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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Thanks DD :) Yeah I know they are usually safe but I'd hate for her to slip through the cracks poor old chicken.
  2. Stan and Maddie have a bit of a wardrobe happening in the coat department Stan is at the other end of the style scale, he totally rocks his flanno and Souths beanie :laugh:
  3. There is a dear old Pom in Hawkesbury Pound She's not due until the 23rd but just thought I'd post her here in case someone can help her should she not be claimed. http://council.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/animalshelter/index.php?album=dogsℑ=HCC-352.JPG
  4. Sending lots of positive vibes for Doof and hugs PD
  5. Looks like that goat wants a puff on that ciggie :p
  6. Oh wow that is amazing CC!
  7. Thanks BCC love my funny boy :)
  8. I don't think much of it at all. Anyone that associates with PETA are either brainwashed or not the full quid...or both, as Maddy said they are disgusting hypocrites.
  9. 18/52 Rastafarian Stan :D
  10. Oh wow it's gorgeous! Now if you tell me that's your house I'm going to be seriously jealous :laugh:
  11. Love it Larissa is that your car?
  12. Oh Dave I'm so sorry this has happened, you guys have all been through enough
  13. I haven't stayed here but I stumbled across it when looking for places to stay with my greyhounds when we come down to Vic. I understand what you are saying about the different ideas of dog friendly, my dogs must be allowed inside and they sleep with me, that is not negotiable. http://www.dogsonholidays.com.au/gippsland/yarram/caravanparks/bestfriend/
  14. She has the glare down pat there Jules :laugh: DD I love Danny's bathroom series bless him. Love all the pics!
  15. I just spotted the second face in that pic :laugh: love it.
  16. I would like to state, mine was staged as I dont generally take my camer to the loo either. I'd already been and noticed how they peeked through the gap, this was taken at a friends house, and the door didn't close properly, so I then went and got my camera after the deed was done to get the shot. :laugh: Yes mine was staged too, I often forget to take my phone when I go out let alone to the loo :laugh: I just did the same as Kirislin and like they do...back they came.
  17. Yeah I know it's not really a "selfie" but it is in the toilet :p ETA Stan does have his own Facebook page so he does post quite a bit.
  18. Just for a bit of Friday night fun the social media wave of "selfies" in the toilet is all the rage. Many of us have talked about the fact that we can't go to the loo alone without a face peering in...this is my life :laugh: Post your pics of bathroom selfies!
  19. No I'm not going to take photos of the property but I will have a copy of the ACA to give to the reporter with every section that was breached highlighted. The fact the ranger told me that the dangerous dog dec will not stick will obviously be my word against hers but as that is what I was told I will stand by it. I am telling the truth. I have also contacted the family whose greyhound was killed last year here on the Coast by a roaming dog that was reported many times to see if I can mention that in my interview.
  20. Yep I have everything written in a diary and I will definitely be making that point. GCC need to stop sitting on their hands and step up to the plate and start enforcing the laws that are set out. This "oh well it hasn't happened before so the dangerous dog dec is a bit harsh" is bullshit and I simply can't accept that slapping a fine on them is sufficient. These dogs can still get out and now they have attacked I have no doubt it will happen again.
  21. Oh no I hope you got your house sorted today. Thanks for the photos along the way they were great!
  22. Oh dear seriously? Maybe you could say because all the other dogs in the neighbourhood would point and laugh and say "oh looky here, here comes Vinnie plastic balls", imagine the embarrassment poor Vinnie would endure. If my partner was foolish enough to actually mention that to me he wouldn't get a valid arguement because there isn't one, a good poke in the eye would snap him out of that one quick smart.
  23. Thanks BC and thank you everyone. Well my local paper are going to run a story, a journo will contact me Monday to arrange a meeting
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