causing injury to all three of us it's a joke. Especially when after 6 days the gate still wasn't secured. The $1100 fine won't be a deterent, she told the ranger she has no money and is unemployed so the ranger told her to contact state debt recovery and organise a payment plan. She'll probably pay it off at 10 bucks a fortnight happy days
  12. I definately don't have the wrong end of the stick, she has told me the same thing several times now.
  13. They do have to act within their powers though. In this case it means applying to court to get the dangerous dog application approved. The rangers can't just say a dog is a dangerous dog and that is it. In NSW you don't have to apply to the courts to get a DD application approved - rangers CAN just declare a dog dangerous. But they have to ensure they have the evidence of the incident as the owner can appeal the declaration in court if they want to. Can't appeal menacing. Why is Hazywal saying that the ranger said a judge has to look at the declaration then? The Ranger is talking about if the owner appeals the declaration in court. That is not what Hazywal appears to be saying. She said: This is exactly what the ranger has told me, several times now. She also told me that she feels she's put the fear of God into her...I doubt it if she hasn't even bothered to put a padlock on the gate a week after the attack. I get the feeling, and this is JMO, that because the woman was sobbing and saying she has no money, no job and rents the ranger seems to be feeling sorry for her. If the ranger knew the DD wouldn't stick why didn't she at least go for menacing?
  14. No one should have to go through this ever. Being scared while trying to enjoy a nice walk with your dogs is crap. Do the dogs seem nervous at all? Frankly it is disgusting that you have to feel like this. If the rangers would do their jobs properly the level of anxiety that you feel would probably descrease 50%. Thanks DD I will never walk the streets in my suburb again, not worth it. My flatmate only said today how she would feel sad when I left at the worry on my face and my usual parting comment of "wish us luck". It is out of control here with people abusing the law and then abusing those that uphold it when asked to leash their dogs. What scares me more and actually makes me feel ill is that because of my pathetic council this WILL happen again. I have no doubt and I can't stop it Thanks Staffyluv much appreciated.
  15. I've had trouble with my internet all day so I'm sorry if I don't reply, stupid thing keeps dropping out. Thanks for the support everyone, your kind words and advice is very much appreciated. Maddie has always been a nervy girl so it's hard to tell any difference at the moment. She's still not allowed to go for walks so it's just sniff around the trees stuff at the moment and lifting her in and out of the car is a bloody struggle with my hand so we are just going out once a day when we usually go twice. She's still looking for Martin the cat when we go out in the yard (and it's not to say hello ) and she propped and gave a pelican a bit of a death stare at the park today so she doesn't seem to be scared of things as such but time will tell I guess. Stanley wagged his tail madly at the pelican and then walked into a tree so yeah...he's still my Stanley lol
  16. The wounds are healing, Maddie still has another week with the stitches. My foot is still quite sore but the swelling on my hand has gone down a bit. Emotionally I'm struggling, I took the dogs to a different park today where I could see for miles and just let them sniff around for a while but I left the hatch open so I could get them into the car quickly if I saw a dog coming and I was nervous the whole time. I was always nervous and on high alert when I walked them but now I'm just downright shitting myself
  17. Melz that's exactly what I thought that surely the fact she had made no attempt to do the simple thing of going straight out and buying a chain and padlock it would have to be taken into account with the DD Dec. For the safety of her owns dogs to start with! She either doesn't care or she aint real bright and having spoken to her twice I'm going the latter. I think on Monday I'll have to contact someone higher up and get some answers. Friends have told me to contact my local member as well. I spoke to a friend this afternoon that said he had had a major issue with GCC (not a dog issue) and after months of getting the run around and the issue still wasn't resolved he went to the local paper. Two days after the article was published GCC were all over the issue and it was fixed. I will pull out all stops and every door that is slammed in my face I'll take a different tack. This is appalling
  18. Ranger finally called me back from my concerns two days ago and said she rang the woman this morning about not getting a padlock for the gate and the woman said her daughters boyfriend was supposedly fixing the gate this weekend. When I questioned the ranger about the fact that this will be 7 days tomorrow since we were attacked and it's still not fixed she said it's not up to council to continually drive past (and they don't have the time) and see if they have fixed anything they can only advise her and then it's up to her. I told her the old lady with the Lab said they are always out and she said nothing can be done unless the actual people that see the dogs out call, which I knew anyway. She said the Dangerous Dog Dec will take up to a month to be processed and said when the judge looks at it he will say it was too harsh, there have been no previous complaints about the dogs and after all it's not a child
  19. So you moved from Melbourne to Sydney and while "networking" and "learning" from GR, MN (who GR thinks is some sort of God, says a lot about their rescue IMO) it all went to poo. I saw you advertising on Gumtree for a property to rent in northern NSW last year to be able to build temporary kennels (once again shades of GR, shove 'em in those kennels) so you could rescue greyhounds. Now you live in Finley and rescue "working dogs". Do I have the story right so far? Sam I don't hate you I can't be bothered but I'm not the person you have to convince, I'm a no one. As Anna said you burnt some very well respected and reputable rescues in your quest to save every greyhound, I supported you to start with as well because like Maddy we do hope that there will be reputable greyhound rescues in the future to help the breed we love but each one that pops up leaves me to despair the future of greyhound rescue You should have re-introduced yourself as Anna said and taken it from there. To make a hundred threads questioning dodgy rescues smacks of hypocrisy to me
  20. Oh yes that is me not a large group or anything and unfortunately cant help as many dogs as others can but we try to do what we can Hang on, if you're Outback Anima Rescue, then your old petrescue profile belonged to Homes For Hounds aka greylvr. Who badmouthed DOL and also moved up to work in thePR kennels. So what exactly happened? Had a turnaround? Ah yes! I was wracking my brain where I had seen the old avatar. I thought you were also working with Janet & Peter?
  21. Send a PM to sas here on DOL, she is Great Dane Rescue.
  22. When I say I knew it would happen I don't mean these particular dogs DD I mean in general. I have not seen these dogs out or I would have never walked down my street. I pick my walks and times carefully and am constantly looking for trouble. I think she has just gotten away with it for so long that she just became complacent. What triggered this attack? Wrong place wrong time
  23. I won't give up...I can't. I will do everything in my power to make sure this stupid woman will not put anyone through this ever again. It is 4 days since our lives changed forever and this woman STILL hasn't taken the simple step of putting a chain and padlock on the gate. I spoke to my next door neighbour today when she saw me struggling to lift Maddie out the car and she was horrified when she saw her injuries, moreso when I told her what had happened. She knew which house it was immediately and said the staffy used to scare her when she walked her old dog (now passed) past the house. I asked her to ring the ranger if she sees them out and she said she would for sure. My next step is to door knock the people I know in the street and ask them to report any time they see them. I know I will get full support as the locals love my greys and will be upset to hear what has happened. I've feared this for 4 years since I've had my muzzled greys, I knew it would happen it was just a matter of when and stuffed if she will get away with it.
  24. I was about to suggest the same. Keep on them to do something about it. --Lhok Yep I rang council and the ranger handling my case had left for the day but I spoke to another ranger who noted my reference number and my concerns and my ranger will call me tomorrow. I couldn't take a photo as I was driving and they were sitting on the front verandah with the dogs. Good news on my hand and foot, no fractures, bruising and soft tissue damage.
  25. Sorry for not posting yesterday about my injuries but I had a little bit of a meltdown I had x-rays done this morning on my hand and foot and should have the results at about 4pm. My Doc is concerned about fractures in my hand, maybe the first and second knuckle as well. Because of my arthritis my hands swell like balloons anyway so it was hard for her to tell. I spoke to a dear old lady on a walking stick who was walking her old Lab past my house this morning as she does everyday. She lives two doors up from these dogs and she told me they are always out, the back fence has fallen down in parts and when she has them out the front they just jump over. She thinks she will be ok as she can hit them with her walking stick but I told her she would have no chance. I asked her if she saw them out to please ring the ranger immediately but she said she doesn't want to get involved I can't make her, she a lovely old lady and her hubby has dementia. ETA I drove past this house this morning and the woman has not even put a chain and lock on the front gate as the ranger advised her to do immediately. It still has a frayed peice of orange string that loops over the gate, this woman has learnt nothing
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