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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Does your local pound not have night cages? We have two council pounds and the RSPCA on the Central Coast and all three have after hours cages that people can drop animals off in.
  2. Oh I'm glad he's ok but Doof that's seriously feral!
  3. Yes Karen and Terry's beautiful gentle boy also called Stan was killed by a roaming dog in August while Terry was taking him for an afternoon walk. Even with the help of neighbours and passers by he died from his injuries on the road in front of his devastated dad This dog has never been caught, it is still out there...somewhere Photo posted with permission.
  4. Thanks BC yes I know you as a former local understand my frustration at GCC. I just received a lovely message from the people who's grey was killed at Kariong last year just thanking me for standing up and having a go. I expect nothing to change but it certainly won't if I sat on my hands.
  5. Yeah thanks Melz, I did say to the journo there are three things I do not want in this article. Do NOT make this about greyhound racing, do NOT make this about greyhound muzzling laws and FFS get the breeds right...if I see the word pitbull heads will roll :D I'm not backward in coming forward
  6. Amen to that. You all look lovely. I do love a white sighthound That bit I did say. I never said I was afraid of being attacked myself nor did I say they were left fighting for their lives. Thanks HW yes Stan and Maddie scrubbed up well :) The photographer asked me to swap the two over in the sitting photo as Stan was too shiny, he kept saying he's never seen such a shiny dog. DD I didn't expect anything more from Council...I still don't
  7. Thanks for linking that TF. Hmmm they have dramatised a few things but most of it's correct, my hair is looking attractive as it was blowing a gale :laugh:
  8. Don't blame yourself, I personally would've smashed it with a hammer but I'm not you and I wasn't there. My friends greyhound was killed recently by a large dog and although he is a big man he could not stop this dog and his beloved pet died on the road in front of him. As you said you tried to hit it with something and then did the next best thing you could when you saw it wasn't working and that was to desperately seek help. My own greyhounds were attacked last month, I feel sick for you and can't imagine your grief
  9. Yes it was bloody annoying I wasn't very impressed, I'll link the story here when it comes out. I have heard nothing from council on the outcome and the reporter said she had not heard from them either when she emailed them to tell them she was running the story. Stan is fine but Maddie is just terrible when she sees other dogs now. I worked so hard at building her confidence after she was attacked in foster care and now she's worse than ever
  10. Well the photographer was an hour late and the reporter never turned up at all! The guy that took the photos said the reporter had already written the story she just needed the photos. I said "what story, I just chatted to her on the phone?" He rang her and said to call me which she did, luckily because she got so many things wrong. She read what she had written and I corrected her on certain things, like it wasn't Stan that had surgery it was Maddie and a couple of other things where she had it completely balls up *sigh*. Anyway she said she couldn't email me the story otherwise she would miss the deadline so fingers crossed she bloody got it right!
  11. I am so very sorry this has happened to you and your beautiful boy It's bad enough walking the streets with morons and their off leash dogs but when they're not even safe in their own yard it's just unacceptable.
  12. I don't take part in the MPW but I do know they have rescue stalls at the Gosford one. Somersby RSPCA here on the Central Coast do work with rescue, I know that first hand from sending two dogs to Tasmania, I cannot fault the shelter manager and the staff so there definitely has been a massive change at this shelter. Having said that 20 minutes in the other direction at Tuggerah Supa Centre they wanted nothing to do with us taking an emaciated greyhound out of the perspex box it was sitting in and into rescue
  13. Oh yeah! I have two foster failures myself :D I remember Destiny's story and have followed Bonnie's as well. Sometimes things are just meant to be
  14. Oh he's gorgeous Jules You're one lucky boy Toby!
  15. 20/52 Not a bad spot to have a beer on a Friday arvo :) Sunset from the Crowne Plaza Terrigal.
  16. Stanley's attempt to eat through the door of my new freezer O...M...G..!!!! T. Yep the kid's got issues He chewed thru to the metal and then not to be deterred! He actually pulled it out from the wall and pulled out some of the wires from the back He was lucky he didn't get electrocuted, although I think he would've chosen electrocution over his very angry mum when she got home.
  17. Stanley's attempt to eat through the door of my new freezer
  18. OMG PD can you imagine Stan on the Pred?? So glad your gorgeous boy is back to the mad Doofster, may he annoy you for a long time to come :)
  19. thats what got me too Staffyluv. no one was there following me around ll the time, or on my bed, and it was just sad. I dont regret getting Kokoda one bit. Ziggy was the best decision I made at that time in my life. Sure he has given me a few challenges (training) but he is a superstar with the most amazing personality. It's funny, when Ollie was here and 6 years of chemo, diet changes, palliative care, I never thought I could love a dog like I loved him. But I can and I do - Zig isn't Ollie, he can't replace him.. But his personality as a big and beautiful as Ollie's was and I wouldn't give him up for anything.. Everything you say here is so true. I lost my RidgyX in 2009 aged 16, he was my everything, he rode shotgun through the good times and the bad, he was my family. I really did lose the plot for a few months after I gave him his wings and I vowed I would never get another dog, not because I thought I would replace him but because I didn't think I could take my heart breaking again. Then a vet nurse from my vet did a story in our local paper 10 months later about greyhound adoption, I thought to myself greyhounds! coming from a racing family greyhounds were race dogs to me but the thought of fostering appealed to me as I was still telling myself I could never OWN another dog. I emailed her and several weeks later in walked Stan. I think I knew by the time he jumped into bed that night and put his velvet nose on my chest he was a keeper. I fostered quite a few greys after that until Miss Maddie entered our lives and my little family was complete again. As Staffyluv said I never thought I could love another dog like my old boy but I also can and I do. Stan is so special in his own way, he helped me heal and is a shining light in my world. Well he's a bit dim really but I love the silly old fart :laugh:
  20. Yes Denise has assessed quite a few greys that I know. Rebanne I might look into it for Stan, I'm confident he'd pass but Maddie...no way. They never used to be transferable but it may have changed so I'll check it out, thanks :)
  21. Hi brintey sorry I just saw this. I'm moving to Victoria soon so I think I would have to have it re-done when I move anyway.
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