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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Thanks Pepe001 it's a newspaper article in my local rag, not exactly the national coverage I would like but hey it's a start. I will try to make sure they stick to the facts, I've never done this before so I am trying my best, I can't just give up in case it's reported wrongly, I have to try and get the word out there that NSW councils are not doing their job, they are not abiding by the law because as Dave73 said...it's too hard.
  2. It's a bloody joke isn't it Dave? I bailed up a ranger recently down at the boat ramp (I didn't have my dogs with me because it's too dangerous with offlead dogs not keeping in the designated area) where there is a large offleash area plus our local Rugby oval, restaurants and picnic areas. Council had just put in some new signs where only cars with boat trailers can park and the ranger was there in a second booking cars without trailers. I pointed out to him the dogs running all over the oval despite the signs saying no dogs and also running all over the short stretch of beach again clearly signed. He mumbled something about how they do patrols regularly which is bullsh#t and I told him so. I also said "it's much easier to stick a ticket under a window isn't it?" He didn't answer me he just turned and got in his car I can't speak for all council rangers but Gosford is beyond pathetic, I know this first hand! There as bad at Penrith as well, same thing on the Nepean river booking people for parking in a trailer only spot. Companion animal officers at Penrith are hard core if your dog barks for a hour in the morning but report dogs off leash and I get cannot do anything... Yep as you say...too hard. I had an old dude spit at me one day, yep spit. I was in the same area before I gave it up as a bad joke and this guys little fluffy came zooming out of no where barking and snapping around my greyhounds legs. With greyhounds thin skin any breed of dog can do damage so I was yelling at him to get his bloody dog before I kicked it to the moon, which were my exact words. He stormed over and said "how dare you! if you touch my dog I will report you" I asked him to whom he was going to report me, my greyhounds are muzzled and onlead by law put the bloody thing on a lead NOW! Do you know what? He didn't even have a lead, he just let his dog out of his car and let it go. When he told me that I called him an irresponsible ar#ehole so he spat at me...nice.
  3. Oh good. I was driving through that car park in Turramurra where we met some time ago, so I was thinking of you and wondering where you were at with the media. Hope he/she produces a storm raising article. Thanks DD I often think of that park it's soooo pretty in that area, I would never have discovered it if I didn't get hopelessly lost looking for your house :laugh: damn you GPS for putting me on a bum steer!
  4. YES! T. The reporter that rang me today told me she is friends with a foster carer of greyhounds, I know of the girl she mentioned as she actually lives in my suburb as well and she said she thought of me as soon as she read the report about the greyhound killed in Sydney. She told me she knows first hand how beautiful greyhounds are and the damage that can be done from attacking dogs. We spoke for quite a while on the phone and when she asked me what I want to get across in the article I was adamant that it was not to be about muzzling laws, NOT about the greyhound racing industry and most definitely not about introducing more laws. We have laws in place and I want council to step up and implement them pure and simple. Whether she gets that right I guess I just have to hope.
  5. It's a bloody joke isn't it Dave? I bailed up a ranger recently down at the boat ramp (I didn't have my dogs with me because it's too dangerous with offlead dogs not keeping in the designated area) where there is a large offleash area plus our local Rugby oval, restaurants and picnic areas. Council had just put in some new signs where only cars with boat trailers can park and the ranger was there in a second booking cars without trailers. I pointed out to him the dogs running all over the oval despite the signs saying no dogs and also running all over the short stretch of beach again clearly signed. He mumbled something about how they do patrols regularly which is bullsh#t and I told him so. I also said "it's much easier to stick a ticket under a window isn't it?" He didn't answer me he just turned and got in his car I can't speak for all council rangers but Gosford is beyond pathetic, I know this first hand!
  6. Booked in for 11am Monday with the reporter and photos for the local paper :)
  7. HazyWal...what's the book that was given to you....sound interesting :) Sheena it's this one. There's a lot of stews and things in there but I've only made the biscuits, sweet and savoury. http://www.bookworld.com.au/book/the-good-food-cookbook-for-dogs-50-home-cooked-recipes-for-the-health-and-happiness-of-your-canine-companion/1181784/?gclid=CNPl1qeepb4CFQ1xvAod2EIASQ
  8. I make lots of different bickies from a book that was given to me as a gift but I think my greys absolute favourite is these sweet potato chews that a Doler posted a while ago. So simple but my two go nuts over them, I tend to eat the crunchier ones myself when they come out of the oven :) http://www.dogtreatkitchen.com/sweet-potato-dog-chew.html
  9. It's not the muzzling of greyhounds I have a problem with it's the fact that so many bloody dogs are roaming the streets. I could go through the process of getting my two greencollared but besides the fact I can't afford it Maddie wouldn't pass, her prey drive is insanely high and when you are dealing with the fastest dog on the planet I will take no chances, for her own safety first and foremost. Having said that when she was attacked muzzle or not she had no chance, yes she could seriously hurt a small dog if it was attacking her but with the breed of dogs that attacked her she wouldn't have a hope. Councils need to start fining people, it's a joke and I don't care what breed they are obey the damn law!
  10. Grumpette your dogs are simply stunning, I love every photo you post of them they are truly devine
  11. He truly is the Man.... the Man for any occasion Thank you VM :D He's a funny boy I am blessed to have him in my life.
  12. What happened to the dog who attacked him and the people who owned it? I fought very hard for a dangerous dog declaration. One dog was PTS and the other remains living at the house and they haven't really learnt their lesson as they still allow it to jump off the back of the ute and walk into the yard off leash. I also made them pay the vet bills. I was considering suing the owner for losses but I'd had enough at that point. I remember you posting about this WW Were you successful at getting the DDD? I am about to take civil action against the owner of the dogs that attacked mine to try and get my money back for some of the vet bills she still owes for. They opted to euth the dog before a DD was enforced. The ranger informed them that he would in a week be issuing an NOI and they put the dog to sleep before that happened. The other dog wasn't considered to have taken part in the attack, although in my mind it did given I sank the boot into it a couple of times and if it was close enough to kick then it was certainly part of an attack. I didn't have any chance, two dogs on one and a muzzled Grey. I couldn't pick him up as he was too heavy and thrashing about trying to escape, all I could do was kick when I had the chance but I had to decide which of the dogs I was kicking and when and I obviously couldn't do enough. If I ever encounter that dog again, I will choke it to death. I don't care how many bites I sustain in the process, I will protect my dogs at all costs. You should have little trouble in getting a court to agree with you but physically getting people to pay up even after a court order can be a long and drawn out process. I fully understand the terror you go through and then the process to try and seek some justice or at least costs covered. Thank you. Yes I know what you mean about protecting at all costs, if I could legally carry a pocket knife I would and I would not hesitate to use it. I will never get the sound of my dogs screaming in sheer terror out of my head...ever.
  13. What happened to the dog who attacked him and the people who owned it? I fought very hard for a dangerous dog declaration. One dog was PTS and the other remains living at the house and they haven't really learnt their lesson as they still allow it to jump off the back of the ute and walk into the yard off leash. I also made them pay the vet bills. I was considering suing the owner for losses but I'd had enough at that point. I remember you posting about this WW Were you successful at getting the DDD? I am about to take civil action against the owner of the dogs that attacked mine to try and get my money back for some of the vet bills she still owes for.
  14. A girl whose muzzled greyhound was killed here on the Central Coast in the same circumstance sent me a link to this story this morning. The injuries to the man's knee was the wire on one of the greys muzzles was embedded in his knee such was the ferocity of this attack. After my own greys getting attacked last month this makes me feel physically sick
  15. Yes AnnieK makes gorgeous greyhound coats. http://anniescoats.webs.com/
  16. CrazyCresties hope you had a greyt day
  17. Yep. He's gorgeous, did you get him from one of the breeders recommended to you here?
  18. Great photos. I love exploring old cemeteries, I always feel quite honoured to be there and that someone is still reading their story...if that makes sense
  19. 19/52 Wamberal Beach from Terrigal lookout on an overcast day.
  20. Sorry I have no advice but maybe get this moved to the Health section or even General discussion as rescue doesn't get as much traffic. I hope you can get some answers for your boy and yes David Lidbetter is pretty amazing :)
  21. They are gorgeous great photos as usual :) They are only young so here's hoping they find a wonderful home together
  22. Waiting for breakfast, as you can see by Stan's eyes he doesn't do mornings well.
  23. You don't need a scarf when you've got a snoodie :laugh:
  24. Yes a 10 year old foxie as well as that one Dogmad and a 12 year old staffy Winter in the pound is hard for all of them but for the oldies it breaks my heart
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