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Everything posted by HazyWal

  1. If I was down there I would've volunteered but you'd have to change to title to 'chubby impala' :laugh:
  2. Great pic gapvic! We went on a greyhound walk this morning with GAP NSW and had a great time :D This is Jack aged 13, with his poo bag :laugh: 32/52 Jack
  3. Fostering is a great idea, plenty of greyhounds out there that need foster homes I would love a third, an older grey but Maddie is a biatch and three won't fit in the Getz so that's out the door I would love to foster a grey! Well grab OH, take a day trip up to Seymour and visit the GAP kennels. They already come green collared so no muzzle worries and you get full support from GAPVIC. If nothing else you'll get to meet the lovely Doler Larissa and you'll get greyhound cuddles so that's a win :D
  4. Red Fox I love that photo and description of your two, they are gorgeous. Grumpette I could look at photos of your dogs all day they are just stunning.
  5. Fostering is a great idea, plenty of greyhounds out there that need foster homes I would love a third, an older grey but Maddie is a biatch and three won't fit in the Getz so that's out the door
  6. Nope wouldn't worry me. Teekay the bee photo is brilliant
  7. Yes of course! Daisy is the best beagle in the world :) I love her with all of my heart as well, but it's a different bond than I have with Wiz. She's my heart dog. Oh ok. The question was asked about one thing you love about your dog and Daisy didn't rate a mention, sorry I find that sad. She was there way before your current dog yet there was nothing you could say about her It wasn't on purpose, I was in a rush and posted quickly the first thing I thought of and a picture I had on hand. I have a million things to say about daisy. It's just a fun thread. To be honest I am a bit insulted you could question how much I love or care for my dog based on something as silly as this. Daisy is cuddling in next to me right now, I better wake her up tell her how unloved and neglected she is because I didn't mention her in an off handed post in a silly thread. I didn't say that she was unloved I have two dogs, no matter how rushed I am I still have two dogs
  8. Yes of course! Daisy is the best beagle in the world :) I love her with all of my heart as well, but it's a different bond than I have with Wiz. She's my heart dog. Oh ok. The question was asked about one thing you love about your dog and Daisy didn't rate a mention, sorry I find that sad. She was there way before your current dog yet there was nothing you could say about her
  9. With Maddie it's her affectionate nature, she is the most loving dog I've ever owned. She just loves being cuddled and kissed and she absolutely adores me, she rarely lets me out of her sight when I'm home and I just love that about her. With Stan it's the fact he's thick as a brick :laugh: now before people say that's mean there are huge advantages of having a dumb dog. Nothing much, besides thunder, poo and insects, worries him. He's had some awful health issues in the last 12 months yet he bounds into that vet surgery like it's the greatest place on earth. You would think after several surgeries to repair his fractured skull he would be a little hesitant but nope, he forgot about that right after it happened and I just love that about him.
  10. Yep, same here. I couldn't really give a rats if someone uses my bin when it is on the verge full or empty. I would prefer it when its full, but much rather it in my empty bin than on the verge. I might be wrong here but don't the councils actually own the bins anyway? And to the OP, I don't think you are being 'dickish' at all, your post shows that you actually care and think about others. :) Yeah they say caring is sharing but you can keep your dog s**t to yourself thanks. How is it caring about others when your dumping it in someone elses bin? The OP said she could maybe understand if they weren't dog owners so how do you know who is and who isn't? When someone starts a thread ending it with "opinions please" that's what you get, whether you like it or not. So my opinion is...I don't care if your dog craps a pebble or a third of it's body weight, don't dump it in my bin. Take it home.
  11. Never in a private bin. I will put it in the council bins at the oval otherwise I take it home, I don't care how long I have to carry it for. Problem is remembering it when I get home and not locking it in the car overnight
  12. Lot's of love and strength headed your way from me and the hounds Dave.
  13. I'd never leave a muzzle on mine unsupervised. They look like a great idea. When Maddie was attacked it was in a spot on her shoulder that was hard to cover but easy for her to lick at so I got her a couple on kids onsies and did the press duds up along her back. Worked a treat, one wound was stitched and one was open and it didn't rub or catch on either. She only wore it at night or when I went out, when I was home I just put the bitter liquid around the wounds. I've never used a cone on any of my dogs
  14. Yeah the hounds do it tough in this house :laugh:
  15. I'm falling behind as I've hardly left the house in the last few weeks and there's only so many photos I can take out of the loungeroom window or of the dogs so sorry everyone but before I fall too far behind here's another pic of a hound. 31/52 Sleeping like a baby on a rainy Sunday morning.
  16. Stan farts, burps, sighs, yips, growls, hogs the pillows, spoons but can't say I've ever heard him purr :laugh:
  17. Run free and fast dear sweet Penny...you were so very loved Take care Kirislin
  18. The dried sweet potato treats I made last Xmas were yummo. No way was I sharing the crispy ones with the dogs
  19. My two will growl and snap if woken, startle reflex is very common in greyhounds.
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