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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Fair point, but a pure bred Fox Terrier is a very distinctive animal! So are greyhounds, the ear tatts make it fairly obvious, but for some reason the RSPCA quite often list them as GreyhoundX. That's pretty cool Mr Darcy, even if you are a little bonkers :laugh:
  2. Happy Gotcha Day Bob Livin' the life of luxury with the Winterpaws family
  3. He looks rather pleased with his choices raineth :) You are indeed a handsome man Digby!
  4. Yes the first one is the hardest, mine's still here 4 years later lol SG I agree with T, she's off on her new adventure thanks to you.
  5. OMG he's gorgeous!! I'm a sucker for the old hounds. What do the other greys think of him?
  6. Ah I was right on the money with his background story. You could tell the old bloke had been a pet, a similar story to old Bob, the 12 year old grey that found himself in the RSPCA here at Somersby and now living the dream with Winterpaws and family here on the Coast. Well done Brandi, he must have been a scared old chook in the pound. I'm sure his owner is looking down and wishing some good Karma your way. Give me a yell if I can do anything.
  7. Woo hoo hey there Benny boy! Thanks for your help BnW, you're a champion :D
  8. Hhmmm they wouldn't be very long on the Bassett KC, they'd be wrist warmers for the greyhounds lol
  9. Leg warmers are a must. BnW I only have one pair do you have a spare pair otherwise...well...he's just going to look silly.
  10. What about Bosley's pink t-shirt Maddy? Does he still have that one :p
  11. I was thinking the same myself T. Not many people will drive the 1.5 hours to Yagoona let alone 2 hours to Orange to surrender, there's plenty of bush up there
  12. Thanks for the offers guys :) It seems GR have put a hold on him, there have been offers of adoption from greyhound owners on FB so I'm hoping one of them pan out instead.
  13. Ben is an 11 year old greyhound that is great with dogs and kids but not cats. He was surrendered to Renbury today and this old boy deserves a couch to lay on at his age http://www.renbury.com.au/SAM_5281.JPG
  14. Yes Katoomba is no where near Yagoona and even further from Orange We have three RSPCA facilities here, all within an hour of each other so it makes no sense to close Katoomba. Oh well if they're leasing it I know of at least one rescue that would be rubbing their hands together at the prospect of being able to shove more greyhounds in kennels...for years
  15. I love this! Shame the duckies weren't just a little bit closer.... but then you may have ended up in with them teekay, your portrait is gorgeous, & huga, week 20 is my favourite of your recent shots Thanks trifecta, I don't own a camera or an iPhone, my phone is just a cheapy Huawei but I think it still takes good photos it's the operater that's a bit dodgy :laugh: The ducks wouldn't come any closer because of the "beady eyed assassin" I had a better shot with both the dogs but Stan was doing a wee *sigh*
  16. Gawd I hate posting after Huga, I hate posting after anyone really :laugh: Anyhoo 21/52 Here ducky ducky...yummy ducky...
  17. Love those pics! I do lurk in the Dane thread as I adore them so know that your time together is short. Hugs for you and Digby and look forward to lot's more photos.
  18. Ah ok I went 4WDing up at Double Island Point many moons ago and we stopped at the wreck of the Cherry Venture. A quick google just told me it was removed in 2007 which doesn't surprise me as it was pretty gutted when we were there in the 90's. The thing I remember more then the wreck was these humungous flies! Seriously when one landed on me while getting my photo taken I swatted at it and it felt like I hit a bird :laugh:
  19. No idea but those photos are incredibly beautiful teekay. Where is that? It's not the Cherry Venture is it?
  20. Stan doesn't have a mean bone in his body...except when it comes to food. Mine are fed in seperate rooms where they can't see each other and I watch them both, Maddie eats quite slowly and Stan's a pig so what will happen if they're not supervised is he scoffs his and then will just go and push her out of the way and eat hers. Even if she just sees him she will walk away from her bowl in fear. She has never once reacted but I don't take the chance that one day she may just have had enough of him taking her food.
  21. I didn't. I said a majority of dogs loose here are bullbreeds and it's the owners slack attitude that worries me especially after the recent attack on my greys. Any breed of dog can do damage to mine, remember I have the original breed subjected to BSL we are already muzzled by law, but any larger breed can kill mine in minutes. I was talking to a friend of mine who was with Bull Terrier Rescue here on the Central Coast and he said himself (as Remarkabull did) his beloved breed tend to attract a certain type of person which makes it difficult when rehoming. He said for example people don't want a greyhound to put on the back of the ute to protect to tools or in the yard to protect the house, they want something big tough and scary looking and if they bite then that's an added bonus
  22. Never feel bad about reporting more people need to. I reported a jack russell running around the soccer oval yesterday while the owner and kid were kicking the ball and they never once looked at this dog, this is the third time I've seen them. The dog isn't aggressive but it runs around annoying people and crapping in the middle of the oval which is never picked up. Once again our walk was cut short and we came home, sick to death of it. I told the ranger I will be ringing every time I see an off lead dog which around here will be every day. Our local lost and found Facebook page is full of escapees, a large majority are bull breeds and the owners are like "oh yeah he gets out all the time"
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