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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. HazyWal


    I'm so sorry Dreams RIP Munce... now doing zoomies in heaven
  2. My two have been on it now for about 18 months I think and it's brilliant. Stan got the runs on every kibble I bought including top shelf and since being on this he does solid poos every time. Their skin and coats are fantastic, when the local paper took photos of them recently the photographer commented several times on Stan's shiny coat. My vet says they look amazing so I'm very happy with it. I get the chicken and duck as it's the only one that comes in the 7 kilo bags which is the largest size they make.
  3. Yeah same here KC. Can't carry a greyhound under each arm either so doomed to stay south of the border *sigh*
  4. I'm so sorry MW RIP Tess so very loved.
  5. Kdf they are gorgeous :) Maddie has that random brindle spot as well and a small one over her eye. Maddy I can't believe how much the Goober looks like his dad!
  6. I know! I happened to find someone on a greyhound trainer forum I was on who recognised his race name and said she was at Stan's whelping and knew his breeder well. She contacted him and he sent me that photo. He was so happy Stan was in a pet home as he had no idea he had ended up in the pound. Two of Stan's siblings were sold to a trainer in NZ, I watched his full sister race a couple of times, they were a whole litter of blues :)
  7. What do you mean your boof head?! You're gorgeous. You and hubby look so excited and proud as punch of your new boy and so you should be. What lucky dogs are Sonny and Stella :)
  8. gorgeous boy!!! I have no doubt you are being spoilt today by your mum amd dad :D
  9. I have seen this before :laugh: Stan would've been busted on the first night as he would've scoffed everything in the kitchen and flipped 'em all the bird as he went back to bed. Not big on sharing food my Stanley.
  10. Here on the Central Coast you have to surrender to the pound in your shire, you can't just go to any pound. Thanks for trying to help him have a chance dogslife, people do suck sometimes
  11. Stan's mum Shady Spec, she'd be 12 now if she's still around... ...and Stanley :D
  12. 23/52 "Sunshine on a Sunday"
  13. I'm with you Jules. I don't really see why the dogs have to sleep on the bed. What worries me more is that we have a large dam on the property which some people might like to let their dogs swim in & then allow them on the bed. Being on tank water would mean that there would not be oddles of water for washing dogs down. Maybe I should forget about the whole idea & just build myself a little studio in the magic spot I have in mind. :) My dogs sleep on the bed with me because they can and I like them to. I don't really see why you don't like them to but each to their own The question was to be honest and I honestly wouldn't let my dogs on furniture if that's what the rules are but then again as others have said I wouldn't stay there if they couldn't.
  14. No I wouldn't. Even though greyhounds have no odour so I could probably get away with it I still wouldn't. I would just make sure I could have them on the lounge/bed before I booked and I'd take my own doona anyway.
  15. Ah the Mo man! He's so gorgeous, they both are
  16. Sadly I agree. Just tonight on one of our local on-line op shops someone was looking for a dog kennel for their Lab which included a photo of the dog. One person came in and said " Ooooo she's pretty I have a male if you ever want to have puppies?" Another person with 6 five week old kittens and two six month olds that were from the original parents FTGH, not microchipped or vaccinated. When it was pointed out to the OP that it was illegal to sell them so young and without chip/vacc the poster was abused and told to mind their own business Does my head in but you can't put brains in statues
  17. I took them out! They were driving me mental taking ages to dry when they were wet etc and I spent two weeks of sessions of drenching them in conditioner and unpicking them it was horrible but somehow my hair actually ended up coming out ok. Its still down to my waist now no issues :laugh: You should get them! You're never too old! Yeah I am, with the hot flushes I'd probably go spare with an itchy head :laugh: I think we need a Mosely pic as well, I'm sure Lili wouldn't mind :)
  18. Lili! I love that photo it's brilliant :) Where are the dreadies Aussie? I love dreadies but I'm too old now :laugh:
  19. I love seeing that little face when I get home Stan wouldn't get off the lounge if he's life depended on it :laugh:
  20. 22/52 No use having a beware of the dog sign with my two You can just see Maddie's little face at the window on the right :)
  21. Oh wow I love them Leanne. As j said a collector would jump at the chance to buy and restore them. I'd love to see them restored to their former glory and I'd love to drive one :)
  22. No I don't, there's plenty of meat eaters out there that are nutbags. There is an anti greyhound racing group that push the "you are supporting the killing of greyhounds and the racing industry" if you are not vegan. Mind you no one actually knows these people and they could be munching on a crumbed cutlet behind that keyboard for all anyone knows but hey...people blindly follow.
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