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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. Sweet Canetoad! What does Jonah think of Miss Jessie?
  2. Oh I adore Nelsson, one of my favourite Dol doggies :) Happy Birthday you old fart and many more to come!
  3. Your vet's an idiot. It's not pent up energy causing her to "lash out". Redirected aggression often occurs with excitement, fence running and fighting. Exercising her isn't going to help stop her lashing out, all you will end up with is a bitch that is super fit and goes and goes. You need to keep the separate and seek some help from someone who actually knows what they are talking about. You will come home to find one or both of the seriously injured or worse if you choose to do nothing about the aggression now. Stafford bitches can be deadly, been there, seen it and have seen owners and dogs with battle scars and worse. This post is what you need to read and yes I agree, what terrible advice from your vet My greyhounds adore each other but it's all bets off if another animal can be seen through the fence. What starts out as a fun running along the fence kinda thing soon turns to poo with redirected aggression, my girl still bears an impressive scar from a cat taking an afternoon stroll along the fence line.
  4. Aaaaw that's gorgeous Kirislin! My old boy was 16 when I gave him his wings after doing everything possible for his arthritis. I too had never had a dog that old and seeing I'd had him since he was 6 weeks old it was a huge chunk of my life. He was a dottery, warty old soul but would still have that burst of days of old occasionally which made my heart sing, still that twinkle in the eye. As he was very DA in his prime he would still look up at the fluffy across the road through cloudy eyes and I could see he was thinking "one of these days Alice...straight to the moon" lol
  5. I was going to say how beautiful her coat is and it's good to see she still got that twinkle in her eye There is nothing quite like the love of an old dog.
  6. Mac, what a fabulous party you had!
  7. It comes in a wide range of colours these days but I think the original silver would suit her colouring :D
  8. I don't think he'll care too much what he is called :laugh: :laugh: Someone will fall in love with him soon I'm sure
  9. Yes, that's what I saw too. They also said the dog has always been a problem, menacing neighbours, loose etc. The owners were previously fined for not containing the dog. Yep this is correct. A friend lives a few streets from this dog and was not surprised when she saw what happened, she said the rangers had been called many a time.
  10. Dogmad you are an angel I have the utmost respect for you, you always go above and beyond for these gorgeous souls. As for the owner? I can't post what I would like to say
  11. But the actual dog DID do something to warrant a reaction Staffyluv, the OP was scared and uncomfortable. The dog may have been leashed but if you are looking away anything can happen. My two are not cat friendly in any way shape or form. If I walk into the clinic and there is a cat in a carrier my two are straight onto it so I sit away from them and make sure I keep them close and make a point of saying to said person that it's ok I'm over here and I continually say to my two to stop it. They will keep eyeballing the cat but I don't take my eyes off them, I don't flick through a mag.
  12. Right ok then it's not up for discussion apparently As Sabbath and I both stated we are aware people may be frightened by our breed so we just take that extra step to ensure everything goes swimmingly at the vet where some people have very ill animals and others may just be worried by them.
  13. Yep I do the same. Many people are frightened of greyhounds and the muzzles don't do them any favours either. It doesn't help that Stan absolutely loves the vet and bounds in like a lunatic, a muzzled lunatic is enough to put the wind up anyone. If annoys me when people are not paying attention to their dogs and not thinking of everyone in the waiting room. Hang on, all the other owner did was sit in the waiting room with her dog under control. How is there an obligation for her to check on every person she encounters and ensure she makes them feel comfortable around her dog? If her dog got away from her or was behaving inappropriately because she wasn't paying attention that would piss me off too but her dog didn't do anything wrong at all in this scenario. Woah there SL. Sorry I can't multi quote but from the OP... "the dogs owner, a woman with grey hair was NOT watching but looking sideways at a magazine" Considering as stated my dogs are muzzled by law and have been attacked before I watch every single thing that happens in the waiting room. If you are not watching but flicking through a mag or chatting on Facebook how is that under control?
  14. Every day for Stan, should be meat pie day Stan is Spesial He's fat enough VM! It's not that he's overfed it's just exercise is not high on his list of things to do :laugh:
  15. Yep I do the same. Many people are frightened of greyhounds and the muzzles don't do them any favours either. It doesn't help that Stan absolutely loves the vet and bounds in like a lunatic, a muzzled lunatic is enough to put the wind up anyone. If annoys me when people are not paying attention to their dogs and not thinking of everyone in the waiting room.
  16. I really am the lucky one mackiemaid :) PD he had a devon sandwich :laugh: Thank you everyone!
  17. ....even when she's pushing him off the lounge *sigh*
  18. Nah TSD is right, fat as a fool these days and mad as a hatter :laugh: the apple doesn't fall far from the tree so they say Harley Stan shares a very special day with your handsome boy everyone :) It's been a worrying couple of days but that's what Stan does best...worries me! Love him to bits, he's "speshal" in more ways than one ;)
  19. Four years ago today this skinny, mad greyhound walked in my front door! My very first foster greyhound, I still remember sitting there staring at you on the lounge and wondering what the hell I was thinking :laugh: You put up with all those bossy foster grey girls until Miss Maddie walked in and we were both smitten. We've been through some hard times my man and your most recent health issue just makes me love you more...if that's possible. So happy 4th gotcha Stan and thank you for starting a life long passion for the quirky, lovable, divine needle noses
  20. Yep it's all year round now. I can't use Advantix on my greys as they get a reaction from it, I'm constantly going over them but the fear is still there. I almost lost my old boy to a tick so I'm super paranoid.
  21. I shared him on FB gapvic, I hope he finds his special home. He looks greyhound cross polar bear lol
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