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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. There's a video on FB I saw it this morning, I'll try and find it.
  2. You could do no more for Jesse than you did Lulusuki. RIP Jesse and huge hugs for you
  3. That letter is a fabulous idea I move a lot but always around the same suburb so most people know us and as mine aren't barkers we don't have that problem having said that if a cat jumps over the fence things won't be pretty I have always had fantastic neighbours so been blessed but when we move to Melbourne it will be a whole different ball game not knowing a soul so that letter could be something I could do :)
  4. :laugh: I tell Stan he's going back to Hawkesbury Pound when he's chucking a tanty because he wants food. I say " RIGHT, do you want to go back to Hawkesbury Stanley? It's just up the F3, not far you know!" He just gives me that vacant Stan look that always makes me laugh so I walk away mumbling "and it's not funny Stan" :laugh:
  5. I read the OP as 'illegal in Tasmania' :/ Maddy would be the one to ask, she lives in Tassie and feeds her greys raw. ETA could it be because of Hydatid Tapeworm? http://dpipwe.tas.gov.au/Documents/dogs.pdf
  6. Hmmm a friend told me she read it somewhere but couldn't remember. No biggie I was just interested that's all.
  7. Are you sure that's the real reason? Our park always has heaps, and people often take a handful. I'd imagine they pay barely anything for those rolls at parks, I'd be willing to bet that wasn't the real/only reason. I know that's the reason. I called the Council to ask about a roaming dog. While I had them on the phone I asked if they were no longer providing bags and was told people were calling every day, even just a few hours after Council had replaced the bags to complain that the dispenser was always empty. I've seen greedy people stuffing supermarket bags with Council provided dog bags. I did say to one woman "You must have a lot of dogs if you need all those bags". She replied "No, only two, I'm just stocking up". I then asked would she mind leaving one bag for me to carry while I walked my dog. Apparently she missed the point. How much the Council pays for the bags is not the issue. The Council has to pay staff to drive around replacing these bags in various locations. It's a bit single minded to think it's only about what they pay for the bags. It's a poor comparison but it's like those who engage in looting after a disaster of some kind. The mindset seems to be 'well it's free so why not take as much as you can'? Far out I can't beleive people take all the poo bags at the park! I don't use dog parks but have seen people complain online about no poo bags and just thought it was typical lazy Gosford Council not re stocking them. Seriously, they're 2 bucks for 200 at the Reject Shop, go buy some.
  8. I heard on the grapeve this morning that a rescue has taken over the tender, anyone know who it is?
  9. That's interesting thowra do you mean Greyhounds As Pets or Greyhound Adoption Programmme? I have been to the Playhouse and checked it out, the guy that owned it was a greyhound trainer, but found it unsuitable. A little too airy in winter for my likings.
  10. Love those Terri :) I have old Les that lives in the next street to me and he's always in his front garden pottering around. Every single time we used walk past he'd say "here comes the luckiest greyhounds in the world". I love it, it makes me feel proud that this old dude recognises the fact my greys are healthy and loved :) He's probably wondering where we are as I don't walk the streets anymore since we got attacked
  11. I asked Gruf to go in and get me more pegs this morning while we were hanging the washing out. As you do :laugh:
  12. Thanks SnT I will definitely ask my vet about them As you say they used to knock them around a bit so I was reluctant, I don't care what they cost as long as my poor little chicken travels well.
  13. Wow trifecta I love the car window one!
  14. Thanks TSD I just had a look and it's another hour south, maybe doable. I don't really know how she'll go, she used to get terribly car sick even after just 10 minutes in the car but since the attack I drive them twice a day to a park that is fairly safe and she is not showing the same anxiety. The weather should still be coolish so I can put her thundershirt on when travelling and see how that goes.
  15. Nah, who would dare leave Stan in a kennel!!! He would disown you. :laugh: If you had said yes I would've agreed :laugh: BUT in my defence I worry about them getting hurt in kennels with their thin skin and with Stan's loooong record of injuries I'd back it in something would happen. I really don't think they would miss me at all as long as they were together it's me that has the problem. I did put them in doggy daycare at my vets for a day a few months back when I had an appointment in Sydney and Stan barked non stop, we got the "don't come back" when I picked him up. Only Stan would get expelled on his first day of pre school
  16. I was just in the kitchen and the ads came on TV that were much louder than the show I was watching. I thought to myself "gawd that's loud" and then proceeded to yell out "Maddie will you turn that down please?" I didn't ask Stan because he's too lazy :laugh: Yep I've officially lost it
  17. So fingers crossed we are heading down to Melbourne mid October for a week. I am looking for basic accommodation around the halfway mark preferably on or not far from the Hume Hwy for myself and the greyhounds. Maddie is not a good traveller so I think around Gundagai might be about as far as I'll push it. Can anyone recommend somewhere? All I want to do is have a sleep and leave early the next day so as long as it's clean it certainly doesn't have to be flash and the dogs must be able to stay in the room with me. I just did a bit of a google and found this place, has anyone stayed there? TIA http://www.bushmansretreat.com.au/
  18. I always say "can you please TRY and behave?" when I walk away from the car. Stan always lays down when I duck into the shop and Maddie frantically searches out of every window looking for me, she usually treads on him which results in a loud telling off by Stan. I can hear them in the shop
  19. School holidays end on the 5th of October in Victoria and the 6th in NSW. This place in Vic is VERY dog friendly and comes highly recommended from Dolers. http://bestfriend.net.au/
  20. I live alone so my only conversation outside of the check out person or the guy in the Shell garage is the dogs, I don't really have anyone else to talk to lol.
  21. Are you saying I have an unhealthy obsession with my greyhounds SnT? :p
  22. Same. I'd feel sick with worry the whole time so it would be pointless. I had two short holidays in 16 years with my old boy and had friends stay in my home but he was much easier to look after than the pair of lunatics I have now :laugh:
  23. Oh I'm sorry Perse I've just seen this RIP Dougal
  24. The RSPCA here on the Central Coast certainly don't prefer adoptions go as only dogs. They do ask that all potential adopters bring their existing dogs to the shelter for a meet and greet which helps stop them being returned. Our shelter isn't your average though, they actively work with rescue :)
  25. Reject Shop, 200 lavender scented nappy bags for 2 bucks
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