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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Yes, And when you adopt an old dog, you think you're doing it a great favour. Then you find out that the old dogs give far more wonderful things than you can ever give them. Old dogs are magic. Agree there is something magical about old dogs isn't there mita? :) If I had the financial means to adopt old greyhounds to live out their lives on the lounge that is what I would do. The greying face and wise old eyes just make me melt
  2. HazyWal


    My heart sank when I saw his name May there be many chook buckets to steal from over the bridge. Rest easy old mate
  3. Poor old man hope he an live out his days with someone who loves him. Old dogs are the best dogs.
  4. I'm gunna go out on a limb here and will no doubt get flamed for it but I couldn't live like that Owning dogs for me is supposed to be enjoyable not a constant battle to keep my pets apart for fear of them killing each other. When I was working at the kennels we had two cockers that came in that hated each others guts...with a passion, to the point that when they came in one was on the floor of the car in the front with the lady and the other was tied into the back seat with large pieces of cardboard blocking their vision from each other. The husband told me he wanted to return the second cocker, which was from the RSPCA, but his wife wouldn't let him. It caused constant grief not only for the dogs but had put a major strain on this old couple as they constantly argued about it. I could see the strain on their faces when they came back to pick them up after the weekend and the husband actually said when they got into their cardboard fort..."here we go again" How is that an enjoyable life for all involved?
  5. The only time my two really look like they are going to have a serious blew is when running together in the yard. Maddie snaps and nips at Stan when they are running around and only once took a nick out of his ear which bled like a biatch, she even goes as far as blocking him from coming inside when he's had enough of her crap and she wants him to keep "playing". It's the only time I've ever seen Stan's hackles up when she is pushing him. Maddie is my first female and as much as I love her to bits I'd say she'll be my last. Every greyhound foster I had was a girl and every single one gave him grief, luckily he is not reactive unless it involves food then all bets are off, they are fed separately so there's never been an issue there.
  6. Sorry all been looking at new rental properties today. I am going to the owners place on Saturday to see if she has my money for ongoing vet bills, don't like my chances so I will have to take civil action if she won't pay up. I will check out the front gate then. tdierikx I still haven't had a reply from my email to the local member for Terrigal so yes Chris Holstien will be my next contact. dogmad sorry I'm a bit dumb what is the DPI?
  7. If you lived in Gosford Shire hankdog you would not be surprised, council here are a joke A friend told me today that she read GCC are in the top 5 of worst councils in NSW, I don't know if that's true but I believe it they are pathetic on all issues. Everything is in the "too hard" basket for them
  8. HazyWal


    I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Bosco I remember you both, take care lokelani
  9. Yes they have issued intent but I have been told by the ranger several times both in person and on the phone that the declaration will not stick as the dogs have no previous reports.
  10. Finally received an email today from GCC, not from the GM whom I addressed it to but the Ranger co-ordinater. Didn't answer any of my questions just told me what the ranger already had. Still no reply from my local member. I refer to your email of 14 April 2014 in regards to the recent attack on your 2 greyhounds on 5 April 2014. The matter was referred to council Ranger Service for investigation and as a consequence the following actions were taken. 2 penalty notices, $550 each, were issued to the owner of the offending dogs in respect to the attack. Notice of Intents to declare both the dog as dangerous were issued on 11 April 2014 The above actions are those that are provided for under the provisions of the Companion Animals Act. The dog owner has advised that they will be lodging a representation outlining reasons why they consider their dogs should not be considered dangerous. Council is compelled to consider the representation before making a decision as to whether the dangerous dog declarations will be issued. Should Council decide to issue the declaration the dog owner still has the right to appeal the declarations in the local court. Once the representation has been received, and considered, you will then be advised of the outcome as to whether the dogs will be declared dangerous. Regards Rod Giffin Co Ordinator Ranger Services | Education & Compliance Gosford City Council (PO Box 21) Gosford NSW 2250 P (02) 43258222 E [email protected]
  11. I have no doubt people would say that in their representations and am quite sure that's what the dipshit who owns the dogs that attacked mine will say in hers.
  12. It really is awful. I've been thinking about her a lot. Does anyone know if she's still critical? Re the bolded part - while our society continues to focus on 'breed' as the sole reason for dog attacks, what you describe won't get people to understand the responsibility of owning dogs. The general dog population will not think it applies to them because their dog isn't a 'pit bull', and therefore their dog couldn't possibly hurt anyone or anything. They will continue to be complacent and these incidents will continue to occur. It's only once we start focusing on and educating based on what studies have found are the main contributors to serious dog attacks (of which we can already see there are a few in this situation), rather than 'breed', that we will see improvement. Agree 100%.
  13. Yes we have the same on the Central Coast and has been like that for quite a few years. I have had my greys for 4 years this year and they have never had a rego tag, both lifetime registered. I can only speak for one of the worst councils in NSW (Gosford) but rangers here would much rather hang down at the beach and give parking tickets, much easier for them but still getting their quota. When they put new parking restrictions down at the local boatramp the ranger was there in all his pathetic glory waiting for that random car that parked in the "boat only" area. Meanwhile there are dogs running and crapping all over the oval right in front of them but pfft...much easier to slip a ticket under the windscreen
  14. Bloody hell that's a worry. Hope you get it sorted Don, I know you are scared to walk your littlies on the street so to be scared to have them go out in the yard is a pain in the butt, hopefully a chat with the owners of the big dog will resolve it.
  15. I love this shot with the trucks racing Love this photo. Thank you for the feedback; this is one of several shots I took at sparrow's fart last Monday morning.... I wasn't convinced it was the best of the lot, but I couldn't make my mind up! Incidentally, it is a truck & dog trailer, though I appreciate it looks like two trucks too close together! I was going to say it's a truck & dog :) It's a great shot trifecta, you live in a beautiful part of the world and I for one am loving your photos.
  16. Well I must admit if I'd taken a selfie I'd have looked pretty myself :laugh:
  17. :laugh: love it SG...the hills are alive....
  18. Where did you read this? I can't find it in any of the articles online Yes, I was a bit mystified by this statement by Dogmad as well. For the last few days, I have had the television on most of the time as I come and go from the house (on ABC 1 or ABC24) so lots of snippets of news, but haven't heard that one. ETA: when the shocking news was first broadcast, I did hear neighbours being interviewed saying that there had been lots of big dogs over the years and many of them had caused problems by getting out and frightening people That's what they said on 7 news last night that they owned 5 other dogs that were registered as staffys and the attacking dog was registered as a terrier and yes they had disappeared after the attack.
  19. Oh yeah he watches the whole show Mita, he puts his head down in the ad breaks then as soon as he hears it's back on it's boing...concentrate :laugh: Unless I was keeping rocks in the fridge they wouldn't interest Stan
  20. 16/52 Stanley the serious Easter bunny :laugh:
  21. Honestly he makes me laugh at LEAST once a day but tonight I was laughing so hard. I know it's just the barking on TV but he actually looked horrified. When it was over he looked at me like "wtf was that!" and then proceeded to put his head down on the pillow and fell asleep :laugh: Aaahh love my funny boy :)
  22. Stan loves watching Bondi Vet on a Saturday night lol but tonights episode caught his attention more than others. A Lab had eaten a 4cm rock and was at Sash for surgery but the rock was already on it's way out naturally and Stan couldn't believe it
  23. That is horrendous No way could I live there with no leash laws after just having my muzzled greyhounds attacked that would be a nightmare!
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